Invitation to work with me 1-on-1

Invitation to Receive Training & Mentorship to Become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach in 2023! 💌

This is an invitation for women who have “hard-earned wisdom” from learning tough life lessons and have a Divine Calling from their Soul to help others who are going through the same thing they did.

If you have a passion for spirituality and would love to become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach who earns a living from this work and you would like personalized guidance and mentorship to develop a program, as well as the needed coaching skills to help others to overcome difficulties, then this invitation is for you. 👩‍🏫🦋💡

My name is Crystal Lynn Bell, and I am Certified Spiritual Life Coach and business mentor. In my certification program, we work TOGETHER to get you certified as a spiritual life coach AND get your business up and running!

The important part is that we do it TOGETHER. Most certification and business programs leave you to watch videos and work through the process with limited support. That didn’t work for me! So I built my certification program differently. I am here to listen, guide, and see you as a Soul, a coach, and a businesswoman with a Divine Vision.

In my spiritual life coach certification and business-building program, you and I will work TOGETHER to:

🌟 Teach you the coaching skills you need so that you are confident, effective, and respected as an expert in your field.

🌟 Clearly define your niche and identify the ideal client who best RESONATES WITH YOU, your brand, and your unique message. This way your offerings are targeted toward the people you are best qualified to help and you’ll never be inauthentic.

🌟 Create your entire program offering from start to finish. This will ensure that your offer is effective and delivers the healing and transformation you want to give.

🌟 Build ALL the structures you need to show up as a PROFESSIONAL Certified Spiritual Life Coach who deserves to be seen, heard, and trusted. These include your social media presence, blog, website, email list, newsletters, downloads, videos, and even podcasts. Don’t worry if any of these are intimidating. My certification program is fully supported and I TEACH you how to do everything.

🌟 Teach you how to make money as a spiritual life coach. This is important since you have the potential to fully support yourself, your family, and your lifestyle with the money you earn from your coaching business… BUT ONLY if you set up your business the right way. If you’ve never done this before, you’ll need help.

That’s what this invitation is all about.

We’ll be meeting weekly online in small groups and even one-on-one. There is an entire curriculum with detailed exercises, workbooks, timelines, step-by-step guides, and videos. I meet with you each week and I guide you in every step of building your business so you benefit from my 30+ years of business experience. There is also a private Facebook group for networking and trying out your work with an empathic audience.

To succeed in my program you must KNOW that you want to educate, inspire, and lead your clients to a better life. You’ll need to deal with your own fears and doubts along the way.

You’ll also need to do some deep inner Soul work, as well as intelligent business-building steps. The great news is that you’ll have me to support you on the journey! 🔮🧘‍♀️💫

You’ll succeed with my method if you’re willing to pause, breathe, and unite your Divine Feminine intuition with your Divine Masculine logic. I’ll teach you how to use both!

Your financial investment for my offer is absolutely affordable and priced for women who are new to business investment. You should expect to invest in the mid-four to five figures depending on your particular needs. I am offering you incredible hands-on support, which is lacking in most coaching programs today.

Working with me is an opportunity to set up yourself and your Divine Coaching Business for success.

If you’re interested, then send me a DM to see if my program and you are a good fit. 📩💬

If you want to get started as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach with a good business foundation, and my approach makes sense to you, then send me a private message letting me know you’re interested in working with me. We’ll chat about your coaching vision and how you want to help people. I’ll listen and make sure that my certification and mentorship can fulfill your needs. If we’re a good fit, I’ll get you enrolled. ✨💖


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.