Learn how to become Spiritcentric

Welcome to Spiritcentric!

My name is Crystal Lynn Bell and I am your Spiritual Guide in this portal of Unconditional Love.  I invite you, Dear Friend, to consider a new way of living, a new way of being.  Through Spiritcentric living, you will awaken to a world that is rich with love, prosperity, joy, and peace.  Awaken every day feeling Chi, life-force energy, filling your lungs and coursing through your veins.  Experience every moment pregnant with the joy of being in alignment with your Higher Self!

What does it mean to be Spiritcentric?

  • Being brave enough to use your heart, the vehicle of intuition, as the source of all understanding and guidance.
  • Living honestly.  Letting your consciousness be influenced by your Higher Self– your direct connection to Source.
  • Living in joy and following your bliss and living in deep appreciation of all that is around you without associating it to a benefit.
  • Being compassionate and seeing others and their ways as equal means that you live in Unity.  Understanding that there is no separation between you and the Divine frees you from illusion.
  • Receiving others fully.  Listening through your heart and seeing the Unity in your interactions with others. By seeing the Christ and the Buddha in others and interacting with them from this space of respect and love, you move beyond the illusion of ego.  Use your heart to feel, not your mind to analyze.
  • Using discernment instead of judgment.  Discernment allows energy to flow through you, while judgment creates stagnation and dis-ease.
  • Allowing emotions to impact you fully.  Going through emotions without judging and holding onto them.  Feeling emotions, letting them run their course and then releasing them is healthy heart-oriented detachment.
  • Using the mind to serve the heart. The mind is the interface between the non-physical and the physical.  Let the mind align itself with the heart by understanding the unity.  Peel away the mind and its judgment from experience and let yourself flow.  This alignment is a natural by-product of  Spiritcentric living.
  • Living in trust.  Trusting that all of these things can be and you still thrive.

As your guide, I invite you to surrender the paradigms that lead you to believe in lack, limitation and separation.  I invite to release your fears, your anxiety, your worry and your disease.  Surrender and release all of this detritus at the Spiritcentric sanctified portal and step into the vortex of Higher Consciousness.  Allow the Angelic Beings of Light to transmute any dark energies and let me help you remember who You Are.

I am here to help you awaken to the various dynamics that are at play in your life and it is my pleasure to help you unlearn the ideas and behaviors that were taught to you in loving error.  I desire to help free you from the rules and limitations that you thought were real, but were in fact an illusion.  I shall lead you away from a life of egocentricity, where fear and separation are the primary dynamics operating below your consciousness to a life of Spiritcentricity where love and union are the primary dynamics dictating your every thought, behavior and action.

There are many ways that I can assist in your awakening.  I am a multi-faceted teacher and facilitator, adept at tuning in and receiving messages that serve the Highest Good for those in my care.  While I am an advocate of structured learning, I have found that Spirit is not linear, but comes in waves, spirals, circles and swirls.  The very best thing that we can do is learn to recognize the flow and go with it!   This is Spiritcentric living.  Check out these pages:

The best way to walk the path of Spiritcentricity is to learn the Spiritual Principles and integrate them into your life.  In other words, to be Spiritcentric, you’ve gotta walk your talk.  Private, one-on-one coaching is a great way to learn and integrate the principles.  You can learn all about Coaching on my Spiritual Life Coaching Page.  I also offer coaching to small groups of four or less.

To help you remove blockages and stagnation and to help you improve your mood and feel less anxious. I offer a variety of powerful transformation modalities such as Aura Cleansing and Healing and Reiki.  I also am a prolific diviner and can offer you guidance through Tarot and Psychic Readings.

Essential to your spiritual awakening are meditation and intuition.  I teach a number of classes and that help deepen your meditation practice and build your intuition.  I can also work on these with you privately, one-on-one.

Abundance, manifestation and the law of attraction are concepts that plague the minds of many because they feel like they understand the concepts, but do not know how to make the theories work in real life.  I will lead you to many solutions that can help you manifest your heart’s desires.

My Beloved Friend, I welcome you to Spiritcentric with open arms and an open heart.  You have arrived here because you have been lead by a force greater than the lower mind.  I thank you for coming.  As my honored guest, I will care for you with the Unconditional Love of my true essence.  I will never ask you to do something that I am not doing myself.  I have been chosen for this sacred position because I have chosen to surrender my fear to the hands of my Higher Self.  I have chosen to TRUST and allow the Universe to support me, which it has done unfailingly.  My imperative is to help you hear your Higher Self and surrender into their loving arms.

Blessings to you, My Beloved.

With deepest love,
Crystal Lynn

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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.