Spiritual Self-Assessment

corruption_of_the_heart_by_sydneyjoy-d4f0qji-770x565Spiritual Self-Assessment

This self-assessment was developed to encourage the deepening of spiritual practice.

Spirituality is different from religion. Spirituality is one’s experience of self as essentially spirit, as a spiritual being with a body.

In contrast, religion is institution developed to assist people in experiencing spirituality. Many people experience spirituality and religion together, and many do not.

Be generous with yourself in completing this questionnaire. Practice the principle of gratefulness for yourself and your place in life. Rate yourself: 1 = never, 2 = rarely, 3 = sometimes, 4 = often, 5 = usually.

1.  I practice self-care.
I eat well, sleep well, exercise, stretch and play regularly. I avoid addictive substances and activities such as caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs, and gambling.

2.  I tell the truth to myself and to others.
I continually become more skillful in knowing and telling my truth. I also know that my ability to know and speak my truth expands as I learn and develop. I experience freedom to be more of myself as I tell the truth.

3.  I practice mindfulness.
I have a daily practice of mindfulness, meditation, and prayer. This practice is becoming continual throughout my day. Wisdom and spiritual guidance comes to me in my mindful receptivity. My inner wisdom leads me on a path toward increasing lightness, expansiveness, and joy.

4.  I allow myself to experience the emotional pain of the human condition.
Rather than avoiding, denying, or medicating, I allow myself to feel all of my feelings. I use my emotional reactions to inform me of where I have a wound or a scar. I practice releasing my attachments to events, things, and people of the past. I heal my emotional and psychological wounds.

5.  I am open to learning.
I am open to learning about spiritual traditions that are unfamiliar. I am losing interest in making judgments, and gaining zest for my experience of childlike curiosity. I see all of my experiences in life as opportunities to learn.

6.  I experience oneness, rather than separation.
I am part of the tapestry of human society on this planet and share a kinship with all peoples. I see myself part of the fabric of all beings and respect other beings. I may experience aloneness but not loneliness.

7.  I generously share my abundance of time, talent, and money.
I am a contributor and a resource for others because I value and enjoy my contributing. I find that giving seems to increase my abundance rather than depleting it.

8.  I am grateful.
Even when I experience pain, I seek and find meaning and substance, so that I am grateful. I give thanks each day.

9.  I participate in spiritual community on an ongoing basis.
This participation is some form of religious organization or not. It may be simply a group of people who relate in a spiritual way by practicing loving behaviors.

10.  I chop wood and carry water.
I enjoy what I do, even the simple things that I do. I don’t exert much effort at managing my time, or trying to squeeze activities and accomplishments into my day. Rather I try to squeeze maximum enjoyment from even the simple things.

11.  I am aware of my life-mission.
My presence on the planet has a purpose, and I have the words to describe my purpose.

12.  My history is not my destiny.
I am continually finding new ways to shed my cultural conditioning. I experience my true Self as inherently spiritual. I seek to develop all of my attributes and use them in the appropriate time and place.

Total points:  ________

The total number of points you have can act as a barometer of where you are functioning spiritually.  Neither the number nor the assessment itself are meant to be an end for understanding the depth of who you are, but to act as a tool for self awareness.  I found this Spiritual Assessment on Marty Crouch’s website and have found that it is a loving way to look at yourself and to easily see where you can make improvements in your connection to Source.

12-36 points:  How is this working for you?  I mean, do you consistently experience inner peace and joy during your days?  Are you seeing outward manifestations of your heart’s desire consistently?  Do you feel mostly trusting in the world around you?  If you are not, then I suggest that you consider a round of coaching to help you create the space, the time and the motivation to enliven your spiritual connection.  Spiritual Coaching with me is geared toward getting you awakened and connected to your inner radiance and bringing all that beauty and goodness into your 3D reality.

37-48 points:  You get it.  You are well on your way to self-realization.  You might want to consider going a little deeper to take your practice to a higher level where you are working in a Spiritcentric fashion most of the time.  Consider taking some classes with me, or doing coaching to help raise your vibration even more.  The benefits of inner peace and alignment are priceless.

49-60 points:  Rock on!  You are enjoying the benefits of inner peace and are radiant with it.  You are a Spiritcentric poster child!  If you would like to delve deeper into spiritual principle, then contact me.  My classes and coaching are meant as opportunities for souls at all stages of their journey.

I invite you to call me at 310-439-8749 or email me at CrystalLynn@Spiritcentric.com to learn how I can serve you.

Big hug,
Crystal Lynn

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