Writing Divine Messages: Your Sacred ‘Gig’

Have you ever noticed how quite a bit of writing is involved when you’re discovering how to put your belief system into words? Look, I’m assuming that because you are becoming a Certified Spiritual Life Coach you are writing about your spiritual philosophy, documenting your healing journey, and getting your transformation process down on paper. If you’re not, then you should be!✍

The good news is that eventually, all those notes and journal entries you’ve been making can become blog posts, memes, and videos. By privately documenting your progress as you find a way to succinctly describe your spiritual philosophy, you will have much of your public blog written by the time you are ready to publish it. For now, the content of your writing is much more important than the quality. 📝

Your spiritual philosophy is important! It’s how you interpret the Divine. It’s also how you communicate to the public what’s important to you as a coach and healer. Knowing why you believe what you believe is only half of the race; expressing those beliefs to other people is how you get to the finish line. ❤

If you are a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, you are also a philosopher. It’s a great gig and I hope you enjoy the work!

When you have a good understanding of the ideology backing up your healing process, practice verbally articulating it to your trusted friends, family, and mentors who support you. Let them challenge your spiritual philosophy until you feel confident discussing your ideas with strangers. If you’re in the League of Badass Butterflies, feel free to share your spiritual philosophy with us! You’ll get the intelligent support and encouragement you need to move you forward.✨

Are you familiar with the Hierophant (the Pope) in Tarot? According to Wikipedia, “a hierophant is an interpreter of sacred mysteries and arcane principles.” He spends his whole life learning Divine Truths and they apply to life on Earth. In Tarot, the Hierophant is responsible for disseminating this sacred knowledge to those seeking his wisdom and expertise, exactly like a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach! Like the Hierophant, Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaches are deeply rooted in spiritual doctrine. 🤔

Fortunately for you, giving up your secular life is not required to take up this role! In fact, renunciation of earthly delights will run the risk of alienating you from potential clients. The more you integrate your spiritual philosophy with your Badass Butterfly Lifestyle, the more powerful you are as its messenger. Even without taking your word at face value, people will be able to see the fruits of your beliefs and practices for themselves by observing how well they work for you, as you “walk your talk.”👣💬

I refer to healing as a “path” because it really is more of a journey than a destination. A solid spiritual philosophy ensures that the steps you take keep you traveling in the right direction. You’re already walking the path. If your goal isn’t to become a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach, “walking the walk” is enough. Articulating your spiritual philosophy is how you “talk the talk,” which is a HUGE part of being a leader capable of helping other people on their own paths toward personal transformation.🌉

I want to know your spiritual philosophy! If you are ready to learn how to deepen your spiritual philosophy and share it with the world, then I want to work with you on this meaningful project TOGETHER. Send me a private message here and let’s chat about your desire to become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach. Through my certification and business-building program, I can help you become a great coach with a thriving Divine Coaching Business. Just send me a message to get started.📨

And you are also invited to join my League of Badass Butterflies (https://www.facebook.com/groups/leagueofbadassbutterflies) where I help new and aspiring coaches learn about coaching, mindset, and business. It’s a great community with lots of good information. I’d love to see you there!🥰


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.