What Makes Me Feel Divine

It’s one thing to say, “I am a God having a human experience,” and another to KNOW that I AM God having a human experience.  I am just now coming into my knowing of my Divinity.   I do not yet understand the expansiveness and limitlessness of my Divinity.  But that is the human experience part for me.  My humanity is about pushing the limits of my consciousness.  The more fearless I become, the more Divine I become.  The more love I AM WILLING to give, and the more ways that I find to share love, the more Divine I become.  The more vulnerable I AM, the more Divine I become.  The more trusting I AM, the more Divine I become.

To me, being Divine means that I AM AWARE that the Life Force Energy (Chi, Ki, Prana) that flows through me is the same stuff that makes up the grass, the trees, the lioness, and the little red Corvette.  When I tune into this energy and really, truly KNOW our unity, I feel, not an adrenaline rush, but what might be considered the opposite:  a deep sense of peace and lightness.  It is the expansion of this peace and lightness that leads me around the world.  This is my bliss, my heartsong.

Right now, I am draped over my little bed creating this post on my trusty little laptop in a rustic Spanish village.  Outside, the breeze rustles the trees, the birds are chirping their songs and there are some small children playing off in the distance.  The sound of my tapping on my keyboard is like a rhythm-less percussive accompaniment to nature’s orchestra. When I pull away from the typing and allow my mind to detach, I am instantly saturated with peace and connection.  And when I go back to my work, I am pulling from my Life Force Channel the words to describe my ideas.  The feeling of creating is Divine because creating is Divine.  It is God’s work.  It is Goddess’ work.

What makes you feel Divine?  What enhances your feeling of Oneness, Unity, Connection and Safety?  What makes you feel special?

I am very strongly feeling like I want to make a list, so here it is:

I found this painting in a Google search and really loved it. I couldn't find the artist's name, but here's a link to her website: https://beloveddivine.wordpress.com/2012/05/10/letting-divine-love-flow-artists-in-motion/#comments

I found this painting in a Google search and really loved it. I couldn’t find the artist’s name, but here’s a link to her website: https://beloveddivine.wordpress.com/2012/05/10/letting-divine-love-flow-artists-in-motion/#comments

  •  Reciting mantra:  Taking the time to choose a mantra and learn its meaning is a very powerful signal to the universe that you are serious about bringing in the energy that the mantra holds.  When I recite the words, I feel the mantra working on my cells and in the space between them.  The most important thing with mantra is that I FEEL it.  I feel it during the recitation and afterward.
  • Writing:  Since I was a child, I have loved speaking words and writing them.  Language is a joy and putting words on paper and telling stories makes me feel like I am beyond limit.  Sometimes I feel like I can write my future into being.
  • Walking:  There’s something that happens when I walk.  My legs and feet are in a rhythmic dialogue with the earth.  Walking in nature is especially satisfying… and yet, walking in my favorite city is life affirming and inspiring, too.
  • Taking my time:  Ooooh!  This feels so luxurious and self-loving.  No hurry.  Go slow.  No one dictates my pace, but my own Divine Timing.  I am really learning how to do this in Spain.  It takes one of my friends soooo looooong to drink her cerveza and smoke her cigarette.  I remember a waiter telling me, “Just take your time,” and meaning it.
  • Morning Pages:  Straight from The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.  The first thing you do in the morning is grab your journal and fill up three pages with writing.  Not after coffee.  No dialogue.  No criticism.  Just writing whatever is in my mind without censoring.  This is where I show my ego who is boss and I empty myself of fear and connect with my Divinity
  • False eyelashes:  The eyes are the window to the soul.  When someone gazes into my windows, I want them seeing pretty, fluttering curtains inviting them in.  Eyelashes add youth and energy to eyes that may be tired or just plain.  I feel especially Divine when I see my outer self reflecting my inner.
  • Running:  I don’t run fast anymore, but I love the tight feeling in my legs and feet when I am tooling along.  They say that exercise is the best form of lymphatic drainage and I agree.  I am glorious when I run– headphones on, music pounding, agile and connected.
  • Crystals:  Gem stones, crystals, rocks and stones.  I love them.  My favorites are my a genuine Citrine in which I invested a few years back, and a Lemurian crystal that I found in Brazil when I was walking through Chapada Diamantina.  How Divine is it to walk through Chapada Diamantina?  Totally fucking divine.
  • Tarot cards:  Why didn’t I put these at the top of my list?????  My cards are my best friend and confidant.  I can feel the magic in my cards.
  • Music:  I take music everywhere.  It is my cloak and my compass.
  • Travel:  I feel so loved when I am traveling.  I feel like the world is holding its arms out to me, inviting me with its siren song.  I am always welcomed wherever I go and I feel like it is always a homecoming.
  • Other things that make me feel my Divinity:  ART, essential oils and fragrance, Lord Ganesha, Lord Shani, Lord Hanuman, olive oil for cooking and for skin health, and the closeness of my friends.

As I build this list, I realize that I could go on and on including spiders, birdsong, clouds, and warm fires on chilly nights.  And oh, man!  When the god embraces me as the goddess– that’s DIVINE.  There are so many things that are magical in this world and perhaps our Divinity lies in our willingness to see them as beyond ordinary.  In my past, I have taken many things for granted that I value now. Sometimes I have had to find my way to Divinity through loss and tragedy, and other times I stumbled upon it from a most plebeian state.  But I have developed a keen awareness of the pulse that flows through us– the pulse that elevates us.  And I have learned to pause for a moment to tune into the substance of what is all around me.

Tell me about your Divinity in the comments below, or email me at CrystalLynn@Spiritcentric.com.  Church

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.