OA6: Achieving Material Badassery

The Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach facilitates emotional and spiritual healing, guiding others on a journey towards personal transformation. In addition to internal and energetic work, her clients experience tangible improvements to their material lives. The Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach must first “walk the walk” of Material Badassery in order to guide others down the path of worldly abundance. A Material Badass is someone who thinks big and shows up big for her expansive ideas, she employs the Divine Masculine to structure and maintain her goals, and she commits to a Badass Butterfly Lifestyle.

Think BIG & Show Up BIG


Expansive thoughts are the roots of a materially expansive life. As children, we could imagine literally anything. Over time, authority figures, society, our knowledge of “scientific facts,” and more clouded our imagination the way grime builds up on a windshield. Logical thinking is a useful skill, but generating Badass goals requires expansive, LIMITLESS thinking.


The hardest part of thinking BIG is getting out of your own way. A daily meditation practice trains the mind to observe thoughts without judging them, including the judgmental thoughts! Heal any resistance that you encounter when brainstorming about the life you want for yourself. Here are some practical tips to practice thinking BIG about your goals:


  • Create and consume visual art.
  • Go for a walk, run, or bike-ride in nature. Leave the headphones at home!
  • Listen to instrumental music and see where your mind takes you.
  • Visit a place you’ve never been, even if it’s just around the corner.
  • Try anything new that’s outside of your comfort zone.

Honor your ideas by showing up BIG for your goals, meaning you take practical, rational actions to make them real.

Employ the Divine Masculine


To bring your ideas out of the realm of imagination and into physical space, you must Employ your Divine Masculine qualities of logic, leadership, and action to support your creativity; construct systems in which your ideas can come to life. After opening up to receive what your Soul is called to do, think logically about the concrete, specific steps required to achieve your goals. Take the lead in your life! Plan and structure your time to take the steps you’ve laid out for yourself. Then, commit to your plans and see them through.


For example, if the Divine Feminine has downloaded you the idea for a book, employ the Divine Masculine to create the outline, gather the research, and sit down every day to consistently write. Look at your BIG goals objectively and rationally, then deconstruct them into small, achievable steps. Make time in your schedule to do a little bit each day, and DO THE WORK.

Badass Butterfly Lifestyle Commitments


What does it mean to be a Badass Butterfly in every facet of your material life? That’s a BIG question, and the answer is unique to every individual. Employing the Divine Masculine, I found 11 specific categories to guide you in defining for yourself what “living your best life” looks like for YOU:

  • Spiritual Connection
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Intellectual Expansion
  • Physical Soundness
  • Time Wealth
  • Financial Freedom
  • Personal Relationships
  • Social Structure
  • Community Involvement
  • Earth Ascension
  • Unconditional Love


To attract material abundance, you must embody health and wealth within yourself. Spiritual connection and emotional wellness are the defining features of a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach. Intellectual expansion and physical soundness enable her to interact with the spiritual, emotional and material world. Daily practices like meditation, shadow work, mental stimulation, exercise, and proper nutrition ensure that the Badass Butterfly has an abundance of the internal resources she needs to show up for herself and others as her best self.


The Badass Butterfly gets to decide what is best for her. Time wealth and financial freedom refer to planning your lifestyle around your unique biorhythms and setting financial goals that are inspired by Spirit, not ego. Personal relationships, social structure, and community involvement are how you decide to take an ACTIVE role in your interpersonal life, while Earth ascension and unconditional love refer to your global impact, ecologically and energetically.

Again, you set your own standards. From the micro to the macro, DECIDE how you want to show up and COMMIT to participating fully in every aspect of your life. Set realistic, attainable lifestyle goals knowing that as you evolve, so will your ideals.

You Are The World


Imagine dancing confidently in the sky, at one with the elements. Also you’re naked, but who needs clothes when you have TWO magic wands?

When you embody Material Badassery, you are The World card, the final step of the Fool’s Journey through the Tarot. This card is about unification between your Higher Self and your external world. A thick, victorious laurel wreath surrounds you in the shape of a zero, reminding us that the end of every cycle is the beginning of another; as the world turns, dawn and dusk happen constantly, simultaneously. Celebrate your achievements now, knowing there are more around the corner!

If you are excited by the thought of being a Badass spiritually, emotionally, and materially, then send me a private message and we can chat about how you can work with me in my certification program -OR- you can join my League of Badass Butterflies Facebook community for free to learn more about my work and my coaching technique (https://www.facebook.com/groups/leagueofbadassbutterflies)!


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.