Photo Journal Siem Reap, Cambodia: My First Day


I arrived at the airport and was greeted by what might be the largest lacquered wood Buddha in the world. I write this because that is what the little sign read. It is a replica of one of the great faces in one of the temples, probably Angkor Wat.

Long days and sleepless nights in Paris had me literally burning the candle at both ends, and when I arrived in Siem Reap, Cambodia on Saturday afternoon, I slept for a delicious 11 hours.  Siem Reap, Cambodia has a very similar feeling to other Asian countries.  It feels energetic, bustling, playful, colorful, and a bit chaotic (however, that’s not really the right word.  I’ll stick with it for now.)


My tuk tuk driver was proud of his hoopty! And I was happy to be bouncing along inside of it. My blue bag matches its decor perfectly.

It smells good here in Siem Reap.  I don’t know what it is, but it does smells comforting, grounding, earthy, exciting and rich.  Look, there’s lots of pollution from the poor auto exhaust systems and there’s bound to be some areas where the trash is overwhelming, but beneath the smell of all that is Asia, and Asia is good.

My first impressions of the city will be very short because I am experiencing that glorious culture-shock that happens when you go from the quiet peace of heaven on Earth in Farrera, to the urban sophistication of Paris to the silken mystery of Siem Reap.  Since my arrival, I have taken a long walk around the city.  I was not inspired to take photos simply because I needed to be quiet with everything that was going on around me– and that was not easy here in Siem Reap!  This is a moped culture so there are very few people out walking.  I was stopped every few hundred yards and asked if I’d like a ride on a motor bike or in a tuk tuk.  “Tuk tuk, Lady? Walking makes you tired!”  The thing is, riding in a tuk tuk isolates me, keeps me apart from what’s happening with the city. So I’ll go by foot.  I’m going to get up early tomorrow and walk to Angkor Wat.

Toward the end of my walk, I found an indoor market in the new town and I bought a bit of fruit for home.

Mangosteen (my favorite), bananas, oranges and dragonfruit.

My fruit seller…


For someone who can’t sew, I sure do love old sewing machines. There’s something about the hardware…



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  1. Susan Kinson
    September 7, 2016 / 4:05 pm

    Love this introduction. I am inspired to visit Siem Reap myself at some stage of my life. Thank you for these wonderful updates, readings, everything you offer. So much appreciation Crystal Lynn.

  2. September 7, 2016 / 4:44 pm

    Hey, Susan! I’m so glad you appreciate my stuff!!! It’s so fun to share. And of course, you know that I love the journeys inside and out! AND YES! Siem Reap is so cool. You will not be disappointed. I’m making my way to the mountains so that will be a whole ‘nother level of exploration.

  3. Pg
    March 7, 2017 / 11:04 pm

    Hi Crystal,
    I came across your page after googling ACIM and fibroids. I recently found out that I have a 10.5 cm growth and it seems to be getting larger. Nothing has helped so far. I am looking for some healing. I am in London. Can you help?

Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


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