Is it hard to make money as a Spiritual Life Coach?

I am totally missing my Italian spring, friend. So imagine my delight at finding some videos I made last year in summer. I was formally launching my Spiritual Life Coach Certification for Badass Butterflies for the first time and I made a series of videos to help people understand my chosen vocation.  It was a totally different world back then! In this video, I was contemplating how I make money as a Spiritual Life Coach.  I totally give away my secret mojo!!!  I share it all!  Hahahaha!  Have a listen and tell me what you think.

For this video, I was contemplating the question I get asked most often: How will I earn money if I become a Spiritual Life Coach. They have this urge to help people-- to share their story of pain and triumph, and they feel like it's IMPORTANT that they help as many people as possible so the others are not suffering like they had! These people are led by their compassionate hearts and they want promote transformation and they want to pursue it as a career. Just like any therapist, social worker or psychologist... they aren't doing it for the money. And yet, they have desires to live good, healthy lives! They want to own their own home, send their kids to college, travel, eat organic food and for goodness' sake, have healthcare when they need it. They are responsible, intelligent people who want to thrive and follow their passion.

How to make money as a Spiritual Life Coach is an excellent question because as much as I know that God is the Source of all my good, I also know that His/Her Love manifests in FORM. God's Love begins as Pure Light Energy which nourishes my Spirit and feeds my Soul and fuels my ideas and actions His/Her Love translates into various FORMS. Doggies, kitties and shoes, houses, tacos, pie, ice cream, Rose Quartz, men and the Eiffel Tower are all different FORMS. So is money. We can't enjoy family, friendship, sex, travel, education and the ocean and classify all those things as good and classify money as bad. When you shed the old paradigms, you see that it's absolutely senseless. Money is your friend so treat it respectfully. Spiritual Life Coaching is your vocation, your art form, so treat it respectfully. Your clients and students are extensions of God into human form. Treat them respectfully.

Although I appreciate the wealth that has come from my business, I do NOT recommend that you approach Spiritual Life Coaching with the idea to get rich. If you do, what could be a beautiful, flowing expression of spiritual connection could become a drain of your Life Force Energy. Okay, so look. If your Soul's Agenda is to come to Earth and build a coaching business based solely on the purpose of making tons of money, FINE! FANTASTIC! But most people don't have that agenda at their core. For most of us, money follows our passion, our focus and what we give our confident heart to. YAY!!! I LOVE IT and I highly recommend you take this approach.

In this video postcard, I talk about making money as a Spiritual Life Coach. See if it resonates with you. I hope it inspires you to follow your heart with trust and enthusiasm! Leave your comments below.


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.