I arrived in Farrera on June 21st. I’m staying in the Centre d’Art i Natura de Farrera and was greeted warmly by Lluís Llobert, the directer of the center. On the drive up, I was overwhelmed by the lush green that covered the mountains. Everywhere were deciduous trees and conifers, green meadows dotted with wildflowers of white, yellow, purple and orange, and beautiful villages with structures that date back between 200 and 900 years.

The wildflowers are alive with friendly bees and pretty butterflies. This vista is one of my favorites. I just love the clouds over the mountain range.

There’s another little village nestled in amongst those trees and woods. I think it’s Mallolís. The light really makes things precious at this time of day.
I wanted to explore a little and so I headed out on foot taking the main road to the nearest village, which actually was the last village at the end of this road. It is called Alendo and it has just three or four residences. There is still standing, though, in Alendo a 12th century church!

This is the little church as seen halfway between Farrera and Alendo. The two villages are about 1/2 a mile apart.

The thing is, it was just so peaceful. Having this little sacred monument to myself was like having a little slice of heaven. Just the gentle breeze, the chirping birds and the solitude.

I can’t wait to go to church here! I sat down and talked to the Goddess and the God. I didn’t hear any replies to my words until the next day… But I knew that it would be this way. I could just feel the answer in my bones! And the Divine Parents did not fail me.
Hey, I am so impressed. You are so well-spoken and I am loving every bit of it. Good for you. So many people never want to leave their comfort zone and Spain is just fantastically beautiful. Waiting to get our residency cards and we will start exploring. Good for you and God bless.
Hi, Sandra! Thanks for the compliment. I am so happy to have been introduced to you. It is wonderful to meet a fellow expat that shares the same passions for a place. <3
Hi my little explorer! I am so glad you are finding your bliss. I will miss you whenever I get to CA to visit Angellah! Enjoy;)
Miss Donna! I am so happy to hear from you! Thank you, Beautiful! You just made my day!
Beautiful! During my meditation this morning, I heard the word Spain and then I open your newsletter and there is your retreat to Spain!!
Robyn, I just love being part of your heavenly messages! Thank you for sharing, Darling. And I hope that you will join me in Spain in May of 2018.