Raw Nut Pulp Hummus

This recipe comes from chef Sarah Britton at www.rawfoodrecipes.com.

Ever made nut milk and wondered what to do with the leftover pulp? Wonder no more, just make an enticing batch of creamy, savory, healthy and filling raw hummus to add to your salads or scoop up with a flax cracker! For this recipe use whatever leftover nut milk pulp you have on hands, whether that’s almond, pistachio, pecan, pumpkin seed, or sunflower seed. You can even use a combination. Give this recipe a taste test as you go along and make necessary adjustments with the spice, salt, tahini, and lemon as each nut and seed has a different flavor.


1 ¼ cup nut pulp (leftovers from making nut milk from this recipe)

1 fat clove garlic

4 Tbsp. lemon juice

2 Tbsp. water

4 Tbsp. raw tahini (or other raw nut butter)

1 tsp. ground cumin

¼ tsp. crushed chilies or cayenne pepper

pinch sea salt + pepper


1. In a food processor, pulse to mince garlic. Add everything but the nut pulp and blend until creamy.

2. With the motor running, slowly add the nut pulp a few spoonfuls at a time until you have everything well blended. If desired, add more water, one tablespoon at a time, until the desired consistency is reached.

3. Serve. Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge. (Remember that the nut pulp will last for up to seven days, so make your hummus quickly after the nut milk!)


More tips from recipe Author Sarah Britton about utilizing your leftover nutmilk pulp:

“If you are not using your pulp right away, put it in the fridge in a sealed container. It will keep for about a week, so if you don’t really plan on using it by that time, you have two options to extend the pulp’s shelf-life:

• Freezing is the easiest and fastest way to carry on with your day and forget about the pulp, but you will have to take the time to defrost it prior to using it in your recipes. Put it in a plastic zipper bag, or any sealed container — of course glass is always better when freezing food.

• Dehydrating the pulp is the basis for making almond flour, which will give a finer texture to your preparations. Just spread the pulp as evenly and thinly as you feel like over a teflex dehydrator sheet or baking tray & let it become completely dry. Then pulverize it in the blender and keep in a sealed container.”


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