Travel Memories: Social Consciousness Awakening in Kathmandu


Spent the whole day in Changu Nryan with Thanka artists, weavers and wood workers. I learned a lot about how the community supports itself through art and tourism. The thing that strikes me most, though, is the bright light that radiates from the people in the village. Jesus! I haven’t experienced so much trust and love and warmth in my life. The thing is, they’ve got little income– we’re talking a buck a day or less for most. But their clothing is always clean, the alms are always given, courtesies always extended. I have seen so many warm public displays of affection between friends– no matter their sex or age. The people are curious, upbeat, attentive, affectionate, and deeply invested in the present moment. I feel like I am learning how to live here.

I mean, people kept asking me why I had chosen Nepal and I couldn’t give an answer except that Spirit was guiding me. I think this is what Spirit wanted me to see– how to live with joy and an open heart. The Nepalese people have the finger on the pulse of their Inner Child. They are an old culture whose people still look at the world through the eyes of Innocence. They are in the world, but not of the world. They are like young people who exist on this plane but are unlimited by the limitations so many of us Westerners impose on ourselves through our warped values and priorities. For example, how can two friends of different castes sit nestled up warmly together and explain to me the caste system without so much as an ounce of resentment or embarrassment? The lower caste dude was just as joyous as the upper caste and this is in spite of the reprehensible history of the caste system. I don’t think I’m writing very coherently, but there is a revelation in here somewhere and it’s a valuable one for me and anyone else who wants to truly integrate deep spirituality into every moment.

That’s what I am witnessing– abundant prosperity in action. The Nepalese recognize their connection to the Earth, to heaven and to one another. Every occurrence is a new one and nothing gets taken for granted. This is a big lesson to have learned in just 24 hours of landing!

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