LIVE: Got Self-Sabotage?

March 7, 2022 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Crystal Lynn Bell

Welcome to the bi-weekly live stream for Badass Butterflies! Join me on the Thursday following the first and third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 pm EST/9:00 am PST.

About this week’s event:

When: Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 12:00pm EST / 9:00am PST

What: This week we’re uncovering self-sabotage and exploring how we can stop it from ruining our ability to manifest what we desire.

Where: Sign-up to access the Zoom information to join the discussion. Each week we take a deep dive into a topic that is important for spiritual life coaches and healers in their business and in their personal life. We’ll be exploring healing techniques, business-building protocols, and fun stuff like travel, essential oils, and magic!

These events are free to attend. Sign-up and get the Zoom information emailed to you immediately.

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.