New Moon in Libra October 9, 2018: Restoring Balance and Harmony to Relationships

Beloved friend, Happy New Moon!  The best way to access the entire New Moon in Libra Report and support my work is through the Badass Butterfly Training program.  You can get this full report AND the entire New and Full Moon Rituals at the FREE  Gentle Cocooning membership level in October.  So hop over there and sign up for membership and get access to the New Moon Report, the RITUAL and my entire Badass Butterfly Self-Love program.   So come and join my tribe of Badass Butterflies following the Moon and learning Unconditional Self Love.

Introduction to the New Moon in Libra…

Now is a great time to look at where you go to extremes in your thinking, feeling and behaving.  Look at where you are out of alignment.  The Sun moved into Libra on September 23rd and it will stay until October 22nd.  This whole month-long period is a great time to do assessments of your life.  Are you balancing work and play?  Masculine focus with feminine focus?  Are you meditating and giving time to your spiritual life or are you being overly outward—giving all your time to other people and other endeavors… maybe even avoiding spending time alone?  How are you in your relationships?  It is easy to put our focus on the other person in our partnerships, but this must be balanced with focusing on ourselves.  And of course, we might be on the other end of that spectrum where we are only considering our own perspective and not seeing our partner enough.  Be careful, friend!  This could sneak up on you as a spiritual blindspot.  We point our finger at the other person and forget that three fingers are pointing back at us.  The Sun in Libra is an excellent opportunity to get our perspective balanced because Libra, in addition to balance, is also about partnership.

Again, Libra is opposite Aries.  Aries is all about the self.  It is ruled by Mars and it has a strong, confident ego.  Libra, being on the other end of the spectrum is about partnership and relativity.  When the Sun come to this end of the Zodiac, we are naturally moved to balance and harmonize our self through our relationships.  Put this at the very top of your focus this month, my friend.  Use this Sun in Libra energy to bring balance and harmony to your world—especially your relationships.

On October 9th, the Moon rises new in Libra, so there is a double emphasis on creating harmony and balance in your life.

What you do during this time is ultra important for determining your future!  As the New Moon (feminine) and the Sun (masculine) are in the same sign, it is easy to think of this as a moment of conception.  What’s being conceived?  Whatever you decide.  Doing a ritual at the New Moon is an excellent way to get directly involved with your power to manifest the future you desire.  In our Law of Attraction world, at the time of the New Moon, Master Manifestors work on two levels—inwardly and outwardly.  Inwardly, you work with the feminine self (using the Moon) to clear your energy fields of disparate energy, balance your emotions, heal your mind and soothe your body.  Outwardly, you work with the masculine self (using the Sun) to create plans and take actions that are INSPIRED BY THE HARMONY INSIDE YOURSELF!

If you have not done so already, you simply must join my Badass Butterfly Training program, Lovely.  There are different levels of membership, but if you love my high quality Moon Rituals and Reports, then you should definitely sign up for the Gentle Cocooning membership level because it’s free for the whole month of October!  You are always welcome to join at the FREE Beloved Caterpillar membership level.  But for the month of October, you can join the Gentle Cocooning Training and pay nothing for the month of October (this is usually $18 per month.)  At the Gentle Cocooning Training level, you normally pay $18 and you get the New and Full Moon Reports and Rituals, the New and Full Moon Meditations, a personal reading during Spiritual Guidance for the Badass Butterfly, and the October Meditation and Blessing.  You’ll also get access to our Book Club— which is AWESOME!!!  For October, we’re reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic.  Get the complete Moon Report and Ritual for free this month by joining the Gentle Cocooning membership level now.  If you don’t like what’s on offer, you can always downgrade later.  But I KNOW you’re gonna love it!

Happy New Moon!

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COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.