Today’s Run: Bugs ‘n Stuff

I tackled the run up to the national park here in Zagreb, Croatia. It was a beautiful run, but I wonder how it is that today, I had no fewer than five bugs fly into my mouth. Okay. So clearly, I should run with my mouth closed, which, for the most part, I do. But it was a 4 mile uphill climb. I was panting and doubled over at some points. But this happens often, but why today did I get bugs flying into my cavern of a mouth??? What is the Universe telling me? <3

When I chose my sweet apartment in Zagreb I wanted two things: Nature and HILLS. In the bargain, I was given the bonus of a spectacular sunrise, proximity to beautiful little churches, and tons of birdsong.

This morning, my goal was to run up for 4 miles and then come back down. I did that, but O.M.G. That uphill was KILLER. I had to stop and walk a few steps and at one point, the hill was so steep that I doubled over trying to catch my breath.

I LOVE running, and as a nomad, running is a beautiful way to connect with with where I am. I do my runs in the early morning before anyone has gotten up and before the air has gotten polluted and of course, before the sun starts boiling the asphalt. Yesterday, I went to my local grocer for my veg and he said, “Hey! I saw you running twice last week. You were on top of the hill and it was EARLY!” I said, “At what time did you see me?” He said, “It was only 5am!” I said, “I was just getting warmed up.” Hahahahaha! My runs start at 4:45 because the sun is rising at that time. I want to take advantage of these loooooong days!

On this morning’s run, I passed a beautiful church and cemetery, a cool old car near a graffiti’d wall, and lots of great vistas. If I’m ever in your town and you like early morning runs, let’s run together. And if you find yourself in Zagreb and you’re hankering for a little uphill climb, then hit me up. You’ve got a running partner right here.


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  1. Susan Kinson
    June 16, 2017 / 1:01 am

    I meant iceberg lettuce not cos. But now I’ve read about the romaine I will use more of that one.

    • June 16, 2017 / 4:19 am

      LOL! I knew what you meant! I thought, iceberg. And yeah, the health benefits are better in romaine, for sure.

Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


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