Embrace Your Emotional Badassery🦋

When you think of an “authority figure,” who do you picture in your mind? A parent? A teacher? A preacher? A Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach? Any answer is correct, as long as you believe it is. Authority is a form of power, which only exists as much as people choose to believe it does. Like any other tool, authority is a neutral force that can be used to create or destroy, according to the wielder’s will. Officers in the military can use their authority to command soldiers to kill, just as kindergarten teachers can use their authority to invite children to finger-paint. Both are examples of effective leadership in which the person giving the orders and the people receiving them operate based on the leader’s authority. 👩‍🏫💂‍♂️👩‍🍼


Authority can come from a title alone, but True Authority comes from within as well as without. You can wear a name tag that says “Life Coach,” but that alone probably won’t inspire people to respect what you have to say. Why SHOULD people listen to you? On what authority do you charge people good money to trust you with their traumas and guide them along a journey of personal transformation? As a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach, it is imperative for you to embody and articulate the True Authority you carry within and how it manifests in your life with confidence and clarity.👂👩‍⚖

Your Spiritual Philosophy & Alchemizing Pain: Internalized Authority

I know I use the term “Badass” a lot, but I don’t use it lightly! I practice and preach Badassery because the life coaching that I practice and teach is not for the timid. By setting this standard, I get to work with Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaches who not only know their shit, but also KNOW that they know their shit, which gives them a sense of internalized authority that no amount of skepticism from other people can take away from them. A deep understanding of their spiritual philosophy and how it has guided their journey of personal transformation plays a huge role in building True Authority from within.✨

Spend some time writing out the ideas that guide your daily practices and program offerings until you feel confident enough to speak them out loud. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What do you believe causes personal transformation?
  • Why do you believe what you believe about healing and transformation?
  • What specific beliefs and practices helped you evolve from the caterpillar mindset into a Badass Butterfly?
  • How does your spiritual philosophy inform your offerings as a Life Coach?

In order to instill confidence in others about the quality of your work, develop an intimate understanding of exactly how personal transformation takes place and why.❤

The specific practices and spiritual philosophies that cause personal transformation vary from coach to coach, which is great! Our individuality allows each of us to attract clients whose particular needs match up with our unique offerings. One important superpower that is unique to each of us is our particular ability to alchemize pain and show others how to do the same. Spirit works through you as you deal with pain– both physical and emotional. Alchemizing pain begins with awareness and validation and eventually raises the vibration of the painful experience into a state of integration. Simple, right? Hahaha!🩹


Because of its powerful energetic makeup, our relationship with pain is also an important part of your spiritual philosophy. The process of alchemizing pain may be an integral part of our life here on Earth, but it is ain’t easy! Fortunately, like any skill, your abilities will improve with practice. The experience of alchemizing your own personal pain also develops your intimate understanding of the process (which facilitates writing and talking about it) and improves your ability to coach others to alchemize their pain, as well. The more you see your skills in action, the more confidence you will have in your offerings. That’s when you will KNOW that you know what you know, and your confidence will show. Confidence = True Authority.💥

Evidence Your Street Cred: Your External Authority


When you begin your career as a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach, you may not have scores of testimonials touting your abilities, but you DO have external evidence that you know what you’re talking about. In addition to your Badass Certificate, you ARE living proof that what you espouse in your program works. Write out your journey of personal transformation, including the setbacks. Your ability to clearly and concisely summarize your personal journey and the beliefs and practices that informed your choices will help to convey your authority in a demonstrable way.

True Authority✍

As a Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach, your ability to hold space for the full human range of emotions, transmute pain, and heal trauma gives you True Authority. Taking care of yourself enough to take on another person’s emotions qualifies you to coach, heal, teach, and lead. Because of your intimate understanding of personal transformation – from personal experience and from coaching others – you won’t need to explain the details of your program to everyone with a passing interest. The sincerity with which you hold on to your beliefs and practices will lend you an air of integrity and credibility that will speak for itself, punctuating everything you say and do.🗣

If the thought of using your hard-earned wisdom and your spiritual gifts of magick makes your heart leap with joy then let’s talk about how we work together to make your Divine Coaching Business real. We can chat about how you can work with me in my certification program. 🪄

Send me a DM and let’s chat about how we can unite to make your Divine Coaching Business a reality. During our chat, I’ll ask you some questions about your coaching business vision and I’ll be listening to Spirit to hear the best way to guide you on this journey. If we feel great about the plan that’s coming from the heavens, I’ll present you the enrollment terms and we can get you started right away. ☎

You are also invited to join my League of Badass Butterflies Facebook community for free to learn more about my work and my coaching technique (https://www.facebook.com/groups/leagueofbadassbutterflies)! 👆


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.