Dreams Become Reality 2020 Manifestation Challenge

If you’ve been following the Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly, you’ll know that 2020 is an important year where we will be called to account for our biggest dreams. It is the year where, if we have been walking our talk, we will be rewarded with the manifestation of our greatest dreams.

What does this mean? Well, it means that you have something powerful inside you that wants to be birthed. It’s 2018 and this year we MUST acknowledge this dream and say, “YES!” to it. 2020 is the year where the planets align to create a portal of reward for hard work, the manifestation of deeply invested commitment and the good luck that favors the prepared. This means that RIGHT NOW you must start laying the groundwork for this very special time. You MUST lay claim to your dream. You MUST plan it out. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION ON IT. And YOU MUST STAY CONSISTENTLY FOCUSED for the next two years.

If you are thinking that two years is a long time off, think again. Any truly Badass Butterfly will tell you that it takes time to conceive, nurture and birth a baby. Your dream is a Badass Baby that needs YOU to take responsibility for it. Anything that is worthwhile wants your commitment and this requires discipline, focus and tenacity. You need to put on your big girl panties and set goals, make plans, and dive deep into your heart so that you can make this thing real.

My Emotional Wellness & Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group is here to help. If you are truly a Badass Butterfly, I am challenging you to call forth your biggest dream, to speak it out loud, to commit to it, to lay the groundwork for its manifestation, to vision it, to plan it and to take steps both big and small for it.

2020 is the number of the Goddess. 1 is the number of the Sun. 2 is the number of the Moon (and the Goddess.) It is the number of Divine Feminine Authority. 0 is an amplifier. It makes more powerful all that it touches. 2020 is screaming DIVINE FEMININE WOW twice. Can you feel it?

Get this: at the end of December 2019 and the beginning of January 2020, we’ll have the Full Moon in Cancer (sign of the Moon and the first Full Moon of the year,) and the New Moon, Sun, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto ALL in Capricorn. All of these celestial bodies are aligning to bring us REWARD for hard, deep work. This equals manifestation of our dreams. Many of us are feeling the pull to prepare for this major alignment today. We are getting clear glimpses of what we want. We are being given insights to how things could happen in our favor. We are having dreams of success. And we are seeing pathways through the obstacles that our egoic mind creates.

Right now we’re in 2018, a ‘2’ year, again, a year of Divine Feminine Authority. Whatever we claim now in our hearts, with our minds, and with our actions is ours. Period. Having this year and a half between now and 2020 to integrate, nurture and plan is a gift. Spirit says that we are fully supported in our heart’s desires. It is our job to meet Spirit with a YES!

If you are ignoring this calling, suppressing it, denying it, or turning your back on it, you’re missing the greatest opportunity to make it real. No Badass Butterfly denies her Badassery. The Divine Feminine will NOT be denied.

Here’s what I want you to do, Lovelies. Over the next year and a half, I’m going to be working on my heart’s BIGGEST desires EVER.  I want you to do the same.  Please take some time and make a new post telling us your dream for the future. You can share your stories in my Emotional Wellness & Spiritual Empowerment Facebook group .  You can use the following questions to help guide your writing. You don’t have to answer them all, but they are here to stimulate your creativity.  The important thing is also to share in the group so that we can become channels for one another’s success:  claim your intention out loud and let’s support one another in the process of manifesting.

What is your greatest dream? In what role do you see yourself? What do you want to manifest? When you were a little kid, what was your greatest fantasy? How did you envision yourself as a little kid? What did you really want to be in your heart of hearts? In what ways have you become the person you wanted to be when you were a little kid? In what ways have you turned away from your childhood dreams?

Share your story here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/EmotionalWellnessandSpiritualEmpowerment/ and let’s get ready to rock and roll. #DreamsBecomeReality2020 #BadassButterfly


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.