America, My Dysfunctional Family

It’s the last day of January of 2017. This auspicious year is well underway. How are you feeling? Are you feeling empowered to take action on your dreams and ambitions? Do you feel connected to your family, friends and community?

I sure do. I feel inspired by my own internal process and the things that I have discovered about myself both spiritually and emotionally. I also feel inspired by the love that I have for my friends, family, community and country.

I awoke this morning with America on my mind. The image that came was actually a picture of a woman draped in an American flag. She was moving forward through a battlefield, but she was weaponless. She held before her not a sword (which represents the mind– the weapon of the mind) but a lantern that glowed bright with ‘supernal’ light (light that casts no shadow.) This glowing light represents the eternal spirit of unconditional love, and it inspires trust, hope, optimism, unity and creativity.

As I engaged my country, my America, she told me that my contribution will be to help bring the fabrics of her being together through dialogue with the different parts. She told me that communication is an issue and that some part of ourselves are not communicating effectively with other parts of ourselves. It’s kind of like the heart not communicating effectively with the brain or the left ear hearing something different than the right ear. Or the left hand having a different agenda than the right hand.

That is crazy.

I also was shown that it is going to be helpful for me to see the whole of the United States of America as my family– to really see and study it as a whole and as its parts… back and forth between the two views. This will be a way for us, as a nation, to find balance.

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