Salut! My name is Crystal Lynn.

I help women break free from their inner prison of unworthiness and become BADASS in their hearts, minds, and businesses, using their Heart, Soul, and intuition as their guide.

Through my coaching programs and courses, I guide them to become Badass by breaking their hearts out of the prison of their mind so that they can access their Soul’s Wisdom without interference from limiting beliefs, disempowered thoughts, and heavy emotions that come from unworthiness.

With your heart and Soul free from the prison of unworthiness, you can pursue your Higher Purpose and create meaningful adventures here on Earth, such as starting a business, writing your book, traveling the world, transforming your body, deepening your connection to Spirit and pursuing your most Badass dreams.

Badass Butterfly:

/ˈbadas ˈbʌtəflʌɪ/:  a woman who has freed herself from the prison of unworthiness and lives her life from her heart, owning her Divinity.

Dive right in and learn all about Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching

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"Crystal helped me create new more positive mental patterns. She gives me psychological tools that directly alter my old negative thoughts. My completion process sessions with Crystal gave me a new frame of reference -- the negative scenes I used to replay in my mind are completely different now. It's pretty incredible actually. I've spent years in psychotherapy and even became a psych counselor myself. There's only so much you can do with psychotherapy. Once you've kicked around the same old dirt with a therapist you need a spiritual coach to help you harvest new seeds of thought." ~Josephine Bila, writer and founder of

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Do you want to become a Spiritual Life Coach?

Become a Spiritual Life Coach!

My Spiritual Life Coach business has let me travel the world while I serve my blossoming clients.  It is SO exciting to find myself in the mountains of Brazil, the beaches of Costa Rica, and the cafés of Paris writing my book and coaching my clients. Let me help you build your dream business! 

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woman standing on quai

I am the Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach who helps you jailbreak your heart and find freedom from the prison of unworthiness.  My work will have you confront the limiting beliefs, negative thinking, and disempowered feelings that stem from your relationship with unworthiness, and will awaken your inner Badass Butterfly.  Here are some ways I can help you:

Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching

Awaken your inner Badass Butterfly with Spirit as our guide! Private one-on-one sessions are done online.  We dive deep into your psyche and find the stuck patterns of thinking, believing, and feeling that are limiting your progress in your life.

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Spiritual Life Coach Certification

Get trained to be a Spiritual Life Coach! Create your own program and menu of offerings, start blogging, making videos, and serving your tribe!  I will mentor you and help you create a solid foundation based on principles that will help you thrive!

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Teal Swan's Completion Process

I am a certified practitioner of Teal Swan's powerful and effective healing technique.  This life-changing process will take you to the source of your wounding so that you can nip your problems in the bud.

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Badass Butterfly Tarot Reading

I am a powerful channel whose job is to bring you significant messages from your Spirit Guides.  In our sessions, I open the doorway for clear communication from the highest levels of Unconditional Love and I deliver them to you with compassion.

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Get inspired with the Badass Butterfly Love Letters...

Pretty pink mailbox

Transformation with Shadow Work, Light Work, and Healing...

sad woman beside wall

Feeling stuck or blocked?

You can't move forward with your big dreams and goals if you are paralyzed with fear or plagued by doubt. Unconditional Love will heal these wounds, but how?  Learn about my three-part healing system that will have you surrendering your fear and diving deep into confidence with Unconditional Self-Love.  

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What is Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching?

Unworthiness is a mindset that plagues too many of us.  In my transformational coaching program, we confront unworthiness head-on with a systematic approach that will heal your emotional wounding and transform your mindset from unworthy to Badass.  The key is Unconditional Self Love.  Find out how the program works...

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Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing philosophy...

Radical Self Acceptance...

My Badass Butterfly philosophy is all about learning the art of Unconditional Self Love.  To me, this means that we must learn to embrace the full spectrum of our emotions, without condition.  Though it may be difficult to do, appreciating the dark times is every bit as valuable as appreciating the light ones.  In this video, I talk about my two favorite spiritual philosophers, Teal Swan and Abraham Hicks and how I unite their philosophy with my own.

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Your Path to Becoming a Spiritual Life Coach

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How to Express Your Woo-Woo in a Traditional Workplace

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Travel Light Signature

Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.