Gain Clarity in your Coaching & Healing Business

Want to create and launch your business with your True Authority locked in place?

Then book in a call to discuss your vision and learn how we can work together to reach all five points of the True Authority Pentacle.

Crystal Lynn Bell Spiritual Life Coach Certification

What they're saying about Crystal Lynn & her Spiritual Life Coach Certification...

Sangeeta Spiritual life coach certification

When you start working with a life coach, you start seeing the whole picture...

"I believe in myself, and I tried doing it myself… but I don’t think that the success would be to the [same] level. Because when you’re doing it yourself, you only know so much. But when you start working with a life coach, you start seeing the whole picture of a lot more things that are required in a business set-up… By myself, I wouldn’t have been able to realize that. Crystal has experienced that and she teaches it to us. Crystal is passionate about her work, and she is equally as passionate about ours." ~Sangeeta Manglani, Connection Coach

kate spiritual life coach certification

The masculine + the feminine approach was perfect...

"I felt like a newbie when I came to Crystal Lynn’s program. My attraction was to get my business up and running again, but starting from scratch. I knew this was my calling, but my confidence, self-esteem and clarity were lacking. The clarity that Crystal Lynn gave, and the very practical way that she takes you through was so appealing, as well as, the deep inner work. I chose the program because of Crystal Lynn’s energy, enthusiasm, groundedness and realness. Her essence, really! But also, the step-by-step, practical way that she took me through this journey felt grounding. Also, the practical, technical pieces felt really good! As well as, knowing where you were coming from. There was the practical, masculine, 3-D approach infused with the 5-D, feminine, intuitive, flowing that felt perfect. What was most interesting is that there was this beautiful flow, but there was this firm Love. Crystal Lynn and the program consistently took a stand for what was in my highest, and that was sometimes uncomfortable for me. But it was really supportive because there were times when I needed to slow down and take back my power from ego, the old stories, and fear. She helped me navigate that and take back my power." ~Kate Dineo Bradbury, Intuitive Life Coach & Breathwork Practitioner

Liyan spiritual life coach certification student

She helped me uncover my personal gift & niche client...

"Before choosing Crystal’s program, I saw that other programs were 5 weeks or three months. How could you learn to help people in just three months or 5 weeks? Crystal’s was 10 months! Crystal’s vibe and energy were compatible with mine. I can be so stubborn and slow in my personal progress, so I needed her personality to help push me through. She’s taught me how to launch an online business! But before that, it’s how to create a method and structure around these Divine Inspirations and creative thoughts… and putting it forward in a logical way that helps me understand what kind of content I am going to create. What is my authority? What are the pain points of my ideal client? These are things I never would have thought of on my own. I would have an idea, but it would take a lot more time to refine if I hadn’t gone through this process with Crystal. Because she breaks it down into a process and a methodology, she helped me uncover what my personal gifts and niche client is. It made it clear and solidified that I have something to give. It’s very affirming that I’m walking the right path because she helps you walk the path of what you have to give." ~Liyan Wan, Intuitive Entrepreneur

anne spiritual life coach certification

I just can't believe I put this all together!

"Prior to entering Crystal Lynn’s certification program, I was a registered nurse. I had looked at several other programs for a year before deciding on hers. I loved everything she had to say about Spiritual Life Coaching and her philosophy. I felt a connection to her. I came to the program innocently thinking that I would just coach. I had no idea about niche clients and targeting who our program was for, and then developing our curriculum around that. It’s important to coach to things you’ve experienced because you’re the expert in what happened to you. So we spent time putting that down on paper. We explored what made us the authority on that, and why people would come to us to be coached. Because of our past experiences! Learning how to write and to put it down to be welcomed by the public… and the technology. I was blown away! I built my own website! I just can’t believe that I put all this together. The skills I learned in this program are amazing! I now manage social media accounts, Facebook groups, publishing, a website! There’s so much that I’ve learned! The other programs I looked into did not offer that kind of support. Building a spiritual life coaching business is a big process! Crystal Lynn offered hand-in-hand support to go through the process." ~Anne Hernandez, Magnificence Coach


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.