Spend Christmas and New Year with Moi in Paris, France!


Well, I’ve enrolled in the French language and culture program at La Sorbonne in Paris.  This is a very exciting time for me because I have stripped away a lot of the doubt and limiting beliefs that have kept me from really and truly knowing what my heart wants.  I had been plagued by voices in my head that constantly told me why this dream couldn’t be done or why I had to wait on that one until I was more prepared.  It’s funny because once I got past the voices in my head, all of the limitations fell away.  The result, Paris in autumn and a retreat there at Christmas.

Right!  Since I will already be in Paris and I absolutely love the city, I am putting together a retreat for which you can join me either one week or two.  You can come either Christmas week, starting December 20th and leaving December 27th or you can come New Year Week from December 27th through January 3rd or you can do the whole retreat from December 20th through January 3rd. The retreat is called Bonjour, Paris!  Follow Your Heart and Map Your Dreams in Paris, France.  It is designed to provide maximum transformation while getting you to learn the city of Paris, not like a tourist, but like une vrai Parisienne. Click on that link and you’ll be taken to the web page that has ALL the details for you.

To make sure that you get the transformation you desire on this trip, I am putting together a powerful curriculum that will help you uncover your heart’s greatest desires by lovingly working to release your doubts and fears so that your heart can speak its truth and you can receive it without flinching away.  We’ll spend time nurturing the dreams you want to manifest and we’ll make plans for their manifestation in 2017.  2017 is a powerful year for us all.  Numerologically, it is a 10 year and this means that whatever we focus on has great potential to become REAL because this is the year that we get to really express our authority, creativity and vision.  Many people consider the ’10’ years to be ‘lucky’ because we tend to experience enormous good fortune.  My work over these years has shown me that you want to warm up to these good years by getting very clear about what you want and making commitments and PLANS.  I want to take advantage of the energy and use it to our benefit AND have a blast in Paris!

Okay, wait a sec.  I don’t want you to think that this Paris trip is all about frivolity.  It is not.  Although Paris is a city rich with art, dancing, music, food and beautiful vistas, it is also a deeply healing place– particularly for those of us who are tender-hearted and romantic. If you have a heavy heart, one that longs, that aches, then you will find Paris to be a protective blanket that invites you into its warmth.  If your heart feels lonely and melancholic, you will find that Paris’ landscapes soothe your soul and supports you as you find community in the streets, in the cafes and along the river Seine.  And what if you have an angry heart, that is bitter and fed up?  Then there is something for you, too.  The angry heart will find its comfort in the dry wit and sarcasm of the French people.  They are straight-forward and direct and take no judgment when you wanna look pissed.  No one will ask you to smile.  In fact, if you offer an insincere smile, a Parisian might wonder to themselves, what the fuck is she smiling at? The angry heart might also be softened to a puddle of giggles when it witnesses it first elderly and elegant woman decked out in Chanel as she steps in a pile of dog shit and exclaims, “Merde!”  I know mine did.

So this retreat that I have put together is designed to give you the heart-opening needed to live your dreams, the tools to plan and commit to making them real, and an approach to Paris that challenges the idea of traditional tourism.  Ours will be a heart-lead expedition of Paris that will teach you to see through the prism of your feminine nature– creative, sensual, and intuitive.  This is the path of synchronicities and unexpected, joyful surprises.  This is the way of the Goddess; and this is Crystal Lynn’s way.  If you’ve been following my story these last years, you know that all of my work has been to recover our tenderness with trust and self-compassion.  There will be plenty of recovery on this trip.

So here is the link to Bonjour, Paris!  https://crystallynnbell.com/Bonjour-Paris/. You will find the write up about the event with links to the calendar and the different pricing options.  I want to encourage you to act quickly because I can only take eight women on this trip and I don’t want you to miss out if it’s something that feels exciting for you.  Also, you’ll want to take advantage of the discounts that I’m offering for early birds (les oiseaux qui lève-tôt)– 20% off the full retreat and 10% off either one of the weeks.

To reserve your spot, you’ll need to leave just a $250 deposit and to take advantage of the discount, you’ll need to pay the balance before September 30th.  C’est fastoche!

Et voilà!  There you have it.  Plans for Christmas and New Year.  Stylish and remarkable plans.  Hey!  We can send our Christmas cards from France this year!  Oooh-la-la!

Bisoux, mon choux,
Crystal Lynn




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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.