Green Dream Chlorella Cream

This recipe comes from chef Sarah Britton on

Thanks to Sarah Britton, we now have instructions for how to turn chlorella into a delicious creamy sweet drizzly sauce that can be added to desserts and breakfasts! Chlorella is a single celled blue green algae that is incredibly rich in all nutrients needed by the human body. It is nearly 60% protein by weight and contains high levels of beta carotene, iron, b vitamins, trace minerals and chlorophyll! It offers antioxidant capabilities, helps bind and remove heavy metals from the body, and can help elevate pH to a more alkaline level. We find that honey works best for this recipe but feel free to use your liquid raw sweetener of choice.


½ cup raw liquid honey (vegans use maple syrup)

1-3 tsp. chlorella

2-4 Tbsp. raw tahini


1. Place honey in a bowl and whisk in chlorella until thoroughly combined.

2. Add the tahini, one tablespoon at a time and whisk. You can add as much tahini as you like, but I find the cream tends to become quite solid if I put in too much (plus it will depend on how runny your tahini is). I like to drizzle this stuff after all, not roll it into balls (but that could be another great snack…)

3. Store chlorella cream in the fridge, either in a squeeze bottle for optimal drizzle action, or in a glass jar.


How To Use Green Dream Chlorella Cream – (Tips from Sarah Britton)

* Right now my favorite breakfast is a large fruit salad drizzled with chlorella cream, some raw granola for crunch and maybe some nut milk if I have any on hand (speaking of which, the nut milk video is coming soon!!!). Be careful, this combo is crazy-addictive!

* Chlorella cream is a wonderful addition to smoothies.

* For a totally boss afternoon snack, try spreading chlorella cream on a rice cake, top with banana, some hemp seeds, goji berries…whatever!

* How about a delectable dessert drizzled with Green Dream Chlorella Cream? Raw Brownie? Peachy Keen Raw Cobbler? Raw Cashew Dreamcake?


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Florence, Italy


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