
A selection of mantras for you to use and enjoy.  The links have descriptions so that you can learn more.  The best way to choose a mantra, though, is to listen to it first and see how it resonates.  If it feels great, then do your best to learn it.  Very often the words can be found beneath the video or are easily found online.  Check out my complete list of mantras on my Youtube channel.

Ma (Divine Mother incantation:) 

Om mani padme hum (the heart has reached the lotus:) 

Om anandamayi (Sacred mother:)

So purkh (The primal god:) 

Om (1:)  

Om (2:) 

Gayatri 108 times (1:) 

Gayatri 108 times (2:)

Maha Lakshmi Gayatri: 



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  1. Ananda Lee
    March 1, 2014 / 9:24 pm

    I love mantras. They help me focus my awareness on a certain point. I didn’t know you had a Youtube. This is so awesome! <3

Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


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