OA5: Stop Playing Small

Are you playing small in your spiritual life coaching business out of fear of being seen? 🥺

Seriously. This is a thing, y’all.

As women, we are taught to play small, be small, and stay in the realm of ‘the feminine.’ Petite is better than big… and please don’t be taller than your boyfriend. 😂

Look, I’m not criticizing your size preference. But I am suggesting that playing small is NOT OKAY when it comes to honoring your Soul’s Divine Calling to become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach.

Playing small diminishes your natural gifts, clouds your judgment, and confuses your intuition. It contributes to an internal environment of self-doubt and Imposter Syndrome. This is bad for your potential clients, but it’s even worse for you. 🤯

Playing small is a way to keep yourself safe so that you don’t have to step out of your comfort zone and you don’t have to take responsibility for your big dreams. Yes, Sister, I am calling you out by suggesting that your choice to play small is your decision. There’s nothing in the world holding you back or keeping you down except for your own mental blockages.

We all know this gorgeous question Marianne Williamson lovingly asks, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?” And of course, her own response, “Who are you not to be?” 💓

Being called in service to the Divine is a tremendous honor and how you go about it is entirely your own right. However, I would like to present some simple, grounded solutions for overcoming playing it small and small-minded thinking.

The first thing I would suggest you do is to understand that your Soul is older than the life you are living now, and your Divine Calling to become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach is real. This deep urge you have to share your hard-earned wisdom is real. And the things that you have gone through to gain this wisdom cost you a lot— not just in this lifetime… but from all the previous lives you’ve lived. You’ve experienced pain and loss, and you sacrificed so much to become who you are today. And you’ve also done a LOT of good in your past, which is why your Soul is ringing with the desire to be of service now. 🛎

This is not your first time being a helper, Babes! If you do a past life regression, you would probably find that you have been a priestess or even a High Priestess before.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that this Divine Calling is whimsical and new. It’s not. So don’t shy away from the challenge to become a Certified Spiritual Life Coach that helps people heal and transform their lives. You were made for this. 🧗🏾‍♀️

My second recommendation for overcoming smallness is to make a commitment to becoming the best coach you can be. You do that by taking responsibility and getting yourself certified in a program that promises to give you all the skills you need to be an effective coach with a specialty that resonates with your soul. You need a certification program that will bring out your EXCELLENCE. You’re not going to find this kind of depth and meaningfulness in a two-day weekend course on Udemy. My Spiritual Life Coach Certification for Badass Butterflies 🦋program is 10 months long because it is complete and will give you authority and a solid business foundation.

Spiritual life coaching demands that you take a deep dive with your clients on a mental, emotional, energetic, and material level. This requires a depth of study and reflection into a specialized area of study, or niche, that excites you and inspires you to learn deeply. The wisest course of action is to start with the pain you already know. That’s why I say your ‘hard-earned wisdom’ has value.

It doesn’t matter that you’ve never done this kind of work before and it doesn’t matter that you’ve never built and run a business before either. Spirit is on board with your desire and will ensure that you learn what you need. Heck! If you can survive everything you’ve gone through in your past, you can certainly survive getting certified and starting up your business… especially if you have a great mentor and an awesome certification program that will guide and teach you everything you need to know.

My third recommendation to help you overcome small-mindedness is to take the business of coaching seriously. Your Divine Coaching Business will, without a doubt, be super satisfying to your Soul because you will be helping people heal and transform their lives. But doing the work to make your business well-run and built on solid business principles will ensure that you know how to get clients and you create financial prosperity for yourself and your family.

My name is Crystal Lynn Bell and I am the founder of Badass Butterfly Spiritual Life Coaching. 🦋 I created this organization for women like you to learn everything you need to envision, build, and launch your Divine Coaching Business. My certification program came from my desire to help women like you (🐛beautiful caterpillars with the potential of Badass Butterflies) make their Souls Calling to become spiritual life coaches REAL.

My job is to help you have spiritual and material prosperity as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach with your own Divine Coaching Business. 💒 Through my certification process, becoming a spiritual life coach with a thriving business is structured, logical, and doable. My certification will help you stop playing small so you can let your authentic, magnificent, Badass Butterfly self be born!

If you are ready to stop playing small and you want to get started as a Certified Spiritual Life Coach with a good business foundation, and my approach makes sense to you, then book yourself in to talk to me about my certification program:


You can also join my League of Badass Butterflies Facebook community for free: https://www.facebook.com/groups/leagueofbadassbutterflies. You will love this group! I am live streaming and connecting with the other coaches-in-training in the group each week and it’s a great way to learn about my approach to coaching and building your business.

If you want to make your Divine Coaching Business real in 2023, now is the time to get started!


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


COPYRIGHT © 2019 BY CRYSTAL LYNN BELL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Excerpts may be used, with FULL CREDIT given to my website and me as writer. Unauthorized use of Full Article copy or duplication of any material on this website without express and written permission from its author and owner is strictly prohibited. Thank you.