Awaken in your purpose, honor your Soul, and become an empowered, deeply fulfilled leader.
Divine Woman,
Are you struggling to answer the Divine Call of your Soul?
Are you drowning under the weight of wanting to move forward as a spiritual life coach, but are unsure of how to get started?
Do you find yourself constantly wishing that you could just jump into this work now?
You are a beautiful butterfly who has broken free from the cocoon of her old self. You have had a spiritual awakening and you are ready to be of service to the Divine. You have been given Divine magickal gifts, such as intuition, empathy, compassion, and even the power to heal. And you have gone through some difficult things in your life and overcome them, giving you your unique brand of hard-earned wisdom. Your Soul is calling you to become a spiritual life coach but understandably, you don’t know where to begin.

You’ve never done this before. It’s understandable that you might be afraid of taking a risk in today’s economy. Even though your 9-5 job isn't so fulfilling, it still pays the bills and lets you and your family survive. So, you’re probably terrified of sacrificing and not seeing a return on your investment of hope, energy, time, and money. Maybe you're scared shitless of failing. And maybe, deep inside, you have some negative, limiting beliefs about your ability to be truly successful and Badass.
Spirit has blessed you with amazing visions and ideas, but you don’t know what to do with them or how to get them out of your mind and into the hands of the people they are meant to help. You want to be making videos, writing books, blogs, and posts that get liked, shared, and quoted because you’re a Divine Messenger of profound wisdom. You feel Divinely Fierce and want to be a motivating speaker, guiding people to heal, using your strong intuition to identify the root issues so you can use your magick to manifest the solutions.
There’s an easier way… It was scary to make the leap from employee to boss. But it was not nearly as difficult as I thought.
I quickly learned that with proper training and guidance, I could build my Divine Business my way– using both my Divine Feminine intuition and my Divine Masculine sense of logic, planning, structuring, and organizing. As I embodied the Divine Feminine and let her guide me around the world expanding my being and my ideas, I employed the Divine Masculine to bring structure to the things I learned and to shape my Divine Business into a clear, methodical curriculum that is well-organized and effective at helping women like you obtain their certification and give birth to their own Divine Coaching Businesses.
It is time to break free from the cocoon of your old self, Badass Butterfly.
Imagine in 12 transformational months...
❧ Loving the clients you work with and the transformations you co-create as a spiritual guide, healer, and divine leader.
❧ Being a coach who honors her Soul and Divine Calling.
❧ Waking up every morning connected to your purpose, as you step out of feast and famine to multiply your income with Divine Feminine power and grace.
❧ Shining and speaking your wisdom as you own your voice and Divine Feminine power as a motivational speaker and dynamic writer.
❧ Creating lush and inspiring experiences for your Divine clients around the world.
❧ Loving the rich life you’ve created for your family and yourself, so you can have time off whenever you want, take a siesta, head to the beach, get a massage, and hire a chef and a personal trainer, without feeling guilty or ashamed.
❧ Enjoying a deep sense of peace from knowing how to identify the required revenue-generating work that will help you make money from a place of deep receiving and service so you never have to struggle with lack or emptiness ever again.
❧ Confidently connecting to the Divine Feminine to access her Spiritual Gifts of Magick like intuition, empathy, and love, and use them to heal the world.
❧ Traveling the world and expanding your horizons, learning healing in Bali, yoga in India, and medicine in the jungles of Peru.
❧ Having the freedom like a Badass Butterfly– to go where you want, to do what you want, whenever you want. Following your instincts, knowing you are divinely supported.

1 x 90-minute The Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach Initiation
A Divine Coaching Business Strategy Session for a deep dive into creating a grounding game plan so you can organize your time, environment, and at-home support.
5 x 90-minute Activations & Alignment Intensives
Activating and healing intensives to welcome the Divine Feminine into your mind and heart as you begin your work on each of the five Pathways.
3 x 60-minute Power Imaging & Mindset Integration Sessions
Power sessions to correct erroneous or limiting beliefs, thought-patterns, and behaviors that may block the successful awakening of your inner Badass Butterfly or hinder your training in any way
12 x 60-Minute Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Business Training & Mentoring Sessions
Private VIP training and mentoring sessions to unite your Divine Feminine creativity with your Divine Masculine structure. These sessions will help you implement and enhance your strategy, vision, messaging, and leadership processes, while deeply supporting your learning and its integration.
Value: $1500
Value: $7500
Value: $3000
Value: $12000
Fierce Femme Accelerator Curriculum
The Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Coaching Certification
Get ready to unlock your full potential and unleash your inner goddess! This program is designed to help you become a spiritual life coach and create the abundant life you deserve. With over 200 lessons and a wide range of materials, including videos, audio recordings, transcripts, workbooks, worksheets, spreadsheets, templates, checklists, and tables, you'll graduate with a launched Divine Coaching Business and the skills to take on the world.
Value: $10000
Live Group Support
12 x 60-minute “Activate Your Super Powers” Masterclass Series
LIVE VIP group online masterclass trainings with me. Welcome to the ultimate masterclass series for Badass Butterflies who are ready to unlock their spiritual gifts of magic and ignite their inner superpowers! In these dynamic sessions you will learn how to activate your intuition, align with the Divine Feminine, and blast through your fears, all while becoming a powerful Certified Spiritual Life Coach.
The Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Coaching Atelier
Get ready to join our sassy and soulful tribe of spiritual life coaches in our exclusive Facebook community! It's the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and have some serious fun while pursuing your dreams. Expect to receive daily inspiration, juicy insights, and plenty of accountability to keep you on track toward your goals.
Value: $6000
Value: $3000
Super Kaleidoscope Support
Unlimited participation in the weekly group office hours for feedback, check-ins, accountability, deeper learning, networking, and support.
Complete Reiki Certification
60-minute power sessions to correct erroneous or limiting beliefs, thought patterns, and behaviors that may block the successful awakening of your inner Badass Butterfly or hinder your training in any way.
Value: $2500
Value: $5500

Mindblowing Bonus #1
5-Day Team LIVE Launch Support. My team of experienced professionals will support you and your live launch for five to seven days of your launch program. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy being the queen on your throne as you focus on your content and give your best while your team handles the many details that go along with this momentous project.
Mindblowing Bonus #2
Digital Media Branding. New brand portfolio that includes the design for your opt-in, email newsletter banner, social media banners, and booking page design.
Value: $7000
Value: $3000
She helped me uncover my personal gift & niche client...
"Before choosing Crystal’s program, I saw that other programs were 5 weeks or three months long. How could you learn to help people in just three months or 5 weeks? Crystal’s was 10 months! Crystal’s vibe and energy were compatible with mine. I can be so stubborn and slow in my personal progress, so I needed her personality to help push me through. She’s taught me how to launch an online business! But before that, it’s how to create a method and structure around these Divine Inspirations and creative thoughts... and putting it forward in a logical way that helps me understand what kind of content I am going to create. What is my authority? What are the pain points of my ideal client? These are things I never would have thought of on my own. I would have an idea, but it would take a lot more time to refine if I hadn’t gone through this process with Crystal. Because she breaks it down into a process and a methodology, she helped me uncover what my personal gifts and niche client is. It made it clear and solidified that I have something to give. It’s very affirming that I’m walking the right path because she helps you walk the path of what you have to give."
~ Liyan Wan, Intuitive Entrepreneur

I just can't believe I put this all together!
"Prior to entering Crystal Lynn’s certification program, I was a registered nurse. I had looked at several other programs for a year before deciding on hers. I loved everything she had to say about Spiritual Life Coaching and her philosophy. I felt a connection to her. I came to the program innocently thinking that I would coach. I had no idea about niche clients and targeting who our program was for and then developing our curriculum around that. It’s important to coach to things you’ve experienced because you’re the expert in what happened to you. So we spent time putting that down on paper. We explored what made us the authority on that, and why people would come to us to be coached. Because of our past experiences! Learning how to write and put it down to be welcomed by the public... and the technology. I was blown away! I built my own website! I can’t believe that I put all this together. The skills I learned in this program are amazing! I now manage social media accounts, Facebook groups, publishing, and a website! There’s so much that I’ve learned! The other programs I looked into did not offer that kind of support. Building a spiritual life coaching business is a big process! Crystal Lynn offered hand-in-hand support to go through the process."
~Anne Hernandez, Magnificence Coach
The masculine + the feminine approach was perfect...
"I felt like a newbie when I came to Crystal Lynn’s program. My attraction was to get my business up and running again but starting from scratch. I knew this was my calling, but my confidence, self-esteem, and clarity were lacking. The clarity that Crystal Lynn gave, and the very practical way that she takes you through were so appealing, as well as, the deep inner work. I chose the program because of Crystal Lynn’s energy, enthusiasm, groundedness, and realness. Her essence, really! But also, the step-by-step, practical way that she took me through this journey felt grounding. Also, the practical, technical pieces felt really good! As well as, knowing where you were coming from. There was the practical, masculine, 3-D approach infused with the 5-D, feminine, intuitive, flowing feeling perfect. What was most interesting is that there was this beautiful flow, but there was this firm Love. Crystal Lynn and the program consistently took a stand for what was my highest, and that was sometimes uncomfortable for me. But it was really supportive because there were times when I needed to slow down and take back my power from ego, the old stories, and fear. She helped me navigate that and take back my power."
~ Kate Dineo Bradbury, Intuitive Life Coach &Breathwork Practitioner

I am a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach. This means that I have personally lived the limited life of a caterpillar and undergone a powerful transformational process that dissolved my old self and awakened my inner butterfly. But what makes me Badass is that final challenge of breaking free from the cocoon of my old self, and truly giving birth to my new consciousness, not just in my mind, but also in the world.
Thus Badass Butterfly was born.
My deep experience, research, and study of understanding the ‘caterpillar mindset’ which is rooted in the past, limited by circumstance, and unable to fly, has made me a real maven of healing and transformation. I have the ability to hold you in Divine Love and Support while you let go of your old fears, doubts, and limitations and step into your new life as a sacred leader, guide, and Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Coach.
Like so many new and aspiring spiritual life coaches, you have an abundance of hard-earned wisdom and magick to give the world, but you may not know where to start. And that’s understandable because even though you’re a Badass at work, home, and in other places in your life, you’ve never conceived, built, and launched your own Divine Coaching Business. So you need training, guidance, mentorship, and support. And you don’t want it to take forever. Let’s get this party started!
This is an invitation to skip the 10,000 hours of time investment you’d have to make if you wanted to create everything you need to support yourself financially in your Divine Coaching Business. This is a chance to work with a loving and strong guide who knows the path and has walked it before you. Why not open yourself to Divine Feminine Excellence to give birth to your inner Badass Butterfly as you build your Divine Coaching Business? You don’t have to play it small or ride the struggle bus!
And you don’t have to worry about what you experienced in the past. You are here NOW with me. And I am inviting you to step into your power with my firm and loving support.
Here’s how I am different than other coaches… I know how to transform your mindset so that you align with your BEST self. I’m a healer, catalyst, and alchemizer so even just the decision to work with me sets off an elevating chain reaction. I’m going to help you fall in love with being seen, putting yourself out there, showing up big, and standing strong in the power and authority you’ve gained by training with me.
My certification and business-building program was carefully channeled from the Divine and it gives you a step-by-step playbook of EXACTLY what to do to connect to your Soul’s Divine Purpose as you learn how to coach people and build your business. You will never feel lost or confused along any part of this journey because my powerful Divine Masculine organized structure will shelter, protect, and nurture your wild Divine Feminine creativity along the way.
And I am there by your side working with you as you craft discover who you are as a coach and healer, craft your brand, unleash your message, and welcome your tribe to your Divine healing and transformation space.
It is time to say, “YES,” to your destiny and to dive into your Soul’s Divine Calling.
It’s ON!
Not Every Coach is...
- Is a spiritual veteran, like a wise old sage, with over 30 years of experience as a professional energy worker, healer, and coach. My wealth of knowledge is like a treasure trove waiting to be unlocked, and I am here to guide you on your spiritual journey.
- An intuitive business maven and trailblazer, paving the way for your inner Business-Building Maven to emerge. With my guidance, you'll feel like you have a spiritual compass pointing you toward success.
- Is like a rockstar, with a thriving private practice full of clients who rave about them and eagerly await their next session. I’m like a spiritual conductor, guiding you toward your full potential with my expert intuition and guidance.
- Is a spiritual alchemist and advocate for the Divine, turning my knowledge into gold and sharing it with the world. I have created a system that's like a roadmap for aspiring female coaches, helping you unlock your inner magic and spiritual potential.
- Is a spiritual nerd and a wizard of transformation, using my knowledge of magick to help you heal and transform yourself as you build your Divine Coaching Business. With my guidance, you'll feel like you have access to a secret library of spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
- Is a Badass Spiritual Warrior and a fierce guardian angel, protecting and supporting you as you step into your full power. I will help you break through your fears and limitations like your own Fairy Godmother clearing the path ahead.
- Is a Badass Butterfly, empathic, transforming their own struggles into a beautiful metamorphosis. I’ll help you navigate your own transformation, like a spiritual cocoon that helps you emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.
- Is an intermediary for the Divine Masculine, much like a spiritual compass helping you find your way toward your highest potential. I will help you bring your coaching vision into form, like a spiritual architect designing your dream business.
- Is a spiritual geek and life hacker, using their knowledge of Spirit, business, and technology to help you level up your Divine Coaching Business. I will help you overcome obstacles, like a spiritual troubleshooter solving problems before they arise.
- Is a spiritual High Priestess and oracle, seeing the potential within you and helping you tap into your full power. I’m like your spiritual lifeguard, helping you navigate the choppy waters of launching your business with grace and ease.
- Is a great teacher and spiritual mentor, with the ability to guide you towards your highest potential. I'll help you uncover the hidden truths within yourself, like a spiritual detective uncovering clues to your success.
About Me
Crystal Lynn Bell is a highly respected High Priestess who specializes in empowering spiritual women to recognize and claim their Divine Inheritance of power, freedom, and wealth. Her unique approach draws from her strong embodiment of Artemis energy, which is dedicated to advocating for women’s advancement through spirituality, entrepreneurship, and travel. With her exceptional skills as a guide and mentor, Crystal Lynn helps her students and clients focus and ground their energies, leading them toward their true potential.

As a certified Massage Therapist and Bodyworker, Shiatsu Level 3 Practitioner, Reiki Master, Completion Practice Practitioner, and Spiritual Life Coach, Crystal Lynn began her professional spiritual journey in 1992, when she delved into the occult and began reading tarot cards. She later founded Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio in 2008, but in 2013, sold the business to follow her heart and travel the world, much like Santiago in Paolo Coelho’s "The Alchemist." This decision was a transformative experience that allowed Crystal Lynn to evolve from a caterpillar into a Badass Butterfly. During her travels, she lived in Indonesia, India, Cambodia, Nepal, Spain, Croatia, Italy, Canada, and the USA, before settling in Paris, France, with her loyal companion, Apollo, whom she found on vacation in Greece.
Crystal Lynn is passionate about helping new and aspiring spiritual life coaches awaken their Divine Coaching Personas and launch their Divine Coaching Businesses. She works tirelessly with her students, assisting them in shifting their mindsets from an employee mentality to an entrepreneurial mindset, developing emotional resilience, and providing them with the necessary knowledge and tools to build their businesses. As founder and CEO of Everyday Zen, LLC, and Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching, she has also created a powerful coaching certification and business mentorship program for women known as The Divine, Fierce, and Wealthy Coach.
Overall, Crystal Lynn Bell's spiritual insights and business acumen have made her an invaluable asset to women seeking empowerment and fulfillment in all aspects of their lives.