Teal Swan and Abraham Hicks: Shadow and Light Together

by Harold van den Berge
Image by Harold van den Berge

Light Work, Shadow Work… which do you choose and how do you use them? I study the techniques of self-acceptance and shadow work as offered by Teal Swan. I use the Law of Attraction as prescribed by Abraham-Hicks. The two together are really helping me to redefine myself. In this video, I explore how I use Light Work and Shadow Work together to create a powerful, exciting, abundant, and prosperous life for myself.

I think it is an authentic and balanced approach that is challenging because of its commitment to stillness. Both Teal and Abraham require us to stop ‘doing’ and to start ‘being.’ Teal’s work demands that we feel our feelings and Abraham’s work requires us to create a momentum of powerful feelings. Both suggest that we take inspired action from the feelings we feel. But in both approaches, the action comes later– after we have felt the feelings. I think that many modern cultures dismiss stillness as a waste of time and that’s tragic! Shit, when I was a child, I was scolded when I was being still. I was always told, “Go find something to do! You’re just sitting there!” As if sitting was some kind of act against humanity! As if I was taking something away from the household by being. That sucks. If this strongly resonates with you, it shows that it’s a solid approach for you to take in your own life! Go for it, Beloved Friend. Fly with it.

I am not the same person I was three years ago… not even the same as six months ago. It has been six months since I decided that I would take a leap into my destiny and I’m so glad that I did. I have been following my heart around the world and I have come to find Me, right here. Right now.

If you want to learn how I can help you get empowered and aligned with big thoughts and big dreams, then check out my Work With Me page: http://bit.ly/2cYcSEK

Enjoy the vid!

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1 Comment

  1. Charlie W
    September 25, 2020 / 11:28 am

    Thanks so much for your take it was just what I was needing in this moment. Your energy made me joyful 😀


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