Emotional Mastery: The Journey to Becoming a Badass Butterfly

In today’s world, it is essential to develop emotional intelligence and resilience to navigate life’s challenges. 🤔

To become a good spiritual life coach, you must balance self-care with coaching others in a responsible, holistic way which will allow you to possess your own inner Emotional Badass. ⚖️⚖️

Emotional Badasses are people who have honed their emotional intelligence and can help others do the same. Being an Emotional Badass means taking charge of your emotional well-being and guiding others through their emotional healing and transformation journey. 🦋

Butterflies amaze me for SO many reasons. They’re obviously beautiful, yet free from ego. They’re industrious and wise, instinctively locating nectar and nourishment to fuel procreation. Within a species, chrysalises are practically identical, yet no two butterflies look exactly the same.

Butterflies are a remarkable metaphor for Emotional Badassery. They go through a significant transformation, starting as a caterpillar, cocooning themselves, and eventually emerging as beautiful butterflies. Similarly, Emotional Badasses go through their version of metamorphosis, evolving from their experiences to become the best version of themselves. 🐛🐛🦋

One of the essential qualities of an Emotional Badass is the ability to hold space for themselves and guiding others through the process of emotional healing and transformation. The Emotional Badass has an intimate understanding of the spiritual philosophy guiding her actions. She moves from a place of True Authority, informed by personal experience that proves her philosophy works in the real world. She alchemizes pain into peace. 👸🏼

Emotional Badasses also have a balanced approach to self-care and coaching others. They prioritize their own emotional well-being, knowing that they can only give from a place of abundance. They understand the importance of boundaries and taking time for themselves to recharge their emotional batteries. At the same time, they have a responsibility to share their knowledge and experiences with others, helping them on their journey to emotional mastery.👩🏼‍🏫

To sum things up, being a Certified Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coach is similarly multi-faceted and magnificent. You must have the courage to face your emotions, transform your pain into peace, and guide others on their journey to emotional mastery. 💖💖 It requires you to have a deep understanding of the spiritual philosophy guiding your actions, active listening, empathy, and compassion. Like the butterfly, you are not born into this lifestyle but you grow into Emotional, Material, and Spiritual Badassery after your version of metamorphosis.

If you are ready to stop hiding from your Divine Calling, and you want to get started as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach with a good business foundation, then send me a DM and we can chat about how you can work with me in my certification and business-building program -OR- you can join my League of Badass Butterflies Facebook community for free!

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.