Travel Memories: Good Night from Comox Valley


Friends, we’ve gotta do our Shadow Work consistently if we want to release ego’s attachment to drama. By getting to the core belief that is operating behind our every thought and action, it becomes SO easy to release the fear, anger and anxiety that plague us. Shadow Work also helps us re-awaken to that beautiful part of us that has been buried beneath challenges and abuses– that part of us that, out of fear, we suppressed and ignored.

I remember being a little girl who loved Star Wars, but my peers did not approve. So I suppressed that part of myself that believed it was possible to move objects with her mind; I stopped rushing home to practice my Jedi Mind Tricks so that I could be with my ‘friends’ who seemed to know more than I did because there were so many of them and they were a force of their own.

Today, when I delve into my Shadow Work, I am able to reach back and uncover the hope, trust, optimism, vision and knowingness of that young Jedi Master. She was a soul who knew that you could sing away the blues, dance away depression, and sprout wings to fly when it was necessary.

What do I do with this energy now?

I use it to inform my actions. I use it to evaluate my relationships. I use it to shape my vision. It’s because of the young Jedi Master in me that I create a life of bold richness and beauty. It’s the young Jedi Master in me that reminds me that it is right and good to honor Spirit’s song.

It was the Shadow Work that helped me remember that once upon a time, I was connected to everything and trusted Spirit more than man. If you need some help with doing your Shadow Work, then please message me and we’ll set up some time to discuss what it is and how to do it. I can also recommend reading for you.

Wonder Twin Powers, Activate!

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