Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly Monthly Reports

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Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly: Your Moon and Energy Guide for March 2018

February 20, 2018 | 0 Comments
Watercolor illustration of the butterfly flying, Watercolor texture,

Hello and welcome to this month's Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly.  The month of March is a powerful one with another fabulous Blue Moon being featured.  This means that we have TWO Full Moons in one month!  That makes March (as was January) an excellent time to focus your energy toward healing.  This is going to be an awesome month for healing your mind and body, confronting any blockages around physical health and wellness (including weight loss, disease, or sickness,) getting to the root cause of debt, as well as, an amazing time to get really in tune with your mystical side.

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About this report:

Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly is a monthly report that will give you insight about the energies affecting we Badass Butterflies.  Each report takes the Moon as its primary guide, but it will also draw from other benevolent energies such as angels, devas (Gods and Goddesses,) and elementals such as Faeries, for example.  The report will be released at the end of each month so that you can prepare for the upcoming month with plenty of time to organize.  Consistent inner work is essential to be a badass. We need consistent practice and focus on our vision and we need to stay vigilant to the promptings of our Higher Self. I'm working to help you find the way.  My reports, rituals and classes will help you deepen your connection to Spirit, promote your emotional wellness and empower yourself spiritually over the course of the month.

How to use this report:

  1. The best thing to do is to sign up to have this report delivered to your inbox each month so you don't miss it.
  2. Make note of the Important Dates and mark your calendar with the dates you need to know.
  3. Lightly read (skim) the whole Moon report that follows to get the overview of what opportunities are present for the coming month.  See what makes you tingle and take notice.  This is your intuition letting you know what work will be most important for you.  Definitely make note in your journal about these things!
  4. Keep in mind that my reports are channeled and contain a wealth of helpful information meant to empower you from the inside out.  My sacred work is to help my readership evolve into their Badass Divine Nature.  Your Higher Self is Badass.  I am to help you realize (make real) this.
  5. Personally, I would download the Moon Phase Report pdf and print it out so you can make notes on what is important to you.
  6. Consider joining an Emotional Wellness Happy Hour if you have a tough problem you want to tackle.
  7. Three days before each Moon phase, come back to this report and thoroughly read the section for the current Moon phase. This thorough reading is going to activate the healing inside you so your transition through the Moon phases will be more powerful.
  8. On the dates provided in the report, go to the Full Moon Ritual or New Moon Ritual and do the ritual as prescribed.  Following the Moon each month is a powerful way to assist in your Soul's evolution. The Moon is a powerful Spirit Guide for personal development.
  9. Be consistent in your practice and your commitment to your emotional wellness and spiritual empowerment.
  10. Join the Emotional Wellness and Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group to connect in community with like-minded Souls creating their thrive from the inside out.
  11. Please share this report on your favorite social network.  It is VERY much appreciated, Friend.  Seriously.  It's so helpful. 

Important Dates for March 2018

Moon phase dates...

Mark the following dates in your calendar so you can start the rituals promptly.  If you are signed up to receive the Moon reports, then you will get a reminder to start the ritual in your inbox the day you should start it.  NOTE:  The dates and times below are in Central European Time based on my location in Zagreb, Croatia.  The exact time and date will vary according to your location in the world.  Click the date links to find out the exact time and date for your area.

Full Moon in Virgo (Worm Moon): March 2, 2018 at 1:51am CET

New Moon in PiscesMarch 17, 2018 at 2:00pm CET

Full Moon in Libra (Blue Moon): March 31 at 2:36pm CET

Other important planetary transits and dates to note...

The Sun entered Pisces on February 18, 2018
Venus enters Aries on March 6, 2018
Mercury enters Aries on March 6, 2018
Mars enters Capricorn on March 17, 2018
Spring Equinox (the first day of Spring):  March 20, 2018
The Sun will enter Aries on March 20, 2018
★ Mercury goes retrograde on March 22, 2018!
Venus enters Taurus on March 31, 2018


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.