Invitation To Become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach!

Invitation To Become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach!

This invitation is open to all women who have “been through some things” in their personal lives and who want to leave their 9 to 5 jobs to become Certified Spiritual Life Coaches.

Here’s a quick test to see if you’d make a great Certified Spiritual Life Coach:

✶ You are ready to create an exit plan to leave your 9 to 5 job so you can pursue your Divine Purpose to help other people heal and transform their lives full-time. (WOOT! )

✶ You have suffered and you KNOW the wisdom you’ve gained can benefit others. You have invested time, energy, focus, and even money into your healing journey because you take emotional wellness seriously.

✶ You have a “Shadow” self– the dark part of your mind… dark thoughts, limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns… AND you actively work on healing it! You value yourself and investing in your mental wellness is important to you.

✶ You have gone through periods of self-doubt, emotional stuckness, feelings of unworthiness, suicidal ideation, feelings of lack, feeling like you’re not enough… AND you invested a lot of time, energy, and money in getting the help that improved your life… AND now you want to help other people heal and improve their lives. You’d love to be doing this part-time to supplement your current work, or full-time because you just want to be your own boss. (High Priestess energy )

✶ You’ve had dissatisfaction in your relationships, for example, loneliness, isolation, heartbreak, or even divorce. In an effort to heal and transform, you’ve read books, seen therapists, gone to coaches, and attended workshops and retreats, all to make big improvements in your life. You SEE THE BENEFITS of getting professional help with your problems… AND your Soul is calling you to help others with their problems.

✶ You’ve suffered from compulsions and addictions in any form– drug, alcohol, and sex addictions, but also eating disorders, gambling, or even compulsive spending. This is a very particular kind of knowledge and suffering people would benefit from the wisdom you have gained from your experience. You know the importance of keeping things together, even when life is challenging. You know you’d be really good at helping people keep things straight for themselves and their families when they need healing.

✶ Maybe you experienced periods where you fell short of your goals and felt like a failure. You learned tough lessons and got help from experts who understood your pain and they became a valuable resource for your healing journey. You understand the tremendous benefit of investing in great coaches and teachers who lead you with deep wisdom and proven methods. Now, you want to motivate other people to stay in the game and not give up… and you know that you can learn how to do this so that you, too, can be a great helper for people!

✶ Perhaps you went through your own Dark Night of the Soul and your empathy is off the charts! You know that you can guide people through their Dark Nights.

✶ You’d make a fantastic spiritual life coach if you’ve dealt with any life-changing physical disease such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, or obesity. You understand the emotional impact as well as the physical impact. You’d love to offer people support in their journey as a coach, and through blogs and video. This is HUGE!

✶ You have first-hand knowledge of the mental unease that comes from anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. You’ve learned how to manage this and you want to teach others. Perhaps you know a lot about stressful work environments and you can certainly guide people in making internal and external changes.

✶ You had trauma in your childhood such as abandonment, abuse, neglect, or loss. You know this trauma carries into adulthood and it holds people back from thriving. You are having success in your personal life, and even though you aren’t perfect, you KNOW you can help people heal that inner child wounding.

If you have experienced any kind of suffering or hardship, you are in a good position to use the wisdom you gained from your painful experience to help others heal and transform their lives. It’s just a matter of learning what you need to know to become an outstanding coach and investing in yourself like you are a capable woman who knows she can make a difference.

It’s important to remember that in this journey of becoming a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, your 9 to 5 job can support you while you are learning your new craft and building your new business. So we say, “Thank you,” and celebrate while we learn how to be a great coach, build our business, and learn how to generate income for ourselves.

Imagine successfully launching your spiritual life coaching business and walking away from your 9 to 5 job in the next 18 months!

I invite you to join me in a challenge called Spiritual Life Coach Start-up Bootcamp where I will help you jumpstart your spiritual life coaching business, break free from your 9 to 5 job, and claim your Divine Life Purpose to help others heal and transform their lives.

In this 5-day training event, you will:

You will identify your very own unique and powerful SPIRITUAL GIFTS which you will use to become a truly authentic healer and Spiritual Life Coach.

You will learn how to use your unique gifts and the WISDOM YOU’VE GAINED from your past painful experiences to create your own unique signature program that helps other people heal and transform their lives.

You will learn my Divine Shadow & Light Certification & Business-Building Method– the #1 thing you need in your coaching business to ACHIEVE FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE without your 9 to 5 job! (Let me just say this system is AWESOME. You will LOVE IT! )

You were meant to be so much more than who you are today. As a Certified Spiritual Life Coach, you WILL fulfill your Soul’s Divine Life Purpose!

Click now to learn more and register for Spiritual Life Coach Start-up Bootcamp today for FREE!

Early enrollment will get you some extra bonuses and goodies like the “Spiritual Life Coach Self-Assessment.” See you in Bootcamp!!!



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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.