Self Love Heart Camp

CupOfSelfLove1-1024x736An intensive program to awaken your heart to the love of its life:  YOU!

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.” ~Oscar Wilde

Meets on Wednesdays beginning August 4th 7:00pm or On Thursdays, beginning August 5th 7:00pm

You are invited Everyday, you will be supported as you practice loving yourself in ways that are real, powerful and meaningful for you. This is moving beyond a massage, manicure and pedicure. We will be exploring what it means to love yourself and discovering the many ways we are NOT loving ourselves. We will then create a map of our desires and our soul’s yearnings. We will honor ourselves.

In addition to our weekly sessions, you will get regular homefun exercises that are meant to teach you to explore, uncover, and release your authentic self. You will learn to meditate, journal, create vision boards. We will explore our food choices, our self-image and find ways to boost our confidence and love ourselves NOW, as we are, warts and all

Enjoy these benefits:

  • Unleash your authentic self and awaken passion, creativity, confidence and courage.
  • Overcome your FEAR and tap into your Source of confidence and TRUST
  • Discover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back
  • Escape the mental prison that is holding your soul hostage.
  • Gain powerful tools to help you feel your feelings and help you become aware of YOUR truth.
  • Develop a healthy relationship with your Self
  • Make big improvements in your current circumstances while feeling better about yourself NOW.
  • Tap into your creativity, your confidence and your ability to manifest the life of your dreams
  • Do powerful assessments to help you ‘know thyself’ and understand what needs to be changed.
  • Create an awesome strategy and game plan to help you bring a powerful aspect of yourself into the world.
  • Learn how to parent and nurture the dark parts of yourself so that the angry feelings can be replaced with loving ones.
  • Learn how to forgive yourself and others.
  • Watch your relationships improve along with your outlook on life.
  • Work with your intuition to guide you to choices and decisions that are right for you; and learn how to express your freedom with compassion

We’ll meet once a week for a telephone conference with our Self-Love Cluster. Don’t worry if you have to miss a call because they will be recorded for you to revisit whenever you want. You will be introduced to a community of like-minded women who are on a similar journey of self-illumination and enlightenment.

Everyday, you will be supported as you practice loving yourself in ways that are real, powerful and meaningful for you. This is moving beyond a massage, manicure and pedicure. We will be exploring what it means to love yourself and discovering the many ways we are NOT loving ourselves. We will then create a map of our desires and our soul’s yearnings. We will honor ourselves.

In addition to our weekly sessions, you will get regular homefun exercises that are meant to teach you to explore, uncover, and release your authentic self. You will learn to meditate, journal, create vision boards. We will explore our food choices, our self-image and find ways to boost our confidence and love ourselves NOW, as we are, warts and all.

Only $299 a month!

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.