How Your Pain Becomes A Gift of Service to Your Clients

The more authority and trustworthiness you possess, the more people will be willing to pay you higher prices. In order to have that dream coaching business full of people who are willing to pay you handsomely for your work, you have to be trustworthy and credible. ✨

As a new coach, this level of trust is not easy to gain. Many new coaches shy away from charging market value for their work. I don’t blame them! Because most new coaches have NOT done the rigorous study needed to build out an entire program and curriculum that has depth and can make big, life-changing promises.

So of course, they can’t charge handsomely! 🙅‍♀️

You need a kick-ass program that helps your clients change their lives in a big way. My Spiritual Life Coach Certification for Badass Butterflies program is designed to break through the old limitations of the “employee mentality” and awaken you to your own personal strengths and the qualities that naturally qualify you to be an effective coach and healer.

You’ve already got gifts and talents that just need to be uncovered, polished, and honed. Like a diamond in the rough! 💎

When we tap into your hidden gifts and bring those forward, your True Authority soars and the world receives you like a professional worthy of attention.

Without this important step in place, you risk sounding shallow, clichéd, inexperienced, or lightweight. No one will invest in you and your services if you sound like a novice who can’t deliver on big promises.

Also, without this deep work to bring in your True Authority, you will be forever plagued by Imposter Syndrome, an inner feeling of being a fraud, insufficient to your work, or unworthy of success. 🙅‍♀️

The process I’ve created was intuitively channeled from my Spiritual Guidance Team and it has been the key to helping my students create mind-blowingly deep programs that are truly life-changing for their clients. It is deep Soul work that comes from their deep well of inner wisdom.

That’s why it is so effective! My system taps into the source of my students’ personal experience so their work is close to their hearts and heightens their natural empathy.  I then take them through a series of powerful exercises that purifies, distills, and heals those experiences allowing them to create a complete healing and transformation program. And we then, of course, bring this forth and present it to their tribe, who receives it with acclaim.

This whole process really works like alchemy to shift their past experience of pain into the gold of service.

If my approach makes sense to you, then send me a DM and we can chat about how you can work with me in my certification program. I’ll ask you some questions about your coaching business vision and together we’ll see if you’re a good fit for my program. If you are ready to envision, build, and launch yourself as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach with a good business foundation, I would LOVE to be on your team. Let me be your coach and mentor, Precious! 🦋

And if you’re ready to enroll, then book yourself in to talk to me about my certification program:


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.