OA4: New Territory

If you are thinking about becoming a spiritual life coach and you want to feel confident and successful in your venture, then you need proper training in coaching, spirituality, and emotional healing, as well as business training.

I am sure that you feel a powerful internal calling from your Soul to be of service to other people who are going through the same things you have suffered. I hear this all the time from the women I mentor in coaching. This Soul’s Calling should be taken seriously and treated with respect. It is a part of your Divine Life Purpose.

At the same time, you are passionate about spirituality and using your spiritual gifts like intuition, empathy, Reiki, and your clairs. But even with your internal wisdom working, getting started in this type of work can be daunting just because of its newness.

If you’ve never done coaching or counseling work before, and if you’ve never envisioned, built, launched, and successfully run a business before, you would, justifiably, feel intimidated by the idea of following your Soul’s Divine Calling to become a spiritual life coach. The word spirituality is vague and mysterious to many people, and the word business, too, has its mysteries, especially to the uninitiated.

A spiritual coaching business is unfamiliar territory to you… for now.

And if you’re a woman who has been successfully working in your 9 to 5 job for many years, and your family relies on your consistent income contribution to thrive, the idea of going into business for yourself in pursuit of your Soul’s Divine Calling can feel scary and maybe even irresponsible. Why would you risk losing money or soiling your reputation and the respect your family has for you in pursuit of what could just be a flight of fancy? What if you go for it and fail?

Look, I want to be honest with you about the process of becoming a spiritual life coach. It takes balls. It’s not just your future that’s on the line. It’s your family’s lifestyle and your reputation that hang in the wings of this life-changing decision.

Becoming a spiritual life coach is not to be taken lightly.

Luckily, there is a simple solution that will create stability around your decision and give you a shot at pulling off this idea with success: CERTIFICATION.

Becoming certified as a spiritual life coach means that you will invest your time, focus, energy, heart, and brainpower into completing a mind-opening curriculum of spirituality, coaching, and business-building. Certification will educate and train you so that you are qualified to fulfill the role of Certified Spiritual Life Coach and it will walk you through, step-by-step, building your business.

There are many different types of certification programs out there, and it can be challenging to find the one that satisfies your passion for spirituality and your need for excellent business training. But the time you put into researching programs is important because a good business foundation will set you up for abundance. The right certification program will teach you how to call in an abundant stream of clients who want to invest in you.

An abundant flow of clients means an abundant flow of income. And an abundant flow of income means that you can eventually replace your 9 to 5 job with your own spirit-led Divine Coaching Business. Hooray!

The certification process should take the mystery out of spiritual life coaching and business-building. A great program like my Spiritual Life Coach Certification for Badass Butterflies is specifically designed to help you:

  1. Identify your natural spiritual gifts and put them to work through your coaching and healing sessions.
  2. Discover, develop, and articulate your spiritual philosophy. That’s the deep and meaningful inspirational message you want to share with the world through your social media posts, videos, blogs, and even the books you publish. This is super important for Certified Spiritual Life Coaches because you’ll be bringing these insights from the higher realms and bringing them to the earthly realms for your audience to use;
  3. Turn the hard-earned wisdom you gained through tough life lessons into a transformational healing program (so you can effectively help as many people as possible,) and
  4. Build your Divine Coaching Business as a REAL business so that you can be found, seen, heard, and people can receive your offerings… which means that you can earn income and support yourself, your family, and your dreams.

Through the certification process, becoming a spiritual life coach with a thriving business is no longer mysterious. Instead, it is structured, logical, and doable.

With a great certification program, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never coached people or run your own business before because, with proper training, mentorship, and support, you can learn how to coach and build your own Divine Coaching Business.

If you want to get started as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach with a good business foundation and my approach makes sense to you then send me a DM and we can chat about how you can work with me in my certification and business-building program. I’ll ask you some questions about your coaching business vision and together we’ll see if you’re a good fit for my program. From there we can start you on the road to building, launching, and manifesting your Divine Coaching Business now.

Gosh! If we start now, you can be seeing clients in your own coaching business before this year is up!


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.