If you want to spend a couple of hours on the first Saturday of the month doing some deep self-love work, then please join my monthly gathering of open hearted souls.
Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly meets on the first Saturday of each month at 4pm CEST (
check the time in your location) to look at the Moon, the Sun and whatever spiritual and energetic guidance wants to come forth. The purpose is to set us all up for success in the coming month.
We’ll talk about the energies influencing the month and I’ll offer insights about how to best deal with them. We’ll also open the discussion to explore with some personal issues for those who want to share. I’ll offer some insights from my coaching toolbox which includes powerful techniques like Shadow Work (deep healing of emotional trauma) and Light Work (visioning a powerful future,) Healing, Intuition, Astrology, and Tarot. Spirit is our guide!
If you would like to receive invites, updates and the monthly Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly report delivered right to your inbox each month, then choose your membership.
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