Discipline is Self-Love in Action

I thought I knew what Self-Love was.

I was really struggling yesterday.  I was feeling insecure and bad in my skin.  I was compulsively eating and binge-listening to audiobooks.  (hahaha!  Don’t laugh!  The struggle is real.)

I asked Spirit why I felt so out-of-sorts and its response was “lack of self-love.”  I responded, “But I love myself!  Look at what I’ve done, look at what I’ve created!  I have a fabulous life living in Italy, earning a hearty income.  My work is really high quality.  I take care of my body with organic foods and lots of exercise.  How can you say that I don’t love myself?

Spirit’s answer was deep.  It said, “You have some habits that are in you interest, but when it comes down to your core, you are careless.  You meditate with one foot in and one foot out.  You half-ass your yoga.  You half-ass your friendships.  You are lucky that you have some natural inclinations that are healthy.  But those don’t count as self-love.  That’s like saying, ‘I breathed today.  I loved myself.’ Nope.  Self-Love is a conscious decision to stay true to the highest expression of God in every moment.  When you are carelessly throwing away your seconds (moments,) you are carelessly throwing away your relationship with Source… and yourself.”

I had to sit with that for a while, and what I realized is that even though I am very conscious and have evolved my awareness over this lifetime, I have cloaked myself in a shroud of comfort by hiding from the responsibility that I have to my greatest potential.

Really, there’s just one thing that’s missing:  DISCIPLINE.  The discipline to:

  • be 100% faithful to my Spiritual Philosophy of Unconditional Love.
  • put both my feet into my meditation and yoga practice.
  • keep my word to myself.
  • to follow-through with all the projects I start (but tend not to finish.)
  • to not agree to so many projects without first thinking them through and then making an informed commitment.
  • commit to things.
  • stop eating when my body is not hungry.
  • be more discerning with my spending.
  • be more appreciating with my savings
  • be more generous in my friendships and familial relationships

My commitment to a discipline that meets true Self-Love starts today.  Do you want to join me in a Self-Love Challenge?  If so, enter your name and email below and I’ll put one together for us.

Read more about my work with Unworthiness.

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