Barcelona, Loving Partners and La Boehme

About this video…

I experienced a powerful paradigm shift in Barcelona.  This video was made toward the end of a long walk that I had taken around the city.  I had been having a wonderful trip– falling in love with the city, becoming enamored with the culture, and really just loving the open feeling that came with being in a fabulous city in the early summer.  I had purchased tickets to see La Boèhme at the old Teatre del Liceu and because I didn’t know anything about the story, I did some research, which sparked a very powerful awakening to an abundance consciousness inside of me.  I gained deep insight to my own story of impoverishment and dis-empowerment and opened up the pathways to let in the light of abundance.  If you want, you can read my blog post, Poverty Consciousness and La Boèhme.  It’s about all the synchronicities and the awareness that came through me that day.  Otherwise, enjoy the video!

Get more information…

Read up on La Boèhme at the Teatre del Liceu.
Read about Giacomo Puccini on Wikipedia.Join me for Bonjour, Paris! Heart Opening and Desire Mapping Retreat in Paris, France in June 2016



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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.