Travel Memories: Getting Otherwordly in India

India HorseAn Irish myth goes something like this: King Cormac was traveling through the forest with his wife and five sons when a mysterious warrior appears and steals away the wife and children to the Otherworld. King Cormac raises his army and they charge in pursuit of the warrior, but a strange mist falls upon the horde and King Cormac is separated from his army. He finds himself alone at the mouth of a well, from which flow five rivers. As King Cormac despairs and tries to sort out how best to proceed, the mysteious warrior reappears and reveals himself as the God of the Sea. The God of the Sea reunites King Cormac with his family and explains that the wise man drinks from the rivers of the five senses, which comprise experience, but he also drinks deeply from the Well of Silence that rests at the center of our being.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in the sensual world that we can only find that Well of Silence through loss. The universe will help us find it the hard way if we do not heed its gentle urgings.

You can take a moment right now to take a deep breath, quiet your mind and allow Peace to fill you up. The inner stillness exists to recharge, instruct and inspire you. This is where the Angels, Ascended Masters, Devas, Spirit Guides, Elementals and Ancestors sing their cherished songs for your healing and creativity. And gosh, it’s really cheap to travel there first class. All you need is the desire and about 60 seconds of trust…


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


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