Manifesting Your Desire: Demonstration and Orientation for The Healed Woman Retreat

CLB-breakthrough-transformationSign up for this FREE event!  Manifesting Your Desires:  Demonstration and Orientation for The Healed Woman Retreat

Uncover your dreams and peel away your fears and limitations! Your life of passion, joy and peace await!

Desire is the starting point of all creation.  Find out how you can awaken yourself to your Soul’s highest calling.

In this presentation Rita Harrison and Crystal Lynn Bell will demonstrate on live volunteers how women can be empowered to admit and acknowledge their inner truth and awaken their passion.

“Let’s not just talk about it, let’s experience it!”

You’re invited to join us while taking home ideas that can help you live a happier and more fulfilled lifestyle. We’ll also be giving you details and taking sign ups for The Healed Woman retreat intensive in Santa Barbara, California. Learn more about the retreat:

Sign up for this FREE event!

About the Facilitators:

Rita Harrison…

Rita Bio PictureRita Harrison has over 30 years of experience, helping people find fast, and practical strategies to overcome unhappy, or abusive relationships, psychological, physical, and emotional pain. Rita is an international author & teacher, gives private sessions, training, and workshops. Learn more about Rita Harrison at her website:

“Rita’s skill and intuition gets you further in one session than anything else I have experienced. She is extremely comfortable to work with, and though she is a master in her field, she is a sincere and humble person who values all aspects of every client she works with.” – Karen Thornton: Quantum Institute for Holistic Health

Crystal Lynn Bell…

Crystal Lynn MeditatingCrystal Lynn Bell is founder of Spiritcentric and Everyday Zen Relaxation Studio. She is a spiritual coach, energetic healer, transformational psychic, astrologer and world traveler. She helps women move through the blockages and negative mindsets that hold them back from living their most powerful lives. Crystal Lynn is available for coaching, psychic, tarot and astrology readings and creating spiritual travel journeys for individuals and groups. Learn more about Crystal Lynn at her website:

“If you are looking to make significant changes in the way you live your life, Crystal Lynn is who you need to talk to. She will challenge the core beliefs that are holding you back from realizing your full potential. I’ve spent the last six months remembering who I am and I am grateful for every minute I spent with Crystal. She’s an amazing coach who will meet you where you are and take you wherever you want to go.” -Daphne Helms

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.