Travel Memories: Improvising at Wild Ginger Farm on Vancouver Island


Yesterday, I went to the Glen Alwin Farm to buy fresh beef and lamb. They’re meat is superb. The farm is lively and the friendly animals roam freely. I greeted the wee lambs without guilt– even though I was going to grill up their kin that very evening. I am an omnivore who believes in the ethical treatment of animals. Farms that treat their stock with kindness and high standards of care have my support. Glen Alwin Farm is right there!

Anyway, after I left the farm, I went looking for a veggie stand where I could get some organic veg to have with my fine meat. I wandered onto beautifully wooded farm called Wild Ginger Farm. I thought that I had met them at the Farmers Market on Saturday, but I was mistaken. Well, it turns out that that very evening, they were holding an Improvisational Movement class. Having no idea of what Improvisational Movement is, I happily agreed to try it out.

It was fantastic! All you do is move around your partners keeping in contact with them. It’s flowy, freeing and mind-quieting. I danced the whole time with my eyes closed since there is no choreography and there is nothing to perform or demonstrate. Since my partners (the owners of the quaint farm) Patty and Craig Seale had such warm, friendly energy, it was easy to get in and let go.

And I will definitely be looking into more Improvisational Movement classes in the future. It’s the perfect companion to Samba!

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