Invitation to work with me 1-on-1

Invitation to work with me 1-on-1 💌

This invitation is open to all women who want to become Certified Spiritual Life Coaches and share their hard-earned wisdom and their spiritual gifts of magic to help people heal and transform, and who want to support themselves financially through their own businesses, but don’t know how to get started. 👩‍🏫💖

You’ll work with me for 10 months to earn your certification and build your business with the following:

1) Getting you certified as a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach which means that you will learn exactly what you need to know to be able to help people. It’s important that you feel qualified and educated as a coach. So we will be putting a lot of time into making sure that you have learned everything you need to know to help the people that resonate with your energy and your message. 👩‍🎓

2) Building your Signature Offer, your menu of services, and your curriculum so that you have a structured, organized way to consistently deliver great results to your clients. Your job as a coach and business owner is to KNOW that you will get great results for everyone you serve. So you need to build the healing system that consistently delivers outstanding results. Believe it or not, this system is already inside you written in your Soul. The work you and I will do together will help you bring it out and put it in a form that your clients can use. For example, I will help you write the content, create the worksheets, make the videos, create the website, et cetera. We will work together to make sure all those things are in place. 💻

3) Creating all the content you need to inspire, educate, and attract your ideal clients. It’s important that you create the RIGHT content and present it in a way that draws your people in. This is partly Law of Attraction. But it’s also simple professionalism. It’s really important that your content demonstrates your expertise but shows your magickal energy. We’ll work on building that together. 📝

4) Building your online presence so that people can find you and know all that you have to offer. Together, we will create your website, blog, email list, and your social media pages and channels. We will also work together to build your following on the platforms we use so that you have plenty of people seeing you and receiving your wisdom. 🖥️

5) Creating and executing the marketing strategy you will use to get your program launched and your clients enrolled. Learning how to market your business is one of the biggest challenges we face. I will teach you the marketing principles you need and we will build out your marketing strategy together. Our goal is to help you build your following to at least 300 people on your email list by the time you graduate from the program. You will also have followers on Facebook and Youtube, as well. But our emphasis is on your email list since YOU own that list and Facebook and Youtube own any followers you gather there. 📈

6) Creating and implementing the structure you need to run your business for your first one to three years (depending on how fast you want to grow.) Your business is meant to last for decades so I will help you establish a firm foundation that has the important pieces in place to help you generate followers, clients, and revenue. 💪

7) Laying out the financial strategy you need to generate income of up to $40k in your first year of business. This involves determining your pricing, the number of clients you’ll see, and, of course, making the plan of how you will generate those clients and your revenues. (See #5 above.) 💰

In the program, we will meet regularly each week on private Zoom calls for accountability and clarity. You will also have complete access to the online curriculum with complete assignments including videos, worksheets, spreadsheets, and frameworks. You will also have in-between session support during my weekly group office hours and through DM/email/Whatsapp. You will also have access to my private Facebook community where you can connect with other women going the training.

The best candidate for working with me in my program:

– Comes from a professional or corporate background (teachers, managers, and nurses, are just a few examples.)

– Has a strong desire to be of service and wants to do it on their own terms. They want to be the boss and to do things their own way. (So they don’t want to be a therapist or be limited by a long, tedious educational system that doesn’t nurture them or be regulated by a social/political system that limits their spiritual authority.)

– Wants/needs to be successful financially because they want to thrive in their lives and their work. So they want/need a solid business foundation that they know how to build and grow.

The investment for this private 1-on-1 weekly meeting for my 10-month program is $24k.

If you prefer to work in a small group format that meets weekly for 10 months, the investment is $16k.

If you would like access to my online curriculum and would like to meet weekly during my group office hours, the investment is $8.5k.

My retainer fee for those who want to work with me monthly for business coaching is $2k.

There are monthly payment options available for all levels of working with me. Feel free to reach out about those options.

Please note that I have many testimonials for my work in this program in my League of Badass Butterflies: Life Coach Business & Lifestyle Community. And you can find some on my certification page, as well,

If you are interested in my 10-month program then book yourself in for a Strategy Call and let’s see if it’s a good fit for you and your coaching vision:

This is what I’ll be looking for to determine if you are a good fit for my program:

– Your passion for being of service. I need to know this is real for you.

– Your willingness to be successful. I’m here to support you if you’re willing to show up.

– Your willingness to be a real coach who helps people transform. This isn’t just about talking to crowds of people and being ‘an influencer.’ You’re going to need to be more than just a pretty face sharing clichés. You’ve got to do deep work and bring that to the people. My program is meant to help you do this.

Alright! I hope that you are as excited to work with me as I am to work with you! 🦋❤️‍🔥


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.