Kali Ma and my Severed Head

Kali Ma is dancing on my head right now. When beloved Kali Ma steps forward on your behalf, you better be prepared to experience a tremendous breakthrough. The last time this Goddess came forth for me, I found all my plans to move to Europe thwarted as I was turned away at the UK border. That was in 2013, just two weeks after my mom died.

Now, it’s 2016 and I am planning another move to Europe. Kali Ma has made her traditional appearance and is challenging me again!
Oh, beloved Kali Ma! I understand exactly why you prevented that move to the Old World those many years ago. You were saving me from my own foolish descent into degradation. Although the experience was frightening, I don’t regret a single moment; and if I had to do it again, I would.
Hahahaha! And here I am.
What I would have done differently back in 2013 (knowing what I know now:)

  • I would not have sold EZRS. I would have closed the doors and laid her to rest by my own hand.
  • I would have gone to Asia– Cambodia or India; and I would have done my healing and repair work there.

Right now, I am Siem Reap, Cambodia, and tomorrow, I leave for Paris, France. I am enrolled at the Sorbonne to study French language and culture. I am NOT very excited about this. I am NOT very excited about this because as magnificent as it sounds, it is not the language and culture that is drawing me to France. It is something else.
As I have began expanding more spiritually (and I have expanded exponentially since being in Farrera, Spain and in Siem Reap, Cambodia, my priorities have shifted dramatically. My only priority right now is the present moment. This is frightening my ego. FRIGHTENING MY EGO.
But I am not my ego. And for the first time in my life, I do not believe a word that my ego says. It has been lying to me about myself, lying to me about other people. It has been slandering my Self, slandering God, telling me that I am not supported, not pretty, not smart, not powerful. It has been lying and I don’t believe it any more.
I just don’t.
You can’t lie to me anymore, Ego.
It’s over.
So in this moment, you are reading the words of a woman who no longer invests in fear or deception.
Now what?
Many people are going to look at this image of Kali Ma and be repulsed by the ferocity of this female figure. They will turn away from the blood and the gore, finding the whole scene disreputable and disgusting. But I want you to see my head hanging around the waist of this great goddess. I want you to see my head there and KNOW that I have surrendered fully to the God Within– that there is no separation from me and Source, and that there is no separation from Me and You.



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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.