Day 6 of New Moon in Taurus Self-Love Challenge


Welcome to Day 6 of the challenge!  For today, I’m putting your practice into your Divinity’s hands by giving you a powerful tool of communication– Tarot. Reading Tarot cards is an opportunity to have your Spirit Guides and your Higher Mind reflected back to you. Give yourself a simple Tarot reading by focusing on a question and then drawing a card from deck below.  I suggest having your journal handy so that you can write down any inspiration.

You’ll find your objectives, today’s inspiration, your action list and a link to a meditation that you can do to set yourself free of baggage.  Enjoy!

To do a reading, close your eyes and center your thoughts.  Hover your cursor over the deck of cards while you are thinking or intuiting a question.  When you feel inspired, click once on the deck and your card will be revealed.  

Action List
Day 6 Objectives:

  1. To enjoy communing with Spirit using Tarot.
  2. To gain a new perspective on ourselves and our current situation.
  3. To affirm what we have by giving and sharing.


“Your worth is not established by teaching or by learning.  Your worth is established by God.  As long as you dispute this everything you do will be fearful, particularly any situation that lends itself the belief in superiority and authority.” ~ A Course in Miracles, Chapter 4 Section  I, Paragraph 7

To begin this journey of self-love, I want to guide you in exploring an important question:  Who are you?  Sometimes we throw around the idea of self-love with a certain casualness—
“Oh, you have to learn to love yourself.”
“He’ll come when you love yourself.”
“Is that a loving thing to do for yourself?”

We’ve come to think of self-love as an act of nurturing, caring, protecting, or expressing ourselves authentically.  But who is this being with whom we are identifying?  Is it the being who is afraid of being rejected by her peers so she hides out at home, over-indulging on comforting snacks?  Or is she the someone who is an adventurer who travels around the world in search of her holy grail— following her heart, but avoiding the joys of the roots and deep intimacy that come from staying still?

Read the whole article…

Action List
Here is your action list for today

  1. READ:  Your Tarot cards!
  2. MEDITATE:  Do the guided “Meditation to Set Yourself Free.”  This meditation takes about 27 minutes to complete.  It’s about letting go of tension and things that no longer serve you.
  3. JOURNAL:  After doing the meditation and reading your Tarot cards, write about what you discovered!
  4. GIVE:  All of these planets and aspects are particularly generous.  They are naturally generous because they know themselves as infinitely abundant. So please make giving a big part of your journey this week.  Giving is an affirmation of having and it is your belief (and ultimate KNOWING) of your having that is going to make you realize it in your inner world and subsequently in your material world.  In other words, if you want to receive more sexual flirtation from Venus, you have to KNOW that you have it.  Go out and flirt!  Don’t wait until you think you’re ready.  Flirt when you’re not wearing make-up and dressed frumpy.  Flirt when you’re dressed to the nines.  You have it now.  Go share your beautiful self.  Same thing with money.  Don’t wait until you think you have more money than you need… hell, that could be like waiting for Godot (remember that from French Existentialism?  He never arrived!)  Take a risk on trust and give now.  You don’t have to empty your bank account, but you also can relax the purse strings a little bit.  These planets and aspects are not waiting to give you what’s already yours.  It’s already yours!  You’re just tuning into them to turn on your own channels that are blocked by your egoic self.  So stop pretending like you don’t have it and go give it.  Do this every day.  Give something every day because you are abundant every day.  Give to charity, make a donation, offer something to the homeless, volunteer to help, make a meal and share it with someone, give money to a friend, bake cookies for your local fire department, go perform for children in the hospital, share your smile, share your ideas, talk to people in line at the post office, share yourself.


Enjoy this meditation I recorded.  It’s called Set Yourself Free and it’s super relaxing…


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Here I am! Eccomi qui!

Florence, Italy


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