On Saturday, I finished my 30th day of Fearless Living. The week before, I had a powerful mystical experience of union with the Divine. It was utterly orgasmic in its all encompassing energy and it left me utterly drained of all resistance.
I spent last week in the blissful state of quiet mind and open heart. I have been listening intently to the song of my heart. I have been familiarizing myself with her rhythms, both physical and etheric. I am now aware, know and understand that the heart is King and the mind her tool. It is entirely up to me to choose between the two voices: the voice of Love from the heart or the voice of Fear from the mind. Anytime I am acting or thinking from separation, discord, anger, resentment, apprehension, doubt or even when I am forcing, being aggressive or passive, manipulating, condescending or judging, I am aware, know and understand that I am choosing the path of fear. I can, at that moment, pause and pay attention to the story I am creating in that moment; AND I can change it. I am that powerful. Change the story and I change my life.
Anytime I am acting from joy, peace, hope, excitement, creativity, love, generosity, and clarity, I am aware, know and understand that I am living, not a story of love, because love has no stories, but from the NOW, pure and simple. When I am in this place of true power, there is no story because there is no past and no future– there is only NOW. I can choose to be present in this moment and expand the now by using my senses; and my mind can engage with the heart in the way it will. But the moment I (emphasis on my Consciousness) allow my mind to create a story and shape the moment through its perception is the moment I have left the space of my heart and given over my power to my mind, which is limited, controlling and resistant.
Living an open-hearted existence is a practice. Like meditation, like making love, like cultivating a bounteous garden, being in the heartspace requires dedication, discipline and if you’re not accustomed to it, then learning.
I wish you a powerful day of listening to your heart. I wish you a day of relaxing your thinking process, quieting your mind and going within.
Crystal Lynn