Travel Memories: Awakening to my Saturnian Nature in Haridwar, India

SaturnI’ve had a couple of big days that had me weeping from fear of my own evolution, tackling Asian toilets and coming to terms with my worth in an Indian society that deems me lesser because I am dark skinned and female. I’m not going to discuss these things here because those are being worked out in the diaries. But I just want to share with you a couple of the upbeat awakenings I have had.

Yesterday, I bathed in the holy Ganga River. It was a beautiful experience that left me exhilarated. I went in with two women who were both Pisces. I fell in love with both of these women for their strong wills, confidence and vision. We lit incense, said prayers and tossed Mother Ganga beautiful red flowers. The river in this area is beautiful, crisp, and free of the pollutants that can permeate her as she travels south. Here in Haridwar, we are at the foothills of the Himalayas, so the rich mineral content could be enjoyed without worry. Clearly my time in India is about releasing fears and I poured all of my fears into the Ganga for transmuting to useful energy.

I just learned that I am Saturn’s child and it is prompting me to stay in the Sri Santosh Puri Ashram for the next two months. I am surprised to find myself writing this, but I realize that all the moving around I have done over the past year is desperately fatiguing. Since I turned the page in the California, I have been wandering around in mourning, seeking inspiration and solace in the rich cultures of the West and East– New York and Montreal; Indonesia and India. Three months in one home is the longest I’ve spent this year and although it has been an heart-guided adventure, I am overjoyed to find myself in a place that feels supportive, safe, uplifting and powerful. My India visa is two months and here in this ashram I will stay.

This awakening is prompted because I did not know the important role that Saturn plays in my life, but since I have had my Vedic Astrology reading, I see the light. All roads lead to this taskmaster and so my approach to living is shifting dramatically to answer the call of Karma and Service. This may not make sense because we don’t study the spiritual aspects of our planets in the public arena, but trust me when I say that this awakening is HUGE– utterly life changing. My psychic number is 8, my life path number is 8, my name is 8. I should say that Saturn rules the number 8. I’ve got Saturn ruling my 11th house which he’s transiting for the next 2 1/2 years. Believe me when I say that the next two years will see me remembering true discipline and hunkering down to honor those faux pas of my previous lifetimes.

— at Santosh Puri Ashram.


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


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