Healing Vlogs (Videos)

This is a page of my personal healing videos.  Video is a healing companion for me.  The process of making these often impromptu videos is an opportunity for me to practice expressing my feelings authentically at any given moment.  I share them because I know that many people go through the same emotions and have a history very similar to my own in some way.  And being very honest, my videos are very raw.  I tell my truth as I experience it in the moment.  Sometimes I will express utter elation, and at other times, I will express devastation.  I am a human who experiences the full spectrum of emotions and I feel that this is where true health lies-- no denial, no suppression.  I am only recently working on my videos so that they are getting shorter and more to the point, so forgive me if they get a little long... These are a work in progress-- and I totally appreciate you taking the time to watch them!

Women Over 40 Must Travel

By Crystal Lynn | October 2, 2016

I met this lovely woman on #FrenchKissLifeClub and we decided to meet up since we were both in Paris. We met for lunch at a cute cafe that I recommended near the Canal St. Martin called Chez Prune. Her name…

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Teal Swan and Abraham Hicks: Shadow and Light Together

By Crystal Lynn | October 2, 2016

Image by Harold van den Berge Light Work, Shadow Work… which do you choose and how do you use them? I study the techniques of self-acceptance and shadow work as offered by Teal Swan. I use the Law of Attraction…

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Video Check-in from my new School!

By Crystal Lynn | September 29, 2016

This is my check-in from my new school– Course de Civilisation Francaise de la Sorbonne! YEAH! Totally excited and very happy to be seeing my dreams come true. I’m gonna parlez Francais, baby!  There was a lot of excitement when…

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.