New Moon in Taurus April 26, 2017: Fertility in Mind and Body

There are some very powerful Divine Feminine energies happening around us.  There are two that I want to emphasize and encourage you to use for at least the next few weeks.  One is the New Moon in Taurus and the other is Venus in Pisces.  I’ll talk about the New Moon below but you can read about Venus in Pisces elsewhere on my blog: The Moon is feminine and Taurus is feminine; and Venus is feminine and so is Pisces.  Both of these planetary aspects have the potential to open the door to tremendous transformation for those who are willing to shine the light of Unconditional Love on themselves.  Now is the time for claiming your Divine Feminine birthright. This is a gift from the Goddess.

We can imagine the New Moon as an empty vessel that is waiting to be filled with your desires.  Taurus is a sign that rules not only beauty, love, and wealth, but also the fertile grounds on which these things are built– how you think, how you feel, what you believe about love, beauty and wealth. The fertile ground is potentially your body– free and clear of blockages, old wounding and trauma patterns, outdated beliefs that are holding your back from being fully actualized and magnificent.  This New Moon has us going into the landscape of our body and turning over the soil, digging up what is outmoded and banal, and making way for a brand new paradigm of Self-acceptance and Self- Love.

The Sun enters Taurus on April 21st and of course, the Sun is masculine.  This means that the Sun is going to insure that we all expand the Taurean principles of love, beauty and wealth outwardly into the material world.  That’s the nature of the Sun and masculinity– outward expression, thinking, rationale, authority expressed.  With the Sun in Taurus, you’ll be naturally driven to express yourself and to pursue for yourself those Taurean gifts.  Perhaps you’ll feel more sexually driven, more desirous of a beautiful environment, more focused on your appearance. Venus is the natural ruler of Taurus, so we’ll all be more Venusian.  Taurus is good with managing resources.  For the next 28 days, you may find yourself with the clarity to tend your finances, make plans for yourself and your family, and envision your future.  This is for all people, not just Taureans.  When the Sun is in a sign, everyone is affected as this aspect of ourselves is highlighted.  We are all warmed by the same sun and so we are all subject to its aspects.

While the Sun is the natural authority in the cosmos, the bull is the natural authority in the pasture.  The bull is the symbol for Taurus and he represents fertility and strength.  If you have any Tauruses for friends, you’ll know that they are the first to take the bull by the horns and go for something.  In Tarot, Taurus is the High Priest or Hierophant, the energetic counterpart to the High Priestess.  The bull and the High Priest must tend their land and keep their herd/community safe.  The bull answers to his instinct, following his nose, protecting the herd and enjoying his status as leader. The High Priest is the keeper of the energetic laws of the community.  He keeps himself clear so that he is a clear channel for the people in his care.   He is responsible to God and his instinct.  It is important to note that in the Druid and Celtic traditions, the High Priest is not unsexed, like the Hierophant.  It is this High Priest energy that we want to use right now, because it is his job to nurture Mother Earth (the Goddess) with his seed.  In the Druid and Celtic traditions, the High Priest comes together with the High Priestess and they copulate, letting go of inhibitions and surrendering to the love and desire that fuel creation.  This is the opportunity presented to us all right now, and it is highlighted by the powerful unifying energy of Venus in Pisces and the New Moon.

The New Moon rises in Taurus on April 26th but we will start feeling the creative pull three days before, so around the 23rd. The Moon rules intuition, the shadowed self, the mystery and things that are hidden.  When we work with the Moon cycles, we are intentionally going into our feeling nature and placing intuition and inner knowing before egocentric storytelling. We are intentionally taking back our femininity and setting our hearts free.  During the Moon cycles, we take the opportunity to listen to our inner knowing, our soul, our intuition.

When the New Moon is in Taurus, we are invited to fill the empty vessel with love, beauty and wealth.  But it would be a misuse of the energy to focus on those principles in material form.  During the Moon phase, we find these things within. Self-love, inner beauty and the true source of wealth.  Here are some questions to ponder over the next several days.  I broke them down in terms of light and shadow to help guide you in healing.

  • Light Questions about Self-Love:  Where am I good to myself?  Where in my world do I see reflections of my loving nature?  How can I push myself more deeply into unconditional love for myself?
  • Shadow Questions about Self-Love:  Where am I not loving myself?  Where am I filling feelings of emptiness with work, food or a busy social schedule?  Where do I deny or repress my true feelings?  Where am I inauthentic?
  • Light Questions about Inner Beauty:  What do I appreciate about myself?  In what ways do I enhance my positive qualities and attributes?  Where have I found true acceptance of myself
  • Shadow Questions about Inner Beauty:  Where is my inner dialogue negating or overly critical?  What beliefs do I hold about myself that are untrue?  In what ways do I overly emphasize the physical?  In what ways do I ignore the promptings of Spirit?
  • Light Questions about Inner Wealth:  In what ways do I recognize abundance in my life?  In what ways do I contribute to the world?  From where does my abundance come?  How can I surrender egocentric control and allow Spirit to flow in its own rhythm.
  • Shadow Questions about Inner Wealth:  Where am I avoiding pleasure?  Where am I focusing on what I don’t have instead of what I do have?  Where am I working for my money instead of allowing money to flow from my love and passion for life and creating?

That’s the opportunity presented at this New Moon.  The Sun is Light and the Moon is Shadow.  Even though the New Moon is about creating and focusing on your desires, you can’t really move into desire if you have walls and blockages that won’t let your heart fully express itself.  You’ve gotta do Shadow Work to set yourself free.  You have to look at your Shadow, nurture your Inner Child, heal your wounds.  Sometimes, this means that you have to go back to traumatic events and relive them so that you can redeem your wounded self.  But you’re fucking grown-up.  Put on your big girl panties (or big boy boxers) and go in there and redeem yourself!  Face your fear!  Stand up to the demons that haunt you.  How else can you go for your dreams?  How else can you know who you are?  You are not the collection of wounds, but the heart that shines at the core of your being.  The New Moon wants you to connect with You.  So do Shadow Work to get beyond the walls of the prison of your mind and get into the heart of your Being.  During the next few days, I want to encourage you to relax your mind and sink into your heart.  Allow yourself to detach from the stories you tell about yourself and the world around you and to let your heart lead you on a journey of self-discovery and awakening.

I am proposing a 10 day Self-Love Challenge where you take advantage of the beneficial Divine Feminine aspects that are working for us.  I literally thought of this as I was making this video, so I have to type up the details.  If you want to participate, I’ll be writing it up over the next couple of days.  To get the details delivered to your inbox, sign up for my Moon Phase and Astrology newsletter.

The challenge will run for 10 days from Sunday, April 23rd through Wednesday, May 3rd.  Our goal will be to shower ourselves with unconditional love and to shift into this new paradigm.  The objectives will be to practice some uplifting meditations over the course of the week, do shadow work when we meet with resistance to love, engage in loving dialogue, look at our beliefs and feed ourselves goodness.  During this time, we are going to nurture ourselves from the inside out.  We’ll use strong spiritual practices, but also nurture our bodies with whole foods from Mother Earth (Taurus is an earth sign and ruler of fertile land) and exercise that helps us get in touch with our bodies and out of our heads.  Venus in Pisces is going to help us feel the love.  Let’s take this journey together and see what we uncover in ourselves.

Sign up to get the Moon Phase and Astrology newsletter below.  You’ll be emailed the details for the challenge.

Lots of love,
Crystal Lynn

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