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Welcome to the Program
Hello, Badass Butterfly!
Thank you so much for choosing to work with me as your mentor. And thank you for joining my tribe of women empowering women through transformational coaching and healing. Not only am I grateful that you’ve chosen me out of ALL the vast coaches in the sea, but you’ve given me the opportunity to connect with you deeply and to guide you through the learning process of spiritual life coach certification.
That might sound like a funny way to open a Welcome Letter, but this sincere devotion is the foundation for the work that we will be doing together. Making the choice to accelerate and establish your own business with the help of a professional shows your dedication to change and shows your willingness to take spiritually-guided risks, take a step toward your dream and become what you are meant to be.
Working with a mentor could feel risky because you are trusting a stranger with your hopes and dreams, as well as, your potential shortcomings. I understand this very well because I was also, at one period of my life, a student. It was challenging, but it has changed my life in a profound way. I am grateful to my mentor for loving me enough to hold me accountable to our Spiritual Philosophy and for sharing her deep wisdom… and for having faith in me. It is my goal, as your mentor to support you, hold you accountable and give you all the information you need to thrive spiritually and vocationally. I want you to accel in your craft.
My title is Spiritual Life Coach and I chose this path of coaching because of the adage, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven.” This means that everything starts with the kingdom of heaven, which lies within us. It also means that I trust the God Within to be an unconditionally loving consciousness that wants us to thrive NOW. I know that you chose the path of spiritual life coaching because you, too, feel the call of the Divine… which led you to me. So, I am honored and excited to start this mentorship!
While we are establishing a firm foundation for your tower of achievement, our primary aim is to get you up and rolling in a successful business.
We begin the program with your very own Spiritual Life Coaching journey. During the first six weeks of the program, you and I will work together twice per week to let you experience first-hand what it is like to receive professional coaching the Badass Butterfly way. During this time, we’ll be working doing Light Work to help open your heart and create a life of thrive. We’ll also be doing Shadow Work and Healing to set you free of the negative thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that hold you back.
The tools and insights you gain during this initial personal coaching will be the same ones you take into your own business. So please be prepared to go into the next six weeks deeply. Expect to dive deep. The deeper you go the better able you’ll be to hold space for your own precious clients.
After we are done with the first six weeks, we’ll dive deep into the learning modules of your coaching training. You can find the layout of the curriculum on the program website. But in summary, we’ll begin by engaging the chakra system—getting you to learn about it experientially by exploring your own system along with its health. Around that time you’ll also start your journey with Reiki. We’ll continue to explore spiritual concepts such as the Law of Attraction and the Cycle of Manifestation as we progress you through the highest levels of Reiki. We’ll then move into the Emotions Module where we’ll learn the mechanics of emotions as well as how to heal emotional wounding with tools like Shadow Work.
When we are done with the entire learning curriculum, we’ll start tying everything together into a business format and get you working with clients in the supervised practicum. You’ll find that you are excited about your work and so we’ll go begin the Business Concept Coaching portion at that time. This is where you’ll take your dream of building a successful coaching practice into reality. We’ll advance through the entire course of the program, taking anywhere from 10 to 12 months to cover it all. This is an exciting time for us both, and again, I really honored to be working with you.
When we start the Chakra Module after your personal empowerment journey, our meeting times will shift from twice per week to once weekly individual private meetings and once weekly group meetings with other coach-trainees in the program. You will be given access to the video curriculum of the remaining modules. You will watch those videos each week and do the required homefun, bringing your questions to our private and group sessions.
As you gain more independence in the program our individual private sessions will continue to reduce until we’re meeting just once every two weeks or so until you have graduated from the program. Believe me! You’re going to need that extra time to write content for your website, build the site, shoot and edit your videos and all the wonderful things we do that build our business. Don’t worry, though! We will still be in touch each week in group sessions and our private Facebook Group
So let’s get started, friend! There are a couple of things I need you to do before our first session.
The first thing to is complete our paperwork. This document requires your signature for the two consent forms it contains:
The Informed Consent to Spiritual Life Coaching for your personal empowerment journey and
The Consent and Agreement to Badass Butterfly’s Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program.
You will find both documents following this letter, ready for your signature. Simply read through the material, initial where indicated, sign each one, and submit it. You will be instantly emailed a copy, as will I. Please submit the signed document within 24 hours of receiving it.
If you haven’t already made your payment as we discussed in our initial consultation, please do so right away. It is so wonderful to have all the administrative and financial stuffs handled before we begin!
Lastly, before our first session, please prepare five to eight objectives that you would like to achieve on your personal empowerment journey over the next six weeks. These can be anything from improving your mood to losing weight, to finding a new job, to getting to the bottom of an ailment. What would you like to improve in your life in the next six weeks? What would you like to uncover or unpack? How would you like to improve your life in the next six weeks? Write these out and upload them to our Dropbox folder before our session.
And that is that. Thanks so much for reading through all this. Please be sure to ask me any questions you have through email. I always respond as quickly as possible, but please give me 48 hours to give you a thoughtful answer. You can best reach me at
Alright! Here is a quick summary of your next steps:
Sign the following two documents
The Informed Consent to Spiritual Life Coaching for your personal empowerment journey and
The Consent and Agreement to Badass Butterfly’s Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program.
Write five to eight objectives and upload them to the Dropbox before our next session.
Alright, Precious One. Thank you! I’m really looking forward to working with you.
Consent and Agreement to Spiritual Empowerment Coaching
Please read this information carefully. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the details about Spiritual Empowerment Coaching so that you are clear as to the requirements, expectations, and the support you will receive as a client in the program.
Welcome to Badass Butterfly’s Emotional Wellness Programs and Crystal Lynn Bell, a professional Coaching practice. This Coaching Agreement (hereafter referred to as “The Agreement”) constitutes a contract between Crystal Lynn Bell (hereafter referred to as “The Coach”) and You (hereafter referred to as “The Client” or “you”). As The Client, you should read it carefully and raise any questions and concerns that you may have before you sign it.
Services: The services provided by Crystal Lynn Bell include Coaching or TeleCoaching on topics decided jointly with you, The Client. The purpose of coaching is to develop and implement strategies to help you reach personally identified goals of enhanced performance and personal satisfaction. Coaching may address specific personal projects, emotional wellness, life balance, job performance and satisfaction, or general conditions in The Client’s life, business, or profession. Coaching utilizes personal strategic planning, values clarification, brainstorming, motivational counseling, and other counseling and consulting techniques.
Payment Procedure : The first coaching session will begin after this agreement is signed and emailed to The Coach and when the first payment is received by Paypal, credit/debit card (Visa and MC), cash or check. Services must be paid for in advance, or they cannot be provided. Services requested by The Client, in addition to regularly scheduled coaching sessions, will be billed at the prorated hourly rate agreed upon in The Agreement, as specified above, and will be immediately. Any changes to this procedure must be mutually agreed upon in writing and signed by both The Client and The Coach.
Feedback : If, at any time, you, The Client, feel that your needs are not being met or you are not getting what you want out of the coaching or training group, please tell me, so we can discuss your needs and adjust your coaching program, as needed.
Session Time : Coaching is scheduled at the mutual convenience of The Coach and The Client. The day and time for the next session will be determined at the beginning of each series of coaching sessions or each program; they may also be scheduled at the close of each coaching session.
Session Procedure : If The Client opts to attend sessions by Zoom or by phone, The Client will call The Coach at the pre-arranged time with the link or telephone number as provided, and The Client pays any charges for their calls or use of internet service as indicated by their internet or phone service provider. For group coaching sessions, The Clients will pay individually pay for their own participation in the teleconference line as indicated by their individual providers.
Cancellations: For individual Coaching clients, you must give twenty-four (24) hours prior notice via the booking link provided in the confirmation and reminder emails or you must email if you need to cancel or change the time of an appointment, otherwise you will be charged for the session in full. The Coach will make reasonable efforts to reschedule sessions which are cancelled in a timely manner.
Termination: Either party may terminate the coaching relationship for any reason by providing the other party with a one-week written notice, which may be transmitted by email to .
Confidentiality: As a certified Spiritual Life Coach, it is my duty to protect the confidentiality of the communications with my clients. The support staff of Everyday Zen, LLC includes individuals who provide administrative support and are trained in the HIPAA requirements for confidentiality. I, The Coach, will only release information about our work to others with your written permission or if I am required to do so by a court order. There are some situations in which I am legally obligated by Federal and State laws to breach your confidentiality in order to protect others from harm, including the following: (1) If I have information that indicates that a child, elderly or disabled person is being abused, I must report that to the appropriate state agency; and; (2) If a client is an imminent risk to him/herself or makes threats of imminent violence against another person, I am required to take protective actions. These situations rarely occur in coaching practices, but if such a situation does occur, I will make every effort to discuss it with you before taking any action. Some sessions are conducted in groups, including teleconference groups. You, The Client, agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information communicated to you by other coaching clients and by your Coach. It is understandable that progress is often enhanced when clients discuss their coaching relationship with trusted colleagues and friends. You can have these discussions with trusted colleagues and friends, but you agree not to share any information which would allow others in the group to be identified. The Client should be aware that it is impossible to protect the confidentiality of Client information which may be transmitted electronically, i.e., electronic mail and other information stored on computers connected to the internet, by cordless or mobile telephones and similar telecommunication and computer equipment. Therefore, it is agreed between The Client and The Coach that unless The Client utilizes encryption and other forms of security protection, The Client waives any action legal or otherwise against The Coach and holds The Coach harmless for any interception of Client information resulting from the use of the above-mentioned equipment.
The Coaching Objective: I, The Coach, adopt The International Coach Federation’s definition of coaching quoted in part which is as follows: Professional Coaching is an ongoing professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations. Through the process of coaching, clients deepen their learning, improve their performance, and enhance their quality of life. Coaching accelerates the client’s progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice. Coaching concentrates on where clients are now and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future. Coaches recognize that results are a matter of the client’s intentions, choices and actions, supported by the coach’s efforts and application of the coaching process. You can expect that I, your Coach, will be honest and direct, asking straightforward questions and using challenging techniques to help you move forward. You are expected to evaluate your own progress; and, if the coaching is not working as you wish, you should immediately inform me, your Coach, so that we can both take steps to correct the problem. As with any human endeavor, coaching can involve feelings of discomfort and frustration which may accompany the process of change. Coaching does not offer any guarantee of success. Coaching services are not reimbursable by health insurance. It is understood and agreed to by The Client and The Coach that if either of us recognizes that you, The Client, have a problem that would benefit from some form of psychotherapy or other counseling service I, The Coach, may refer or direct you to appropriate resources in addition to or in lieu of Coaching. In some situations as a condition of my continuance as your Coach, I may strongly suggest that you enter psychotherapy or some form of counseling and that I have your consent to discuss matters which concern you with your psychotherapist. It is further understood that, as The Coach, I am not obligated to provide you, The Client, with psychotherapy services.
Mutual Nondisclosure: The Coach and The Client mutually recognize that they may discuss The Client’s future plans, business affairs, customer lists, financial information, job information, goals, personal information, and other private information. The Coach will not voluntarily communicate The Client’s information to a third party. In order to honor and protect the Coach’s intellectual properties, The Client expressly agrees not to disclose or communicate any proprietary information about the Coach’s practice, materials, or methods to any third parties. The Coach and The Client agree to be bound by this mutual nondisclosure agreement during and after the termination of the Coaching relationship.
Dispute Resolution: It is agreed between The Client, his or her assigns, family and estate and The Coach that any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to The Agreement, or the breach of this agreement, shall be settled by arbitration by an accredited individual or organization with an arbitrator upon whom we mutually agree. And, the arbitration may occur by telephone. Your signature below, as The Client, acknowledges that you have read the information contained in The Agreement and Informed Consent; and indicates your assent to the terms of The Agreement; and signifies your assurance that you will abide by its terms during our professional Coaching relationship. The parties to The Agreement will hold copies of this document which have been signed and dated by you.
Consent and Agreement to Spiritual Life Coach Certification
Please read this information carefully. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the details about Certification so that you are clear as to the requirements, expectations, and the support you will receive as a Spiritual Life Coach certified under Crystal Lynn Bell.
This Agreement is being made between Everyday Zen, LLC (“Coach” or “we”) and You (“Client” or “you”). We both legally agree to the following:
To become a Spiritual Life Coach certified under Crystal Lynn Bell (“Certified Spiritual Life Coach”), you must have successfully completed the following Certification requirements. To be eligible for Certification, it is required that you:
complete Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program (“Spiritual Life Coach Certification”) in its entirety, including all modules, lessons, assignments, assessments, Reiki certifications, supervised practicum and personal healing journey.
be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the modules and lessons presented,
complete a rigorous course of verbal and written assessments,
complete a rigorous series of course work including written assignments, exercises and projects meant to stimulate a deep understanding of the energetic and emotional theories.
meet the ethical guidelines and professional standards of a professional coach
develop a coaching presence that stimulates trust and can facilitate a healthy intimacy with the client,
demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively with active listening, the ability to ask powerful questions and the ability to communicate directly.
demonstrate proficiency in creating awareness of issues and designing action plans that lead to practical solutions that clients can use to facilitate change,
demonstrate proficiency in setting goals, determining objectives and making actionable plans for future success,
demonstrate proficiency in managing progress and accountability.
complete an exit interview with Crystal Lynn Bell
complete a Certification Form requesting your certificate.
provide a high resolution photograph, contact information and bio for our coaching directory.
CERTIFICATION BENEFITS. Should Certification be granted, you would receive certain benefits, including the privilege to:
Identify yourself as a Spiritual Life Coach Certified under Crystal Lynn Bell
Use the methodology, program and coaching exercises in 1:1 client work or in group format (indefinitely, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement)
Be included in the Spiritual Life Coach Directory on our website
EXPECTATIONS. Upon Certification, it is our expectation and your responsibility at all times to:
Respect and comply with all of the terms of your Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program Agreement and this Agreement
Use the coaching exercises and methodology only as intended with your 1:1 clients and in small group settings in accordance with the methodologies to be provided and this Agreement
Follow all branding guidelines, respecting all copyright and trademark rights
Not publicly or privately disparage us or the Certification Program, Certification, exercises, brand or logo, or any other aspect of our business
Pay your Certification Fee
Engage in the legal, proper and ethical care of your clients
COMMUNICATION. Should you need to reach us, please contact us by e-mail at (no phone calls, Messenger messages or texts please.) We will do our best to respond to you within 24 hours on weekdays and by the next business day after weekends and holidays.
Your Certification Term is lifetime with an option to upgrade as new programs, exercises, approaches and styles are added.
Your Certification Fee is $999 USD and is included in the total Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program fee established in your financial agreement.
Certification Renewal Term: Your Spiritual Life Coach Certification is non-transferrable. It does not require renewal for use at the level it was issued. Any new additions or upgrades will require additional investment if you choose to participate. You will be notified of the new changes via email and given the option to buy-into the new level certification.
Certification Renewal Fee: In the event of new exercises, upgrades, and improvements, you are invited to receive the new Certification at the fee of $999 + training and program fees.
Certification Renewal Benefits: Provided you have paid the Certification Renewal Fee and you comply with all of the terms of this Agreement, your Certification Renewal Benefits include all of the Certification Benefits set forth above, plus access to any new coaching exercises and continuing education modules that are released in the future, for an additional fee. We reserve the right to change the Certification Benefits, Renewal Benefits, or Renewal Fee at any point in the future due to changes in circumstances, although we would not do so without providing you with ample notice in advance of any such changes or fees.
Authorization and Receipt: If paying by credit card, you give us permission to automatically charge your credit or debit card as payment for your Certification for which you will receive an electronic receipt. For any installment payment, you give us permission to automatically charge your credit or debit card at the time it is due without any additional authorization. You agree that chargebacks are not permissible and we reserve the right to report them.
Missed Payment: We understand that there can be major life events or circumstances that prevent making payment on time, so we do allow you a 3-day grace period in which to make payment. However, if payment has not been received within that time frame, in our sole discretion, we reserve the right to stop your access to and participation in the Certification immediately.
Refund Policy: We want you to be happy with your Certification. However, because we have invested considerable time, energy, love and effort in your Certification, if you decide to withdraw for any reason whatsoever, you may do so, but please be aware that you still will remain fully responsible for the full cost of the Certification, and no refunds or transfers of any kind will be provided.
You may opt out of Certification Renewal by e-mailing Crystal Lynn Bell at with cc to .
Our expectation is that you will fully comply with the terms of this Agreement. However, we reserve the right to immediately terminate this Agreement and/or revoke your Certification and the provision of Certification benefits in our sole discretion at any time if you:
Violate or breach any of the terms of this Agreement
Engage in illegal, criminal or unethical conduct
Fail to comply with the knowledge and terms of the Spiritual Life Coach Certification
Behave unprofessionally, without dignity or integrity, or in a way that not aligned with our mission or that reflects poorly on Everyday Zen, LLC, Spiritcentric or Crystal Lynn Bell
Violate the licensing and/or trademarking rights you have been granted herein
Engage in unprofessional or sexual relationship with clients while using our brand and/or methodology
Fail to model the principles contained in the Code of Ethics provided in the Spiritual Life Coach Certification program
Use the methodology in a way that is inappropriate or contrary to this Agreement
Disparage Everyday Zen, LLC, Spiritcentric, or Crystal Lynn Bell or any of our members, affiliates, or associates.
We will keep all information exchanged during the Certification process in strict confidentiality. We are prohibited from disclosing protected confidential information to anyone else without reason to know such information, except to team members or contractors who have a reasonable need to know such information, as when required by law, or upon written authorization by you.
Our Limited License to You: This Certification, including but not limited to Certification Benefits, Renewal Benefits, and all other information related to the Spiritual Life Coach Certification program, are the sole property of Everyday Zen, LLC and protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws, including without limitation the content, layout, design, data, databases and graphics related to the Certification, unless otherwise indicated. With permission we are granting you a limited license to use our intellectual property in your business provided you do so in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, all content obtained through us is our property, and you are granted a revocable, non-transferable license for limited commercial use only, limited to you only.
Trademarks and Copyrights: The trademarks and logos which are displayed in the tools, logo, website and anything else related to the Certification, logos and trademarks belonging to us. For our trademarks and logos for which you are granted permission to use, our trademark indicia must be included at all times. For any materials, coaching exercises, or Certification Benefits that may be provided to you, our copyright indicia must be included at all times in accordance with the provisions with this Agreement. You may not use our, logos, taglines, website content or any language relating to Certification, or us in a manner that constitutes an infringement of our rights or that has not been specifically authorized by us.
Permissible Activities: The limited license that we are providing to you grants you limited permission to do the following upon Certification:
You may use the coaching exercises provided and other information provided as a Certification Benefit or Renewal Benefit in accordance with this Agreement, and provided that you: (1) retain the copyright indicia “© Everyday Zen, LLC”, if provided, at all times, (2) not change the content or add any other logos or other personally-identifying information, and (3) use any exercises, materials or information exactly as is.
You are permitted to use the Spiritual Life Coach Certification under Crystal Lynn Bell badge that you will receive from us and add it to your website and other marketing materials. You agree to use this logo, taglines and any other language relating to the Certification pursuant to the instructions as provided by us to you, and according to the limited license restrictions as set forth in this Agreement.
Prohibited Activities and Information You Are Prohibited from Sharing with Others: You understand and acknowledge that the information obtained through your Certification has been developed or obtained by us through the investment of significant time, effort and expense, and that this information is a valuable, special and unique asset of ours which needs to be protected from improper and unauthorized use. When you obtain Certification, you expressly agree that you will not use our content in any way that is contrary this Agreement. You agree that you are clearly and expressly forbidden from doing the following:
You may not alter the logo, tagline, or trademark indicia in any way, and you may not remove any of these items in accordance with the directions provided to you and as set forth in this Agreement.
You may not use any Spiritual Life Coach Certification program content, including call recordings, Facebook group posts or comments or any other aspect of the Certification Benefits other than the designated and approved coaching exercises in your own work or practice with clients as these are training materials for your own use, and specifically not for use with in any way with your clients.
You may not alter or misrepresent the Certification or Certification Benefits in any way as yours or in any way created by you.
You are explicitly prohibited from training any other person in using our Spiritual Life Coach Certification program, methodology, or any other aspect of the Certification. Unless otherwise explicitly authorized in this Agreement, you may not duplicate, share, the Certification materials or Certification Benefits with any other person, and you are not authorized to train other any other person or business about any aspect of the Spiritual Life Coach Certification program, Certification or methodology ofSpiritual Life Coach Certification program or Everyday Zen, LLC. Anyone who intends to seek Certification for his or her own commercial or business use is required to successfully complete the Spiritual Life Coach Certification program directly from us. If you obtain or receive knowledge that someone else intends or uses the Spiritual Life Coach Certification program or Certification for commercial or business use, you agree to notify us immediately. Violation of this section may be considered theft or stealing, and therefore you would be acting without permission and directly contrary to, and in violation of, the limited license you have been granted through this Agreement.
You may not use the Certification training or Certification Benefits in any way to make money outside of the limited license you are being granted through this Agreement, such as in an e-book, book that is self-published or published through a publishing company and/or online through kindle,, nook, etc., or at a conference or on public speaking engagements, regardless of whether you add your own unique material to it or not.
You are expressly forbidden from creating your own program or course that is identical or substantially similar to the Certification or Certification Benefits for any business or commercial use. Because of the time, energy and effort required to develop the Certification and Certification Benefits, if you do so, you may be considered to be stealing copyrighted, trademarked, and proprietary information that belongs to us, and you agree that we have the right to take legal action if desired.
Except as specifically provided by us, you are prohibited from copying, editing, modifying or stealing any photos, collages, banners, text, descriptions and/or any other information produced by us describing, promoting or marketing contained on our website, sales pages, e-mail, video, or any other Certification, Certification Benefits or correspondence belonging to us or that you may receive from us. By downloading, printing, or otherwise using the Spiritual Life Coach Certification program materials, coaching exercises, Certification Benefits, or Renewal Benefits for your own business or personal use in no way gives you any copyright or ownership rights of that material.
All rights not expressly granted in these terms or any express written license, are reserved by us.
Your License to Us: By posting or submitting any material (including, without limitation, comments, blog entries, photos and videos) to us related to your Certification via our website or social media, you are representing: (i) that you are the owner of the material, or are making your posting or submission with the express consent of the owner of the material; and (ii) that you are thirteen years of age or older. When you comment or post, you recognize that you are voluntarily sharing your thoughts and ideas, and you are granting us a limited license to use and/or display any of the material that you submit, in whole or in part, without seeking your permission around copyright, trademark, service mark and or/patent laws under relevant jurisdiction. We also reserve the right to identify you as the author of any of your postings or submissions by name, email address, or screen name, as we deem appropriate. You acknowledge that we have the right but not the obligation to use and display any postings or contributions of any kind and that we may elect to cease the use and display of any such materials (or any portion thereof), at any time for any reason whatsoever.
Personal Responsibility & Assumption of Risk: You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health and well-being, and that of your clients, and all of your choices, actions, and results made before, during and after your Certification. We have used care in preparing the information provided to you through this Certification and it is being made available to you for your informational and educational purposes only. You understand that you are expressly assuming all of the risks of the Certification, whether or not such risks were created or exacerbated through the Certification, and you are solely responsible for the results experienced by you or your clients. You are required to use your own professional judgment and care when interacting with your clients and you are required to operate in a lawful and ethical manner at all times. We are not responsible for your decisions, actions, failure to act, or results for yourself or your clients at any time. You attest that you are mentally fit to participate in this Certification and acknowledge that you are exclusively responsible for your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
Medical Disclaimer: This Certification is not to be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical advice or mental health advice. The information provided through this Certification and Certification Benefits is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment that can be provided by your or your client’s own physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, therapist, counselor, mental health practitioner, massage therapist, or any other licensed or registered health care professional. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice for yourself or your client because of information you have received through this Certification or from us in any other way. If you have or suspect that you or your client has a medical or mental health issue, contact their health care provider promptly. We are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure in any manner whatsoever any physical ailment, or any mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. We are not giving medical, psychological, or religious advice whatsoever.
No Guarantees: We do not make any representations or guarantees as to the effectiveness, future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability that may be derived as a result of your use of this Certification. Your business success depends primarily on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will attain a particular business result or income increase or level through use of this Certification, and you accept and understand that results differ by each individual based on your background, dedication, desire, and motivation, and many other factors. You agree that we are not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through this Certification. You are solely responsible for your results. You acknowledge and agree that no representation has been made by us or our affiliates and relied upon as to the future income, expenses, sales volume or potential profitability that may be derived from obtaining this Certification.
Technology Disclaimer: We try to ensure that the availability and delivery of our Certification and Certification Benefits is uninterrupted and error-free, including our content and communications through methods like our Website, Spiritual Life Coach Certification Program, private Facebook groups, e-mail communications, conference calls, audio recordings, emails, coaching exercises, or any other materials provided by us to you. However, we cannot guarantee that your access will not be suspended or restricted from time to time, including to allow for repairs, maintenance or updates, although, of course, we will try to limit the frequency and duration of suspension or restriction. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we will be not be liable to you for damages or refunds, or for any other recourse, should our Certification or Certification Benefits become unavailable or access to the them becomes slow or incomplete due to any reason, such as system back-up procedures, internet traffic volume, upgrades, overload of requests to the servers, general network failures or delays, or any other cause which may from time to time make our Certification or Certification Benefits inaccessible to you.
Errors or Omissions: We make no warranty or guarantee as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information in our Certification or Certification Benefits. Every effort has been made to present you with the most accurate, up-to- date information, but because the nature of psychology and scientific research is constantly evolving, we cannot be held responsible or accountable for the accuracy of our content. You acknowledge that such information may contain inaccuracies or errors and we are not liable for any such inaccuracies or errors to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Limitation of Liability: Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to negligence, shall we, our subsidiary and parent companies or affiliates be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages that result from your, or your clients’, use, nonuse or misuse of the Certification or Certification Benefits even if we are advised beforehand of the possibility of such damages. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude any liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred by you or your clients in connection with this Certification or Certification Benefits in any way, including without limitation any liability for loss to you or your clients’ of income or revenue, loss of business, loss of profits or contracts, anticipated savings, loss of data, loss of goodwill, wasted time and for any other loss or damage of any kind, however and whether caused by negligence, breach of contract, or otherwise, even if foreseeable.
Indemnification and Release of Claims: We will not be held responsible in any way for the information that you request or receive through this Certification and Certification Benefits. By signing this Agreement, you fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and release us and any employees, shareholders, directors, staff, consultants, agents, or anyone affiliated with us, from any and all liability, damages, causes of action, allegations, suits, sums of money, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or equity, that you ever had, now have or will have in the future against us, arising from your participation in or in any way related to the Certification or Certification Benefits, unless arising from the gross negligence on our part.
Entire Agreement, Assignment, and Waiver: This Agreement contains our entire agreement. This Agreement may be modified or amended at any time if the amendment is made in writing and is signed by both of us. You may not assign your rights or obligations under this Agreement to anyone else. In the event that any part of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable, the remaining portions of the Agreement shall be severed and remain in full force. The failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or limitation of the right to later enforce and compel strict compliance with every part of this Agreement.
Governing Law: This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the California, without regard to choice of law provisions. Dispute Resolution: Should we ever have any differences, it is hoped that we could work them out amiably through e-mail correspondence. However, if we are unable to seek resolution within 14 days, we agree now that that the only method of legal dispute resolution that will be used is binding arbitration before a single arbitrator, jointly selected by both of us, unless we both agree otherwise in writing. You understand and agree now that the only remedy that can be awarded to you through arbitration is up to the full refund of your Payment made to date. No other actions or financial awards of consequential damages, or any other type of damages, may be granted to you. We both agree now that the decision of the arbitrator is final and binding, and may be entered as a judgment into any court having the appropriate jurisdiction. You also agree that should arbitration take place, it will be held in Los Angeles County, California where our principal place of business is located, and the prevailing party shall be entitled to all reasonable attorneys’ fees and all costs necessary to enforce the decision of the arbitrator.
Non-Disparagement: If there is a dispute between us, you agree to not publicly or privately make any negative or critical comments about the Program, Everyday Zen, LLC, Spiritcentric, or us, or to communicate with any other individual, company or entity in a way that disparages the Program or harms our reputation in any way, including on social media. In arbitration or when required by law, of course, you are not prohibited from publicly sharing your thoughts and opinions.
By consenting to this Agreement, we are both acknowledging that we have read, understand, agree to and accept all of the terms in this Agreement. Electronic signatures, and/or agreement to these Terms and Conditions by electronic check box, are sufficient and enforceable.