Meet Ophrah Winfrey

Natal Report for Oprah Winfrey
Jan 29, 1954, 4:30 AM CST Kosciusko, MS (33N03, 89W35


Your natal horoscope, or birth chart, is a snapshot of the heavens at the moment you were born. It shows what the sky actually looked like at the time and place of your birth. Astrology in modern times has renewed the ancient discovery that the symbolism of the planets that surrounded you at birth describes your character and personality. Planets that were directly overhead at the time and place of your birth are most important, and would appear at the very top of the chart or the Midheaven. Planets that were just rising above the horizon in the East at the time of your birth would appear near the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart or the Ascendant. If the Sun appears in the top half of the chart, then you were born during daylight hours and have a more outer directed personality. All of these features reflect the factors at play in the Universe at the moment of your birth and are significant indications of the basic qualities and tendencies that continue to make up your personality.

Each planet’s relative position in the sky and significant angles that it makes to the other planets, or aspects, are examined in this report. Please keep in mind that you are not limited by these descriptions. Your natal horoscope does not prescribe your fate. The stars incline, they do not compel. Your birth chart shows potentials that you can either struggle to fulfill or deny. The choice is yours. Beneficial aspects, or planetary positions, are areas of life in which you show natural talent and achieve easy success. Challenging aspects, or planetary positions, can become your greatest asset if you can learn to be aware of how that dynamic plays out in your life and the world at large. The strongest and most important features of your chart are described first. For definitions of astrological terms, please refer to the glossary at the end of this report.


Chart Patterns

T-Square, focal planet Mars

You have a T-Square in your chart. With this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

Mars in the Eleventh House (or sign) gives a freedom loving, socially oriented and idealistic personality. You can be abrupt and eccentric in speech and action, and may have a tendency to jump to conclusions. You have your own way of looking at things, and are also stubborn in your outlook, so that it may be difficult to get you to change your opinions. You are enterprising and ambitious, with a future-oriented and scientific mentality. The unknown possibility excites you more than conventional activity, which you may consider slightly boring, and you therefore tend to invest your energies in the upcoming event not yet realized. You get along well with groups of people, but you may be less comfortable one on one. You may need to find a balance between too great a focus on personal issues, and on the other hand directing all your activities outside yourself, toward social and humanitarian goals.

Mars in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives a passionate and intense personality, proud, strongwilled and stubborn. Your sexual nature is very important to you. You feel the instinctive level of your being powerfully, and you are quite sure of yourself. You have a noticeable presence and a strong influence on those around you, and like to get your own way. You also enjoy giving the gift of your affection, and partnership sharing is an important mode of activity for you. Your urge for personal security is strong. If Mars is afflicted by planetary aspect, you are likely to be quarrelsome and self-indulgent. When you begin to engage with the higher levels of your consciousness, you have the capacity to be a great healer. In any case, you benefit when you cultivate selfdiscipline, and strive for objective over selfish motivations.

T-Square, focal planet Neptune

You have a T-Square in your chart. With this planetary aspect pattern, in which three planets or conjunctions are in square with one another, you have a high degree of motivation and drive. Your energies are most easily and habitually expressed by the energy of the focal point, the middle of the T-Square. You may also compensate for overdoing in the area of life represented by the focal point, by leaning toward the empty pattern element opposite the focal point, seeking to balance your activity. The lesson of this planetary aspect pattern is in learning to use your considerable energy wisely in the pursuit of your true goals. There is great tension represented by the focal planet or planets in your chart, where conflicting parts of your personality attain their focus and peak of energy, and you may observe compulsive behavior in the area of life represented here.

Neptune in the Tenth House (or sign) gives a charming personality with an idealistic nature. You may achieve much in the helping professions, or as a spiritual leader. You may also have a musical career. You tend to give more than you receive in your employment, and possess an almost naïve idealism where your work is concerned. Your work must be spiritually satisfying or you will lose interest. You are apt to be susceptible to suggestion, and may suffer disappointment in other people coming through for you. You also have a tendency to avoid responsibility. There may have been difficulties or confusion in your early years, especially with regard to parental motivations. You also may idealize parental figures, and the image that you have of your parents may change and become less idealized as you mature. In general, you must learn to clarify your goals. You will not be content with an ordinary job, but must seek out some career that is a real calling. At your best you express the highest ideals of society and find true joy in your vocation.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Neptune in Libra (or the seventh house) gives a charming, generous and idealistic personality. You are apt to have an intense love of beauty and the arts, especially music and painting. You are imaginative and visionary. You may feel a sense of obligation to other people and can give a great deal without expecting anything in return. You dream of finding the perfect partner, but you may encounter difficulties in making that dream a reality. There can be emotional confusion, leading you to depend too much on the strength of another person. You may unconsciously seek a partner with dependency issues, like drug or alcohol or fantasy addiction, as a mirror for your own inner lack of clarity. You also may seek in your partner a sense of rising above the merely mundane, which can be very appealing to you. There are likely to be karmic lessons for you in regard to partnership and marriage. Making an effort to pull back from too much self-sacrifice can bring greater clarity to relationships, which can be of benefit to all concerned.

Important Features

Jupiter in Gemini (16° Gem 39’R)
Jupiter in the Sixth House

Jupiter in the Sixth House (or sign) gives you an optimistic outlook on everyday life, including health issues and the mundane details of the daily workweek. You are one who is capable of enormous output when you get inspired, and approach the practical necessities of daily existence with a quiet joy and a gentle humility. You are an inspiration to your co-workers although you may tend to get caught up in details and miss the big picture approach at times. Health issues are important to you, and you may be a master at putting together preventative medicine practices. In an attempt to find the perfect fitness regime you may go to the extremes of either abundance or abstinence, and it benefits you to find the middle ground. You are very determined and can turn small advantages into success over time. You take a practical and responsible view of life and excel in the natural religion of the ordinary.

Jupiter in Gemini (or the third house) gives you a charming, talkative, and clever personality. You also tend to be somewhat scattered, with interest in just about anything. You are fond of travel, intellectually enthusiastic and make a good teacher. You are optimistic and changeable. Since you see the value of many different pursuits, it may be difficult for you to narrow down, and you may in fact lose opportunities through lack of an ability to focus. You may speak too quickly, before you have thought a matter through, and benefit from learning to hold off and keep your own council. You should beware of a tendency to superficiality or self-centeredness.

Saturn in Scorpio (9° Sco 03′)
Saturn in the Tenth House

Saturn in the Tenth House (or sign) gives an ambitious and clear-minded individual, with a strong sense of responsibility. You are persistent, careful and calculating, and have a deep urge for mastery and achievement. You are likely to place extreme importance on traditional values in reaching for the prize you seek, accomplishment in the eyes of the world. Like the mountain goat ascending you are cautious and rarely take chances, and may appear dutifully grim in your outlook. You may experience difficulties, limitations or delays in the achievement of your goals, but you usually achieve success in the end. You may have encountered problems in your early life with finding your own identity independent of parental figures, and you may now operate out of a subconscious fear that if you don’t conquer the world first, then it will conquer you instead. When you are at your best, you can transform your struggle from a personal drive for power in the world into a model for others wherein the social matrix surrounding you is enlightened by your actions.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Saturn in Scorpio (or the eighth house) gives a strong personality with intense emotions. There can be a deepening and concentration, or a blockage, of your feeling nature so that many and complex emotions are generated. You are shrewd, apt to be secretive, and may have something of a power complex. You can be prone to jealousy. You are likely to have fears surrounding the issue of emotional closeness and sexuality, and being able to give of yourself, so that you may suffer greatly through thwarted desire. You fear the blending of your life with another, yet paradoxically that sense of merged realities is quite important to you, even longed for. Your reactions to events may seem to be almost automatically determined at a deep subconscious level, so that you are actually unfamiliar with your true motivation. You may become a student of the occult, as a means to explore the dark realms with your psyche. Your lesson is to learn to master and bring to consciousness the hidden drives within you, transforming this energy into healing power, both for yourself and for others around you as well.

Pluto in Leo (24° Leo 09’R)
Pluto in the Eighth House

Pluto in the Eighth House (or sign) gives you a serious and willful personality, with an intense focus on personal transformation. You feel deeply, and may have an almost psychic awareness of the feelings of others. You have strong desires, and are single-minded about pursuing them. You may need to combat a tendency to manipulate others for your own purposes. You may also exhibit compulsive behavior around the issue of sexuality, or in insisting that you get your own way, and you benefit from loosening your grip. There is a tendency to project onto others the issues that you are called upon to deal with in yourself, in your own inner temple, and to seek to change your situation in the battlefield of sexual encounter rather than through the independent actions of your whole and entire self. You will likely go through many changes as the course of your life unfolds. The challenges that you meet are for the ultimate purpose of allowing you to see more deeply into your own inner motivation. You may become fascinated with occult studies as a way of tuning into a deeper reality than that of the surface. It benefits you to turn away from manipulating others and to learn to use your powerful presence to regenerate your own life, transforming self-centeredness into a more spiritual sense of personal power.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Pluto in Leo (or the fifth house) gives you a tremendous desire to be recognized and admired. You may feel a compulsion toward self-aggrandizement, or have underlying feelings of insecurity leading to self-centered and ego-oriented behavior. You are an essentially dynamic and charismatic individual with a strong need to make an impact on the world around you. You may find much to admire in the acting and artistic professions, and find your own creative outlet there, although you are likely to go through many changes and challenges in putting yourself forward in a way that truly serves as an expression of your highest purpose for yourself. If you have children you may seek to live your life through them, and experience the twists and turns of fate as you come to recognize some of your own unconscious impulses acting themselves out in this regard. Your desire for personal reputation may also be thwarted, but this can lead to benefits for you, by forcing you to re-evaluate your need to achieve. Transformation in this area is quite possible, as you learn how to work with your personal power in more constructive ways. By embodying the more positive form of your creative energy, and thereby expressing your deepest truth, you can perform an important service for yourself and society.

Sun, Moon, Rising Sign Features

Sagittarius Rising

The Rising Sign is the mask shown to others, also the physical appearance.

Sagittarius Rising people are direct and forthright, good-natured and optimistic. Your ruling planet is Jupiter. One always knows where one stands with you. You come across as honest and forthright. You have a strong moral nature, yet you are also fun-loving and enjoy a good laugh, even at your own expense. Sagittarius is associated with idealism, religion and philosophy and the quest for freedom. You are friendly and well-liked by others, who are attracted to your open and honest nature. You love adventure, sports and travel, gambling and risk-taking. You are generous and easy-going, also very curious about the world around you. You are a lover of nature, and have an enthusiasm which can be contagious. At the highest level, you are concerned with understanding, perception, and mental activity in the service of high ideals, for the benefit of mankind.

Neptune in sextile
(within 3.6 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a highly sensitive, visionary and creative individual. You are somewhat unworldly. You are likely to be artistic or musical. You are softhearted, and you may be perhaps even too willing to sacrifice yourself for the good of others. You may have problems in feeling free to assert yourself, and issues with lack of self-confidence, but these are usually overcome. You may be open to mysticism or the exploration of other dimensions through psychic perceptions. Extremely aware of your surroundings, you may take on different qualities with different groups of people. You may have difficulties with motivation, but once these are overcome, tremendous creativity is possible, perhaps through artistic channels: music, drama, poetry. You also may find yourself at work in the helping professions, for your compassion is strong. Your aim is to achieve a balance between the spiritual dimension of reality and ordinary life.

Pluto in weak trine
(within 5.5 degrees) with Ascendant

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a willful personality with a focus on being recognized and admired. You have strong desires, and are single-minded about pursuing them. You have an urge toward self-transformation, and may go through many changes in your life. In relationships, you tend to become intensely involved quickly, and stay absorbed in the relationship as long as it lasts. You also have tremendous powers of regeneration and rebirth. You tend to champion the underdog, and react strongly against social injustice. When you train your considerable energy on socially oriented rather than purely personal goals, you can become a focal point for the transformation of society.

Sun in Aquarius (8° Aqu 59′ 35″)
Sun in the Second House

The Sun represents your will and purpose, your sense of vitality, and your evolving higher Self. In Aquarius it is Fixed-Air, and rules the circulation and the ankles. Your ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn. You have a rebellious nature, and are eccentric, spontaneous and original. Aquarians are forward thinking and detached, and can seem conservative though they really are not very much so. You are scientifically minded and logical, and confident in manner. You are likely to be years ahead of your time in the way you think. You can also appear to be more involved with your work than with other people, although you truly value social contact. You are intuitive, imaginative and inventive, and inclined to take chances, especially in the service of your goals. You can be quite noble in your deepest nature, but you also may come across as critical and demanding. Your highest purpose is found in aligning yourself with the advancement of social and humanitarian ideals.

The Sun in the Second House represents a concentration of the vital force to obtain sustenance and possess resources. Resources are security for you. You have a strong urge to identify those resources that create safety and comfort for yourself and those closest to you, and a strong sense of what you truly value. Your formidable will power attracts much of what you desire to you. Once you possess something it takes on a special significance for you. You tend to hold onto and value what you have, whether for aesthetic pleasure or monetary wealth. You also love beauty and symbols of beauty. You may perhaps seek to develop personal resources in order to discover your own sense of self-worth. You also may attract influential friends. It is important that you learn how to share your sense of values and valuables with others. You can serve as an example in choosing to demonstrate how to be resourceful and appreciative of what you have and others share with you.

Sun in strong conjunction
(within 0.1 degrees) with Venus

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a warm-hearted and affectionate personality. You are cheerful, charming and likable. You are also very beautiful, particularly at the soul-level. You are sensitive, with an inclination for artistic pursuits and refined surroundings. You may be somewhat unworldly in your attitude. You also may possess considerable talent for the arts, especially music and dance. Relationships are important to you.

Sun in strong square
(within 0.1 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a deepening and concentration, or a blocking of your self-expression. You are ambitious and may make your mark in the world. There may also be a barrier between you and your self-realization, so that your true feelings are denied outlet. You may be strong-willed, or even autocratic, and can appear selfish, or cautious and reserved. There is usually a sense of rejection or coldness in relationship to your father, and a sense of lack of love in your life, generally, leading to a subconscious desire for recognition. There may be feelings of hostility or a physical ailment that prevents your total participation in life activities. Your heart-center may need developing. The lesson for you is to deepen and broaden the knowledge of who you really are at the level of your innermost soul, and to really learn to love the person that you find in this process.

Sun in sextile
(within 4.5 degrees) with Moon

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a well-adjusted and stable personality. You proceed with confidence and a sense of well-being to accomplish what you set out to do. You are likely to be healthy, optimistic and popular, and look upon life’s problems as challenges to be overcome, rather than as obstacles. You have experienced your parents as harmoniously related, and in your own relationships you expect sound communication and mutual understanding. Your family is important to you. You are poised and cheerful, and your creativity flows freely. It benefits you to overcome complacent or lazy thinking and to rise to the challenge of tackling any problem areas in your life.

Moon in Sagittarius (4° Sag 31′ 57″)
Moon in the Eleventh House

The moon in Sagittarius gives an uninhibited, freedom-loving personality which may incline to the restless. You are very idealistic, and see the best side of everyone. You are happy and fun to be around. You are also apt to be impatient. You tend to react to situations with action rather than with reflection. You can also be unrealistic in your approach to situations. You should learn to temper your idealism with reality in setting out to achieve your high aspirations.

The Moon in Eleventh House represents emotional sensitivity in social arenas. You seek comfort and security in friends and group associations. You are dynamic in group settings although you do not need to feel like the center of attention. You may be detached and objective in social circumstances because you do not want to commit your allegiance to one group or another. You prefer to have several types of acquaintances in various group settings. You do well as an organizer of group events whether it be a party for friends, group meeting or social event. You have a tendency to overextend yourself and can become divided by being involved in too many group projects at once. You may need to guard against being too naive, friendly and taking too much responsibility for groups. You may do well to focus on reliable friendships and learn discrimination when opening to new activities and associations so that you can manage and coordinate your various interests and activities.

Moon in quintile
(within 2.6 degrees) with Mercury

The planetary energies are positively linked, subtle, and spiritual in dimension.

This aspect gives a kindly, sound and logical mentality. You are a good communicator, and are able to express your emotions easily. You are an inquisitive student of life, and are also excellent at working with the public. You usually prefer plain and direct speech, and you are judicious and honest in your approach to life.

Moon in sextile
(within 4.3 degrees) with Venus

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This aspect gives a calm and steady emotional nature, with a refined and artistic sensibility. You are habitually cheerful and are likely to be happiest in your home and family. You possess a great deal of personal charm, and also have a love for the arts, especially music and dance. You are courteous and popular, and supportive to your friends. It is important for you that your home environment be aesthetically pleasing.

Uranus in Cancer (20° Can 19’R)
Uranus in the Seventh House

The ruler of your Sun sign is characteristic of your personality:

Uranus in the Seventh House (or sign) gives an individual who is independent and original in the expression of artistic impulses and relationships. You are a lover of harmony and beauty, and you express this love in your own unique manner. You do not subscribe to a conventional sense of the aesthetic, but are always breaking new ground. You are idealistic and philosophical, and you have a restless interest in new forms of stimulation. There can be problems with marriage in that partners may find you alternately affectionate and uninterested. You are likely to seek a rather unconventional relationship, which allows room for growth on both sides. You need more space in relationship than most, and search for a partner who understands that, and has his or her own unique life perspective. You may also bring new concepts to the area of partnership. Part of your purpose in this life may be the transformation of the partnership energy into a new mode of being that can serve your own interest as well as enliven and invigorate your partner.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Uranus in Cancer (or the fourth house) gives an eccentric individual with volatile emotions. You may change your residence frequently. You may also feel insecure at times, possibly stemming from a disrupted home life in your early years. Your home life may have been stimulating and challenging, or else there may have been difficulties, perhaps your parents were quite busy with their own affairs, leaving the children out of the picture. You may have difficulty in being sure of yourself, or become focused on your own subconscious process, and have a strong sense of your own unique individuality. You have the zeal to vision new possibilities for tribal connection. You may become interested in the Environmental movement or other ideas related to reinventing the ecological matrix we all live within. You are on the path of transforming your sense of self, creating integration and stability from your own efforts, rather than what comes through from more conventional attitudes of society or your early parental environment.

Jupiter in strong trine
(within 0.8 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a positive and optimistic personality. You are lucky and are likely to be successful at whatever you strive for. You have an expansive attitude toward new projects, so that there can be almost too much growth potential for you to handle. You have good spirits and are able to see the big picture, so that others find it an inspiration to be around you. You have possibilities for a career in travel or education, or perhaps as a spiritual leader. You may have to beware of complacency however, and benefit from cultivating humility in your dealings with other people.

Mercury in trine
(within 2.5 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This conjunction gives a quiet and unassuming and clever personality, which is also somewhat scattered. You are good-natured, and are likely to be above average in intelligence. You make a good teacher. You may be absent-minded, also apt to be somewhat changeable in your opinion. You likely prefer a simple mode of life and possess a good balance between spiritual and physical realms.

Other Natal Planets

Mercury in Aquarius (19° Aqu 09′)
Mercury in the Second House

Mercury in Aquarius gives a balanced and socially oriented mentality, insightful, analytical and detached. You have an inquisitive and scientific mind, with excellent powers of logic and reason. Your thinking is idealistic, yet also well grounded in reality. You are a good judge of character, and you are likely to work well with groups. You appreciate the beauty of things in the world, which for you includes both their utility and ultimate purpose. Your have a strong social motivation and strive in your communication and contact with others to advance the cause of humanitarian ideals. Others may find you almost too detached, and you benefit from expressing your passion when you feel it.

Mercury in the Second House represents a strong connection between your inner awareness and your values, or the resources available for your use. You have an innate sense of what you most need in order to survive. Your thinking is well grounded in reality. You are a natural conduit for the acquisition and distribution of resources, with a talent for dealing with issues of finance or property rights. You learn more from practical matters than from schooling, since ideas are less interesting to you without a practical application. You have an artistic quality of mind, with a well-developed aesthetic sense. You may be interested in a profession that involves the written word, education, or finance. You also have a strong tendency to go your own way, to believe what you want to believe. You benefit from developing detachment and cultivating an open-minded attitude.

Venus in Aquarius (8° Aqu 51′)
Venus in the Second House

Venus in Aquarius gives a calm and detached nature. You are idealistic, even revolutionary in your outlook, and want to see a better society emerge from the vagaries of the present day. You are an admirer of symmetry and elegance, with an enthusiastic appreciation of artistic form in music, poetry, and painting. You function well in friendships and in groups, but you may not always be happy in intimate connections with significant others. Your love is broader and more general, and you may be given to spiritual or philanthropic activities rather than to close personal relationships. You may go through many changes in your love life, being very open to new influences that suddenly come up for you. You benefit from deepening and more fully expressing your affection for one person in particular.

Venus in the Second House represents a deeply felt connection within you between artistic conception and material form. You have a talent for artistic expression that manifests in a practical way, for example with an interest in interior design or gardening, or perhaps in its full-on manifestation in the field of the visual or plastic arts. You may also display a fondness for the material things of life, or for their medium of exchange, money and finance. Material things ultimately mean more to you than what they are worth, and are valued for their intrinsic beauty. You likely have a well-developed sense of what you value and an unerring moral compass. It may be right for someone else, but if it’s not right for you, you won’t have any part of it. You possess an earthy and practical love nature, very ardent and nurturing. This is a powerful placement for Venus, and your emotions are strong and long lasting. You will always have an abiding sense of enjoyment from music and the arts.

Chiron in Capricorn (23° Cap 35′)
Chiron in the First House

Chiron in the First House (or sign) represents issues with one’s vital force to be, to act, to initiate. With this placement of Chiron, your very sense of who you are may be threatened by disturbing realizations and painful memories., You may have felt belittled and put down in your formative years, rather than encouraged, by the significant adult figures in your life. Even after reaching maturity, you may encounter obstacles that prevent you from reaching your full potential. These difficulties can set up a pattern for failure, in which you operate more from a fear of failing than the expectation of success that breeds confidence for further achievement. One way this may manifest is in terms of acting not in your own behalf, in furthering your own goals, but rather in behalf of the goals of other people, which seem somehow more important or at least get priority treatment. You may keenly feel a lack of achievement in your own life, and compensate by trying too hard to help these others, putting yourself in the background, as it were. As long as these patterns operate more or less unconsciously, they are difficult to overcome, so the first step in surmounting them is to become more conscious of your own pain; acknowledging and discovering more about what exactly went on in the past to make you feel frustrated with your own abilities. At that point you begin to come out from behind your painful experiences and really show yourself. With a more conscious understanding of your own dynamics you can also begin to truly be of help to others, in how they deal with similar issues, as you start to approach them not from a false sense of vicarious achievement, but from a place of true friendship and helpfulness.

The following applies to your generation as a whole as well as to you personally:

Chiron in Capricorn (or the Tenth House) represents issues with one’s vital force to act with authority and make a responsible contribution to society. With this placement you are likely to be somewhat rebellious of authority, and yet compulsively drawn to it as well. You have probably had many experiences in your life where you either had to knuckle under against your will or else over-exerted your authority with others in a way that left them feeling oppressed. The compulsion you may feel to be in authority perhaps arose in your childhood, when you were too forcefully controlled, leading to compensatory behavior as an adult. Everyone has a basic need to be in control, and if distrustful of authority as a result of early experiences, we tend to strike first rather than wait to be pushed around by others. Another manifestation is being drawn to achievement in the eyes of the world, yet feeling ambivalent about your successes. You may feel pushed to success by the important parental figures of your childhood, and never really have a sense of belonging to your own true destiny, rather than acting on behalf of others’ beliefs and goals. These feelings are also connected with low self-esteem, and you may seek to be a well-known presence in the world as a way of making up for feelings of lack of self-worth somewhere below your conscious level of reasoning, yet the victory when it comes may be hollow. In order to avoid these traps, it is good to be in more conscious touch with your hidden feelings, and attempt to bring these into the light to explore them in detail. Once you have begun this process, it will continue as a natural part of your growth, as it becomes easier and easier to confront the scary parts of yourself. At this point you can begin to wield a more conscious and integrated form of personal power.

N Node in Capricorn (23° Cap 56′)
N Node in the First House

Lunar North Node in the First House (or sign). South Node in the seventh house or sign. This placement gives you a focus on advancing into your own individual self-hood. Your evolutionary path is to get your own act together, this time around. Throughout your life you will be forced to resolve issues with depending on yourself, versus depending on other people. In the past, or in past lives, you were focused on others, meeting their needs rather than your own, and depending on them for emotional and material support. Now your life path is calling for you to depend on no one but yourself. Events may seem to force you into this direction. It is good to remember that outer events can be another facet of the voice of your own inner Self. You benefit from following these directives from your own higher consciousness, no matter how difficult that may prove to be in actual practice.

Lunar North Node in Capricorn (or the tenth house). South Node in the fourth house or sign. This placement gives a personality with a focus on recognized achievement. Although you are comfortable in your private home life, which is what comes naturally to you, you are determined, as you mature, to move beyond the personal and secure enclosure of your home and family and out into the sphere of public achievement. Something is calling to you to come forth and shine your light so that the outer world can see it. You search for public recognition is not however a goal in and of itself, but connects you into a larger picture of social commitment and service to the collective ideal, that reinforces your sense of self as a part of the whole, an important cog in the turning wheel of world events. Thus you come full circle to a self-concept that includes its own sense of security in beneficial interaction with the social matrix that surrounds you.

Other Aspects

Mercury in strong trine
(within 1.7 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a mentally active personality, who is very involved in mental pursuits. You are a good communicator, and a gifted thinker and organizer, and you can use these abilities in your professional life to great advantage. You also like variety, and may be quite eclectic and changeable in the pursuit of your goals.

Venus in strong square
(within 0.2 degrees) with Saturn

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a personality with a deepening and concentration, or a blockage in the area of interpersonal relationships. You are sensitive and have a strong sense of duty. You are likely to be very loyal. You may have experienced coldness from one parent, or early love experiences may have proven painful. You may seem cold or uncaring yourself at times, or express jealousy or other feelings of inferiority, which may also manifest as a nagging discontent with life in general, or sorrow and difficulty in marriage. In a woman’s chart there may be feelings of unattractiveness or fears regarding your femininity. You could also feel bitterness and disillusion with romance or fears of rejection concerning romantic contacts. Yet you also have an opportunity to rise above these circumstances in concentrated effort over time toward inner integration and balance, toward relationship more fully explored and felt, based on the self-confidence born of actual experience and mutual understanding.

Mars in strong square
(within 0.6 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a personality with a tremendous drive for power and transformation of self. You are strong-willed almost to the point of ruthlessness, and you have enormous energy and endurance at your disposal. You may appear timid or unsure of yourself, since the power urge is commonly repressed, but then there is the potential for sudden bursts of anger due to the repressed emotion finally exploding to the surface. You may also have feelings of insecurity that are compensated for by being overly forceful, acting compulsively or even becoming obsessive about achieving your will. In a more positive manifestation, you can exhibit a dedication to higher ideals and a willingness to be a channel for healing yourself and society. The challenge is movement away from feelings of insecurity and resulting separateness and loneliness, toward a better acceptance of other’s needs and opinions in order to generate wholeness, forgiveness towards self and others, and a new and better sense of self-worth.

Mars in strong sextile
(exact) with Chiron

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

With this aspect you have issues around expressing anger, as well as exerting personal will versus knuckling under to authority. It may be that you have had painful experiences with violence, or potential violence, on the part of someone close to you, perhaps in your early childhood. As a result of these experiences, you may fear the power of your own anger, and seek to placate your opponent in situations where a direct confrontation seems to be brewing. You may exhibit something of a “passive-aggressive” attitude, in which there is hidden aggression under-expressed, rather than any form of direct attack. It is often the case that the powerful emotions associated with this aspect hover below the level of conscious awareness in your psyche. As you become more aware of these patterns, you will less and less need to act them out either suppressed with passivity, or with bluster. Another manifestation of this aspect, perhaps paradoxically, is the ability to lead and be willful, to not take “no for an answer”. The willful energy of Mars is given a creative boost by Chiron, both in terms of suffering and in a better-integrated personality, in terms of conquest. A still better level of integration produces the self-assured and powerful personality who does not depend on others either to express his or her own desires, nor to be crushed by them.

Neptune in strong sextile
(within 1.9 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies flow together, open into new possibilities, new connections.

This combination gives an individual with a personal involvement in the energies of the collective. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You have a subtle intuition and unusually clear insight into others. The influence of the unconscious is especially strong in you. You need to connect with your higher self in order to be happy. You function at your best in service to the world, helping to move it closer to a vision of spiritual union between all mankind.

Mercury in inconjunct
(within 1.2 degrees) with Uranus

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

This aspect gives an individual who is restless and mentally acute, with an ability to quickly grasp new concepts. You like to explore new ways of thinking and being. You are interested in occult realms of thought, applying conscious mental processes to these areas. You have a tendency to display a “know-it-all” attitude. There can be problems in communicating with others. You may lack discipline and persistence in bringing your vision to practical realization, and will benefit from attempting to gain better control of your mental processes.

Mars in trine
(within 3.3 degrees) with Uranus

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives an individual with an original and eccentric mind, whose intuition is strong. You are a strong-willed nonconformist, with your own code of ethics. You are also restless and may lack steadiness in the pursuit of your goals. You may feel a sense of isolation, and can appear emotionally insensitive at times, seemingly more excited by ideas than by other people. Your basis for action derives from a sense of high ideals, rather than from mere egotism. You are genuinely creative and may find an outlet in artistic pursuits. You also could beware, however, of a tendency to be dogmatic, or proud and unbending. Change and variety excite you, and your mutability and urge for constant change can frustrate or confuse those around you. In essence, you are a courageous and pioneering free spirit, whose mission in life is to bring new ideas into being. You can benefit from bringing more consciousness and clarity to the expression of your goals in life.

Uranus in opposition
(within 3.3 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

With this aspect, you are prone to sudden insights and departures. You have a unusual combination of personality traits in which you are both very unconventional yet also somewhat unsure of yourself in your very departure from the rest of society, so that you may surprisingly show flashes of a conservative side. You have a brilliant mind, and are undoubtedly a witty conversationalist, although with a slightly erratic tendency to switch topics arbitrarily. This aspect is the hallmark of an inventor or other type of creative thinker, perhaps in the health fields or the helping professions. You are likely to have great difficulties with walking the straight and narrow but something seems to be forcing you to. Or it is a compulsion based on your own painful experiences with authority. It is important to become more conscious of your hidden motivations and patterns, so as not to be ruled by them from below, as it were.

Uranus in square
(within 2.9 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

You are likely to be a non-conformist. This combination gives a brilliant and ambitious individual who is rebellious of authority and also somewhat hung up about it. You may change jobs frequently, as a result of unconventional attitudes and sudden bursts of new insights. You have a strong imagination and perhaps it is difficult to argue you out of your opinion, which can be unique at times. Your challenge is to establish your own personal authority, in your own way, and to help make that vision available to society at large.

Neptune in square
(within 2.5 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this combination of planetary energies in your chart, you may have gone to the depths and back again in your life. You have a particularly strong access to the world of dreams and inner fantasy, which may serve as an escape valve for you. You may also be extremely sensitive to the psyches of others, may vicariously experience their pain. Something keeps you out of touch with consensus reality, but you also are not comfortable with this role. It is as if you stand on the other side of a glass door from the rest of society, through which you alternately gaze longingly and then lose interest and wander away into your own fantasy. You are capable of tremendous spiritual powers once you have begun to work through these difficulties and establish a better sense of where you stand vis a vis the remainder of society. You may exhibit great poetic or musical talent or the empathy of a born healer. Having come through a painful examination of your own psyche you are able to see more clearly and compassionately into the minds of others also.

Pluto in inconjunct
(within 0.6 degrees) with Chiron

The planetary energies do not flow smoothly, one or the other predominates; discrimination must be employed.

With this aspect you are likely to possess a somewhat compulsive nature. You have a tendency to plunge into the depths of despair as well as the heights of manic madness as a form of compensatory reaction to the over-indulgence of wallowing in the depths. There are great depths of passion within you, likely the result of painful experiences from early childhood. As long as these experiences remain unintegrated, they will cause a stir, both for yourself and for anyone you become close to. When you become more conscious of these patterns you have a great capacity to heal yourself and others. You have a keen intuition and great power to transform yourself and your personal relationships as you evolve.

Sun in weak conjunction
(within 10.2 degrees) with Mercury

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a person who values mental pursuits highly. Your logical and communicative abilities are excellent. You are quick-witted and glib, and can also be nervous and high-strung, or perhaps stubborn and difficult to shake from your opinions. You are an independent thinker with your own way of looking at things, and may be inspired and even visionary in your outlook. Although you value your mind, when the Sun and Mercury are quite close to each other, within a degree or so, you may be more inclined to take a broad view of life’s activities and not consider things from a strictly mental orientation.

Sun in weak trine
(within 7.7 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives an optimistic and generous individual, with good spirits and abundant energy. You are quietly spiritual in your approach to life. You also have good executive abilities, and make a capable leader. You are fortunate materially, and have simple tastes, so that your wants are few and easily satisfied. Good fortune follows you through life.

Sun in weak trine
(within 8.4 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a strong personality, very involved in work and career. You can be autocratic and may appear selfish, or bent on getting your own way. You have a terrific sense of the positive value of achievement, and will likely go far, but you might need to beware of too much ego-involvement in being on top.

Moon in weak conjunction
(within 11.0 degrees) with Mars

The strongest blend of the energies represented by these two planets.

This conjunction gives a courageous and vigorous personality. You are bold and daring, full of enterprise, and out-going. You tend to be impulsive, and to take unnecessary risks, and you are subject to temper, even rages. But you are also likely to be a profound and penetrating thinker with an unusually good rapport with the public. You are kind and benevolent in your intentions, although you may tend to be extreme in your behavior.

Moon in weak opposition
(within 12.1 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect gives an optimistic and kindly personality. You are tolerant of others, and enjoy good company as well as good food. You are likely to be fortunate in finances, and attract material rewards without seeming to try for them. You are usually able to spend money as fast as you get it, so you don’t usually pile up riches. You should beware of a tendency to over-indulge.

Mercury in weak square
(within 4.4 degrees) with Mars

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect greatly increases your mental energies, and gives you a personality that is intelligent, ambitious and aggressive. You can be opinionated, or perhaps quarrelsome and argumentative, and you may be nervous or ill tempered. You are likely to jump to conclusions. You have a sharp tongue and a ready wit, and you may tend to find fault with other people or hurt their feelings by being unnecessarily outspoken. You are determined and intelligent, and will go far in life, especially when you learn to value the opinions of others.

Mercury in weak trine
(within 6.9 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a clever and imaginative personality with subtle charm. You are visionary and poetic, and quite possibly possess great personal magnetism. You are likely to be an inspired thinker, and may excel in literary accomplishments, especially poetry or fantasy, or perhaps in the visual arts. With a strong connection between your conscious and unconscious mind, you think in terms of symbols rather than logical connections. You are fond of education, but you may miss out on serious study because of your dreaminess and lack of focus. Your imagination is strong, almost to the point of deception; you may tend to confuse illusions with reality, or over-glamorize the object of your ideals. You can profit from learning greater discrimination in your thought process, which will allow you to reap the full benefit and inspiration of your marvelous gift.

Mercury in weak opposition
(within 5.0 degrees) with Pluto

The planetary energies are polarized; outer events stimulate their interaction; integration is the challenge.

This aspect gives a sharp and penetrating mind, together with unusually clear and direct communication skills. You are likely to be quite interested in the occult, or other hidden and potentially taboo areas of thought. As a matter of fact, you tend to see into the deeper aspects of any subject matter that you might single out for study, and are able to discourse forcefully upon it. You may however become so focused on the emotional charge with which you hold these ideas that you lose a certain sense of perspective regarding them. In other words, you can be compulsively attached to your communication or the results of your mental process, so that there is a danger that you may feel yourself to be correct in what you say in spite of what others may think. You might also need to be aware of a tendency to be manipulative in your dealings with other people, since you have a forceful will in association with your powers of speech and communication. You can be a great source of inspiration when you use your powers of insight and expression responsibly, enabling you to share your gift with humanity.

Venus in weak trine
(within 7.8 degrees) with Jupiter

The planetary energies flow smoothly; the connection is easy and beneficial.

This aspect gives a refined and idealistic nature. You always see the big picture but may miss out on the practicalities along the way. You are incredibly optimistic, and see opportunity in everything. You may therefore suffer from a lack of focus, and not knowing what you really want. You are perhaps too easily influenced by others, and may have difficulty in making decisions. You are a great lover of art and beauty, and are very social and attractive.

Uranus in weak square
(within 5.8 degrees) with Neptune

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

This aspect gives a future oriented and idealistic individual, very aware of collective energies. This is a generational aspect, which many of your contemporaries will share with you. You may feel a pull to the service of humanity at large. You are likely to be interested in mysticism and the occult. You may also be inclined to nervousness (especially if Uranus makes close aspects to the personal planets in your chart). You may feel some sense of confinement or restriction in the freedom to be who you want to be. Social ideals will strongly affect the expression of your individuality.

Chiron in weak square
(within 6.2 degrees) with Midheaven

The planetary energies conflict; internal and creative tensions bring rich rewards through effort over time.

With this aspect of Chiron and your Midheaven, you likely have issues around exerting personal will versus knuckling under to authority. You have enormous energy and endurance at your disposal, although you may appear timid or unsure of yourself, since your power urge is likely to be repressed. It may be that you have had many painful experiences with authority. As a result of these experiences, you may fear the expression of your own personal power, and alternate between complying with the standards of society around you, or rebelling against them. You may avoid situations where a direct confrontation seems to be brewing. You also may feel more empowered in helping others than in getting your own act together, and this aspect can be the sign of someone with a career in the helping professions, perhaps involved with new age healing. It is often the case that the powerful emotions associated with this aspect hover below the level of conscious awareness in your psyche. As you become more aware of these patterns, you will less and less need to act them out either suppressed with passivity, or with bluster. Another manifestation of this aspect, perhaps paradoxically, is the ability to lead and be willful, to not take “no for an answer”, to be ruthless in accomplishing one’s aims. A better level of integration produces a newly self-assured personality whereby you do not depend on others either to fully express your own desires, nor to be swayed by theirs. When you have integrated the walled-off places in your psyche that inhibit action on the part of your whole entire self, you are available to yourself in situations of leadership, as well as in truly helping other people.


Ascendant: The point in the sky of the Eastern horizon. In the chart, the Ascendant is represented by the horizontal line at the left hand side of the chart which crosses between the Twelfth and First Houses. The sign on the Ascendant is also referred to as the Rising Sign.

Aspects: When the relative positions of two planets in the horoscope form a significant angle with each other, they are said to be in aspect with one another. The type and quality of the aspect is determined by the number of degrees between the two planets and is only considered significant if it is within a narrow range of degrees, or orb. A list of the aspects used in this report is given below.

Conjunction — 0° ± 8 degrees Square — 90° ± 8 degrees
Opposition — 180° ± 8 degrees Sextile — 60° ± 6 degrees
Trine — 120° ± 8 degrees Inconjunct — 150° ± 4 degrees
Chart Comparison: An astrological technique in which the planets of two individuals are shown in a bi-wheel chart, one within the other. This allows the inter-aspects between the two charts to be examined.

Composite Chart: An astrological technique in which the midpoints of two individuals’ planetary positions are used to create a third chart, the composite chart, which is then interpreted as the chart of the relationship itself as an independent entity.

Horoscope: Originally horoscope referred to the astrological chart itself, but is now popularly used to refer to the description of how current planetary positions are affecting you personally, as in “your monthly horoscope.”

Midheaven: The point in the sky directly overhead relative to the position on Earth. In the chart, the Midheaven is represented by the vertical line at the top of the chart between the Ninth and Tenth Houses.

Natal: From Latin, meaning of or pertaining to birth; therefore your birth chart, or planetary positions at birth.

Nodes: The Lunar Nodes are the two points where the Moon’s orbital path crosses the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun). Symbolically they represent talents and life path, or destiny.

Planets: In astrology, the word planets is used to describe astrologically significant points in the sky which includes the Sun and Moon, as well as many objects that are not currently astronomically defined as planets such as Chiron and Pluto.

Transits: Aspects formed between the current positions of the planets and the positions of your natal planets at the time and place you were born.


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Florence, Italy


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