Soulful Goal Writing for the Heart

This is a 40 day program designed to help you manifest your heart’s deepest desires.  Book a complimentary Discovery Session if you have questions about the program or sign up and get started right away!

It is said that New Year’s resolutions don’t work, but goals do.  Goals give you a target so that you always know where you’re going.  They help you get clear so that the Universe knows exactly what you want and this helps Universe deliver it to you with ease.  Putting your goals in writing makes you 42% more likely to achieve them.  Personally, I have found in my own life that my Soulful Goal Writing for Conscious Co-Creation with the Universe program has made me successful 100% of the time.  I make big, bold goals, too.  Once I started writing powerful soulful goals, my whole life changed for the better.  I began earning more money, losing weight, building my business, writing my book, and I became romantically involved all while getting closer to God/Goddess/Source of All.

Soulful goal writing is a powerful tool that helps us eliminate the doubt, fear, and confusion that can plague us and stop us on the road to our dreams.  Writing goals that come from your Soul are foolproof because they are fully aligned with your Soul’s purpose and why you came to Earth.  This program aligns your mind with your Soul, your Heart and your Higher Self so that there’s no discrepancy between them. We ALL have the ability to consciously tune into our inner wisdom and to create from our Soul.  We just have to REMEMBER that we have access to the powerful world of energy and spirit.  This program teaches you how to focus your mind and clear it of doubt, fear, and the negative beliefs that stop you from manifesting powerfully.

Goal setting in this way gives you the inspiration needed to stay motivated every day.  This program will have you writing powerful goals that change your life in just forty days.

Most people write goals that are based on the needs of their ego; and the ego usually makes goals that are small and attainable in its mind.  It writes goals based on fear and woundedness.  This is totally inauthentic to your magnificent truth– your Soul.  Your Soul came here to thrive.   Focusing on wimpy goals that don’t inspire you lowers your morale and discourages you from reaching for the stars.

The ego wants things that have nothing to do with the Soul’s agenda.  That’s why it’s so hard to manifest them.  They’re WRONG. I have observed that many people write goals that lack the heart and substance necessary to sustain their interest because they’re focused on the wrong thing.  Egoic needs cannot sustain your energy and positive focus like Soulful goals which come almost effortlessly.  Soulful Goal Writing for Conscious Co-creation with the Universe will make you  get clear and remove any fear or doubt around your ability to achieve your dreams.

In this program I guide you through the steps necessary to write powerful goals that excite and engage you because they are coming from the depth of your Soul.

Course price is $198 regularly, but you can join for just $99 if you sign up before December 31st!  Just sign up and you’ll be automatically emailed the first module.

Book a complimentary Discovery Session if you have questions about the program or sign up and get started right away!

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.