Welcome to the bi-weekly live stream for Badass Butterflies! Join me on the Thursday following the first and third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST.
About this week’s event:
When: Thursday, December 9th at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST
What: This week I am going to give you one of my most powerful but simple tools for manifesting the travel lifestyle: visualization. Now, don’t go thinking that I’m talking about just daydreaming, because I’m not. There’s a powerful switch that must be turned on when you’re visualizing, and without its activation, your visualization is just fantasy. But with this switch, your whole world shifts, and you’ll become a master manifestor.
Where: Sign-up to access the Zoom information to join the discussion. Each week we take a deep dive into a topic that is important for spiritual life coaches and healers in their business and in their personal life. We’ll be exploring healing techniques, business-building protocols, and fun stuff like travel, essential oils, and magic!
These events are free to attend. Sign-up and get the Zoom information emailed to you immediately.
Welcome to the bi-weekly live stream for Badass Butterflies! Join me on the Thursday following the first and third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST.
About this week’s event:
When: Thursday, December 23rd at 1:00 pm EST/10:00 am PST
What: This week, I’m going to dive deep into my passion: Spiritual Badassery. This is going to be a fun, but powerful look at how you can become a Spiritual Badass who is connected to the Divine Feminine, pursues her Divine Life Purpose, and who manifests like a master.
Where: Sign-up to access the Zoom information to join the discussion. Each week we take a deep dive into a topic that is important for spiritual life coaches and healers in their business and in their personal life. We’ll be exploring healing techniques, business-building protocols, and fun stuff like travel, essential oils, and magic!
These events are free to attend. Sign-up and get the Zoom information emailed to you immediately.