Spiritual Warrior Mastermind and Group Coaching

Spiritual Warrior

The Spiritual Warrior follows her heart, using the sword of her mind to cut through illusion and the fire of her spirit to ignite her creativity. She is strong in stillness and takes action from this place of power.

When:  Saturdays from 8:00am to 10:00am PST, beginning September 24th.
Where:  Spiritual Warrior Mastermind Forum (This is our private online venue.  Access will be granted after your register.)
Price: $75 drop-in session or $200 for four sessions.

Book an Individual Drop-in Session or Purchase and book a Four Session Commitment

The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind is a weekly coaching group that brings together women who want to develop themselves spiritually and give birth to their dreams.  They are looking for transformation.  They are working to let go of limitations within themselves so that they can move forward more powerfully into the life of their dreams-- a spiritually aware life that follows its intuitions, has a conscious relationship with its Spirit Guides and can manifest its dreams.

Each week, we meet in our private, online Spiritual Warrior Mastermind Forum.  Each member is coming because they want to receive game-changing information that helps them expand their consciousness; and they have some specific areas of their life that they want to see drastically improved.  During our sessions, I will be providing some motivating curriculum and coaching our members through their personal projects.  So each of our sessions is an opportunity to receive motivation and inspiration, in addition to a powerful action plan to help you achieve your desired outcome.  We will also spend time as a collaborative group brainstorming creative soul-tions for the expansion of peace and light throughout the world.

This group is perfect for women who want help and support with their emotional development, as well as, for those who want help and support bringing their material projects into the world.  This is a powerful group birthing project.

The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind is for women who want to be in the material world with a strong connection to Spirit.

  • We want loving, powerful relationships and connections to people.
  • We want prosperity, abundance and success.  And we want to know them, not just as theories that are nice to talk about, but we want them to show up for real in our lives.  If they are not showing up, this Spiritual Warrior Mastermind is will help us discover what is blocking them from our lives.
  • We want jobs, careers and vocations that excite us.  We want to wake-up happy because we are excited about what's coming next.  This Spiritual Warrior Mastermind will help us make this real in our lives.  That's what our weekly meetings are all about.
  • We want to be emotionally authentic.  This means that we are in touch with our true feelings.  We know how we feel, and we trust our intuition and our inner wisdom to guide us to the healthy expression of that emotion.
  • We want consistency in our lives.  We want to feel like we are consistently moving forward toward our dreams or desires.  WE want to know that we are following Spirit consistently.  The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind is offered weekly because it is this consistency that is going to help us stay on target.  It is this consistency that is going to feed us inspiration, motivation, focus, and clarity each week.
  • We want a powerful ritual to practice every single day on our own so that we can feel truly connected to Spirit.  What we don't know, we want to learn.
  • We want to have fun-- real joy that shows up in our lives, not just occasionally, but is a constant companion.  Joy is the constant companion of the spiritual warrior.
  • When we feel down, or out of sync or afraid or unaligned or confused, we want a nurturing space to express our true feelings.  We want to feel safe in expressing our Truth.  And we also want to offer to other people that same space and respect.  Our Spiritual Warrior Mastermind community is perfect for this.  That's why we're here.
  • The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind will support you as you expand emotionally, and it will also give you the tools you need so you can practice on your own.  This is an empowerment program meant to help you thrive.
  • We want self-love and self-acceptance.  YES.  The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind thrives with this.
  • Some of us have dreams that we want to give birth to.  YES!  That's an excellent thing to bring to this group.  The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind is perfect for people who have dreams or even just an idea that they want to make real.  Our group will help you identify the dream and help you start tackling whatever is keeping it from coming real-- limiting beliefs, self-doubt, fear, lack of resources, insufficient knowledge.  These are all things that will be studied in our mastermind.
  • If you want to create a business, but don't know how, your presence is wanted here!  The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind will also provide business coaching, strategizing, planning, and resourcing for those members who want it.
  • If you are experiencing emotional blockages and can't seem to shake a problem, then this is a perfect group for you.  A large part of our work is understanding our own resistance and freeing ourselves from it.  THAT IS WHAT A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR DOES!  We're Spiritual Warriors, not because we go out fighting crime with light pistols.  We're Spiritual Warriors, because we stand up for the Light in the Light.  We are humans, but we are developing our awareness of our Divine nature that is present in us and in all life.  We fight fear, limitation, pain, suffering, and emotional wounding by developing the courage to go inside ourselves and face these dark shadows with courage, love and compassion for ourselves.
  • We find forgiveness.  The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind teaches us how to forgive at the first point of wounding:  our selves.  This breeds self-love and self-compassion, which in turn breeds universal love and universal compassion.
  • We are trusting.  The Spiritual Warrior Mastermind is helping us develop trust, at our core, in ourselves.  It is easy to say "I have faith in the Universe."  It is not so easy to say, "I trust myself completely."  Our work is to develop and nurture this essential relationship to the self.

How the program works:

We meet once a week in the online Spiritual Warrior Mastermind Forum.  The sessions start promptly at 8:00am PST on Saturday.  Try to arrive early so that you can get your technology set up and be ready to learn.  I'll give you a brief description of the agenda for the day, and then we'll move into a meditation to help us get present, connected, and grounded.  I'll channel in the guidance for the session, and then we'll move into the coaching and mastermind session. This program is a chance for each member to get coaching from me for their specific projects, but the mastermind gives us a chance to bring in the elements of group feedback, support and accountability.  For the coaching session, I am going to work with each member on their specific issue.  Because of the nature of our work, I will be limiting the size of the weekly group to 10 people.  It is imperative that you sign up for a spot in advance.

Payment and registration (Two Options:)

• Individual Drop-in Session is $75:  You can drop in whenever you please.  Simply sign up and you will be emailed the instructions to enter the Spiritual Warrior Mastermind Forum and the current week's curriculum with hand-outs (when applicable) and home fun (fun homework!)  Book an Individual Drop-in Session

• Four Session Commitment: Commit to four weeks and pay just $200.  This saves you $100 per month over the drop-in rate.  It also gets you primed for commitment and deep success.  The sessions under this package are valid for six weeks and the sessions must be used within the purchase period. First purchase the package, then book yourself in. Purchase and book a Four Session Commitment

To register for the either option, just sign up, make your payment and check your email for the instructions on curriculum, homefun and Forum access.

Looking forward to working with you!




COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.